Being that my "dating" experience consists of getting married out of high school. And being with the same woman from then to proberly eternity. My advice properly sucks.
Anyway, My two cents. It sounds like she wants to "own" you. She makes the boundries and you follow her lead. She sets the rules, and there is no "input" from you. (ie No "agreement" of two parties, just a "rule of one.")
You must be in "love" with her, or you would have blown her off a while ago. (at least I presume) Or? its not serious, and you want more to the "relationship" then what is there. With that stated.
It seems you are lower then her best friends. And a relaitionship is supposed to be about being his\her best friend and more. If she does not want to be close to you. There has to be a reason. (ie hurt in the past, insecurity's, She is Bi, etc)
You could be her "To be blunt" Fark toy. a pseudo relaitionship of consentual "sex", booze, etc. Without commitment. She's possibly "Using" you. And you possibly have fallen for her bad. And if she does not share your "love". Then its just lust for her. Not love.
Mention "marriage" Or whatever "Cohabitation" is called these days. And if she runs for the hills. Let her go. She doesn't want committment and without commentment in a relaitionship. You are but her "fark" toy.
But if you want a "fark" toy. Like Bonk seems to like.

Then stay with her.
Thats my sucky advice. (I am proberly way off the mark here. You need to provide more information so We can advice better.)
"I talked to her last night, and I told her that I was a bit upset at not having the oppurtunity to spend more time with her, and she understands that. She told me that she has been upset and sick, and sometimes feels that I don't give her enough space, which I try very hard to do.
The fact is, we don't go out on dates a whole lot, we hang out together occaisionally, but when it comes to going out she's more likely to brush me off for the girls. Now this doesn't gel with how she's told me she feels, and therein lies the problem. We feel much the same about each other, yet I'm partial to wanting to spend time with her, whereas she seems to want only limited exposure."