Topic: Romulan vengence  (Read 1075 times)

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Romulan vengence
« on: January 10, 2004, 07:41:26 pm »
The warbird RIS Tav?ral was sent on a covert mission to investigate Klingon activity in the Kandor system near the Romulan border  on the orders of Admiral Jardan V?taal. On board ,on his first mission as sub-commander, was the admiral?s son Sevan V?taal. Shortly after crossing the border under cloak Sub-commander V?taal reported unusual high tachyon emissions from a nearby asteroid field.The arrogant Commander of the Tav?ral dismissed the warnings and proceeded into Klingon space. This was a fatal mistake. The emissions were from a new IKV detection system linked to a series of cloaked mines. As soon as the first mines detonated the patrol ships were on the warbird; a Vorcha and two B?rel . The first  combined volley took out the port shields and weapons. The warbird was too slow to protect its downed shield and the vorcha moved in and fired again exploding several plasma conduits causing heavy casualties, including the admiral?s son. Transferring all remaining power to shields and engines the warbird was able to escape across the border. Fortunately Martok had given strict orders that no klingon ship was to enter Romulan space.

Hearing of his son?s death the admiral immediately began an investigation of the logs and sensor data from the Tav?ral. Enraged at the Commander for ignoring Sevan?s warnings, the admiral had him executed and commisioned a new class of attack cruiser the?V?taal?.
The new design combined features of all three vessels in the battle.
Heavily armored, armed with a Mega-disruptor cannon,wing-tip pulse and beam disruptor arrays and an auxillary weapons pod.
Improved maneuvering and acceleration and the experimental Kelvas elliptical twin-singularity drive .
Designed for revenge for the death of his son?..

Sorry, this probably should have been in fan-fiction forum. I have no modeling skills and have never even tried to make a box before. I?ve seen so many great models from talented people here I was inspired to at least try. This is my first ship from a sketch I did about a year ago, a WIP with more mistakes than I can count and I hope to learn from it. Right now it has modified , borrowed textures from existing models, with some originals. In the future I hope I can perhaps learn enough to bring it up to the standards set by the talent I have seen in this forum.

Thanks to Chris and Ryan for convincing me to show it in a public forum. (Here you go guys)



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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2004, 09:26:52 pm »
well, that ship kicks ass, what I can see of it anyways.


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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2004, 11:02:30 pm »
the ship looks good very good very good very good   sory

ok what are the specs? (drools)  


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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2004, 01:39:55 am »
do you think u can provide better pix (more light on the ship) and list who's stuff yea used. I can see it looks to have used bird textures from the D2 or perhaps raven's dmad  or somehing...but I would say it's one of the collest romulan ships in a while that doesn't look like a reused design.


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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2004, 06:35:21 pm »
She's absolutely beautiful.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2004, 10:44:22 pm »
Great Model! Really like the texturing. I also like your ESG impact .bmp (I assume that's the blueish weapon impact.)  


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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2004, 10:36:21 am »
Now that's a neat lookin' Rommie, sir!

And the write-up on her covert mission history is cool, too!

BTW, where did those Klingon textures come from?  You've got two that I've never seen before...


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Re: Romulan vengence
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2004, 08:10:53 pm »
Thank you very much. I was very reluctant to show a first effort in public but a couple of relatives kept after me until i did. Which textures are you refering to?