Topic: Has anyone found a way to precisely beat "Elusive Quarry" in Single Player,yet?  (Read 1263 times)

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Dear Taldren and August Ladies and Gentlemen of this Forum,Has anyone found a way the precisely beat "Elusive Quarry" in Single Player mode,yet? I've been using the Beta Patch for S.F.C.III. That part of the game is a "Four Letter Word"! And,I could really use some help form the more Tactically Astute among you. Thank You for your time,Folks. Joseph L. Rand.(  


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Try here for help.
There are some tips for all the missions at this site.

I found a Nebula class or better is best. Try to capture one or two rommie ships to draw some fire.
The captured ships also will wear down the other rommies shields.  I also try to stay at the perimeter of the battle to better able to keep fire to a reinforced shield.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2004, 11:19:57 am by CmdrK »


  • Guest
Dear Taldren and August Ladies and Gentlemen of this Forum,Has anyone found a way the precisely beat "Elusive Quarry" in Single Player mode,yet? I've been using the Beta Patch for S.F.C.III. That part of the game is a "Four Letter Word"! And,I could really use some help form the more Tactically Astute among you. Thank You for your time,Folks. Joseph L. Rand.(  


  • Guest
Try here for help.
There are some tips for all the missions at this site.

I found a Nebula class or better is best. Try to capture one or two rommie ships to draw some fire.
The captured ships also will wear down the other rommies shields.  I also try to stay at the perimeter of the battle to better able to keep fire to a reinforced shield.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2004, 11:19:57 am by CmdrK »