Well here is the latest results for Capt. Zoom 3:
From AlienLXIX
Noun--- diaper
Adjective--- smelly
Adjective--- nasti
Type Of Gas--- poo
Type Of Liquid--- pee
Number--- 50
Color--- olive drab green
Another Color--- fleshy pink
Number--- 10
Number--- 89
Noun--- lace teddy
Type Of Food (Plural)--- Spotted Dicks (it's pudding! REALLY! ask the Brits!)
Plural Noun--- adult toys
Part Of Body (Plural)--- nipples
Town--- Anytown USA
Adveb--- freakishly
Adjective--- hairy
From Hesta
Noun--- shuttlecraft
Adjective--- tall
Adjective--- boyish
Type Of Gas--- Premium Unleaded with Tekron
Type Of Liquid--- T-1000 liquid steel
Number--- i (square root of -1)
Color--- teal
Another Color--- chartreuse
Number--- 911
Number--- 546372
Noun--- marmoset
Type Of Food (Plural)--- poptarts
Plural Noun--- marsupials
Part Of Body (Plural)--- elbows
Town--- New Vertiform City
Adveb--- quickly
Adjective--- best
From Kren
Noun--- microwave oven
Adjective--- frumpy
Adjective--- thunderously
Type Of Gas--- gasohol
Type Of Liquid--- Hazelnut coffee
Number--- 97.835
Color--- tope
Another Color--- sea foam green
Number--- 01134
Number--- infinity + 1
Noun--- Klingon battle thong
Type Of Food (Plural)--- 3 month old rotten cheese snacks
Plural Noun--- sea monkeys
Part Of Body (Plural)--- ears
Town--- Orlando, FL
Adveb--- orangey
Adjective--- lopsided
and the final list
Noun--- Diaper
Adjective ---Frumpy
Adjective--- Smelly
Type Of Gas---Premium Unleaded with Tekron
Type Of Liquid--- Hazelnut coffee
Number--- 97.835
Color---Olive drab green
Another Color--- Chartreuse
Number--- 01134
Number--- 89
Noun--- Klingon battle thong
Type Of Food (Plural) --- 3 month old rotten cheese snacks
Plural Noun---Adult toys
Part Of Body (Plural)--- Elbows
Town --- Orlando, FL
Adveb--- Freakishly
Adjective--- lopsided
And Now for ------
Captain Zoom 3 After zapping everything he could see around his spaceship with his
Alpha Particle Disintegrator
Diaper, Captain Zoom began
to explore the
Frumpy planet Hang-On. Hang-On had
smelly atmosphere containing lots of
Premium Unleaded with Tekronand
Hazelnut coffee. The natives were about
97.835 feet tall and
Olive drab green except for their hair, which was
They had
01134 arms and
89 fingers on each
Klingon battle thong.
They lived by growing
3 month old rotten cheese snacks and fertilizing them
Adult toys. They welcomed Captain Zoom with
Elbows. They took him to their capital city,
Orlando, FL, and said they wanted to make him
their king. "I couldn't," he said
Freakishly, "because
I am a/an
Lopsided American."
I'll have the final instalment of the Captain Zoom series up tomorrow so for right now, I hope you enjoyed this Klingon Battle Thong filled episode.