Topic: New Enterprise tonight very cool show  (Read 8004 times)

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New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« on: February 19, 2003, 08:00:34 pm »
The Tholians ships  very  cool looking.

The other ships also very cool looking.

One of the better shows to date other than dead stop. Gets two thumbs up from me.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »

The Stormwalker

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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2003, 08:06:51 pm »
Two things I found interesting:

1. The futrue ship was bigger inside then out, that was pretty neat.

2. The Tholians were bad news. I counted 4 of them and they trashed the Vulcan warship and all those Sulliban by them selves.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2003, 08:07:08 pm »
I missed the first half hour (after the intro)

The last thing I saw was that they thought the body was Zephram Cocrane, then they were running from the Tholians and Suliban.

What was the first half hour about?


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2003, 08:11:47 pm »
Dont know I missed the first part of it as well, Have to watch it again sunday. Tape it too maybe.


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2003, 08:12:00 pm »
did ya see the bird of prey in the future device archer and t'pol were lookin at? ; )


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2003, 09:34:50 pm »
It was a pretty good show. Next weeks looks good too. They seem to have put episodes with some action on. The last couple had some good fights.  


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2003, 09:49:46 pm »
yes i would say its becoming a good show    !!!!  it always takes time      


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2003, 09:52:07 pm »

did ya see the bird of prey in the future device archer and t'pol were lookin at? ; )  

Nope, but I did see a Vor'cha


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2003, 12:52:42 am »
I think this might have been the best episode so far. Better script and a few neat ideas. Also took a bow to previous ST shows and movies. Hope they keep the writer(s) who did this particular episode.  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2003, 06:20:39 am »

Two things I found interesting:

1. The futrue ship was bigger inside then out, that was pretty neat.

2. The Tholians were bad news. I counted 4 of them and they trashed the Vulcan warship and all those Sulliban by them selves.  

LOL Couldn't help think TARDIS for that Scene but I enjoyed the episode. Fell asleep around the last part of it Damn that girl and her 2 hour finale. I prefer to watch Enterprise at 8pm as opposed to 10pm. Good thing is that I have it on tape to watch it again. I liked that they kept the overall design of the Tholians similar to the classic episode. It was a very good episode  


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2003, 07:11:29 am »
What I liked the most was the ending. No explanation of why it disappeared, who took it, or what side the Tholians represent. Have to get away from the  "solve it all in 60 minutes Voyager pattern " before this show can become better.    

Captain KoraH

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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2003, 09:45:15 am »
I thought it was interesting that the Tholians were going to board Enterprise, I couldn't wait to see my first Tholian! But alas, I KNEW they woudn't show one in the ... erm.. "flesh".  


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2003, 10:13:11 am »










   BERMAN!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!

(SghnDubh now checks himself into therapy.)  



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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2003, 11:16:19 am »
Yeah, isn't that fun how they make up these rules like phasers can't fire at warp and then violate them pell-mell?  Ok so now I want my phasers to fire at warp and I want shields at warp in SFC3.  If enterprise can polarize armour plating at warp, surely two centuries later we can have shields at warp.


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2003, 11:52:14 am »
Ok, unless it's been mentioned somewhere else I'm not aware of the "phaser's cannot fire at warp" began with the first motion picture.  The problem is that the movie doesn't actually state that they cannot.

The enterprise goes to warp, but has an engine imbalance, and enters a wormhole.  Kirk give the order to ready phasers, but Decker counters the order and has Chekov ready photons.  Kirk wants to know why, Decker responds "Sir, the Enterprise's redesign increases phaser power by channeling it through the main engines.  When they went into anti-matter imbalance, the phasers were automatically cut off."

So, we know that phasers are physically capable of being fired at warp. Otherwise, Kirk never would have given the order.  Also we find that phasers, which are now routed through the main engines, cannot be fired during an engine imbalance, rather than not firing at warp at all.

They also had shields during warp, as Kirk orders the forward shields to full during the wormhole incident.  


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2003, 01:05:38 pm »
Well.....OK see below, but I don't EVER remember Kirk firing Phasers at warp in TOS. Help me out here.

Anyway from Ex Astris Scientia (


Phaser beams There is only one definite fact about phasers, that they release stored energy and need to be recharged at latest after some shots, as opposed to lasers whose energy output is continous. A phaser beam probably doesn't consist of charged particles (ions) either, because the beam would quickly disperse due to the mutual repulsion of equally charged ions and because it would be rather easy to shield a ship against them with a static electromagnetic field. The shields in Star Trek, however, are always high-frequency fields, and they are probably not electromagnetic, but of gravitational nature. It is even more nebulous of what exactly the beams of phasers consist since VOY: "Scorpion" when the weapons were suddenly capable of firing macroscopic objects in the form of nanoprobes. No matter how hard I try, I can't imagine how they could survive in there, unless the phaser worked similar to a transporter, meaning that some sort of annular confinement beam can be added or is intrinsically available, just as the transporter beam that keeps macroscopic objects in one piece.

Phasers at warp
We have occasionally seen phasers being fired at warp, like in VOY: "Message in a Bottle" or DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River". If the phaser were anything like a laser in that it released photons, it would be restricted to exactly the speed of light. A particle beam consisting of ions, on the other hand, could reach any desired speed below c. A confinement beam, like already mentioned above, could be the solution to this problem too. If this beam extends the warp bubble around the phaser beam, the beam itself would be able to travel at FTL speed. A similar technology is used for FTL processing in 24th century computer cores, according to the TNGTM, and the warp sustainer engine of a photon torpedo (see further below) may work like this too in that it "grabs" the warp field from a starship. The problem is that this kind of confinement would have to be still another one than the confinement beam that would allow objects like nanoprobes to "ride" on a phaser beam.

Probably in response to previous inconsistencies, the DS9TM explicitly mentions the possibility of firing phasers at warp, thanks to the recent development of an "ACB-jacketed beam device".  



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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2003, 03:34:35 pm »
Well in Silent Enemy I think, Malcom said he couldn't fire the cannons as he needed to compensate for particle drift. He must have compensated by this episode.


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2003, 05:23:26 pm »

Well.....OK see below, but I don't EVER remember Kirk firing Phasers at warp in TOS. Help me out here.

Watch the episode with the woman with the love potion tears. The Enterprise's engines were sabotaged and had to stay at sublight while the Klingon D-7 made strafing runs at warp firing disruptors, the Enterprise performed sublight tactical manuevers.

Episode where the Orion pirate makes high speed warp runs at the Enterprise , both at warp exchanging phaser shots.

I don't remember the names of the episodes but there are many Practically every battle occured at warp which is the reason SFB used the scale they did for the game.

Phasers are phased energy (ie not restricted to normal space) hence the name.  Even Rodenberry had no idea what they actually were, he just wanted something that sounded close enough to lasers (which most people had an idea about at that time but also knew they only travelled at the speed of light) but could be fired at FTL speeds. Thus his change from the Pilot episode of "The Cage" from lasers to phasers.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2003, 05:28:24 pm by Aldaron »


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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2003, 05:49:42 pm »

You owe me $17.99 x 6 because now I have to buy the friggin TOS episodes on DVD and re-watch them.

So yes there seems to be plenty of evidence to the contrary, but I distinctly remember someone say that phasers can't fire at warp during a TNG episode. I can't remember if it was "Q Who" and they were being chased at high warp by the cube & therefore only shot torps, or another one.

I don't need anything else to do, but this is bugging me. Gonna have to research it.



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Re: New Enterprise tonight very cool show <-NOT!!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2003, 07:31:05 pm »
I like that they're getting away from that rule, no matter how much scientific sense it makes.

It looks cooler when you fire them at warp.