Topic: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!  (Read 3085 times)

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Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« on: November 30, 2003, 09:07:29 pm »
I have decided to make an extremely early era mod.

The game starts in the year 2229 (year -33). In the original game, the medium speed missles will come in at year 5.  As it stands, this would be 2234, WAY too early for medium drones!!!

I would like to make sure that medium drones don't come in until 2268 (year 5 in the current game, year 39 in the mod). How do I do this???

Also, how do I make drones with no tails??




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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2003, 11:28:53 am »
With, the years of availability have been hardcoded to specific years. I assume that if you change the .MCTs to start earlier, and have the shiplist to the same with the YFAs and YLAs, it'll have the effect you're looking for.


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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2003, 11:49:23 am »
 .MCTs??? I'm sorry, what are they???

I changed all the FYAs and LYAs already and set the reset the file accoridngly but I've never even heard of .MCTs




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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2003, 12:02:18 pm »
.MCTs are the campaign files you'll find for D2 campaigns. These are found in Assets/Scripts/Campaigns/

.. that is, of course, if you are doing something for the D2.


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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2003, 12:10:14 pm »
What about single player will they work for that too?

What would one have to do with a .MCT and how, and with what program?




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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2003, 02:28:15 pm »

What about single player will they work for that too?

What would one have to do with a .MCT and how, and with what program?


1- Single-player D2 uses the same scripts as multiplayer D2.
2- Why don't you go edit the current .MCTs with notepad and go see for yourself.


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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2003, 04:48:04 pm »
The game won't even run now!

I put in my new shiplists, and the adjusted file and the game ctd's when I try to start a campaign!

What's going on??




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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2003, 04:53:37 pm »
I've thought about doing very early era mods but the fact that "slow" missiles travel at speed 16 really screws up the desired power curves. A speed 8 and 12 missile are required but unless a script can implement them we're stuck with these rather fast "slow" missiles.


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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2003, 05:06:35 pm »
Ah-Ha!!!! I have to do the fighter list too don't I???




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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2003, 11:53:42 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

Ah-Ha!!!! I have to do the fighter list too don't I???



Not really. I remember you were writing on the models forum as well. Just print me here your modified file and explain once more what you have done in shiplist.txt and MCT's files since they were original.
Then I will tell you exacly what is going on and why your game doesn't work right now, ok?
Don't worry I'll help you  


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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2003, 10:20:54 pm »
The file now reads....

BaseYear   = 2229
0         = 0
1         = 10
2         = 20
3         = 40

Everything else in the file is the same.....

To the shiplist, I have altered the "first year available" and the "last year available" columns to reflect the change in base year in the file.  In order to do this I added 34 to every year entry (except the 999 entries) since year -34 was now year 0. I did not alter the SFB dates though......

The .MCT files I left alone cuz I don't know what the hell I'm doing in there.




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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2003, 09:36:04 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

The file now reads....

BaseYear   = 2229
0         = 0
1         = 10
2         = 20
3         = 40

Everything else in the file is the same.....

To the shiplist, I have altered the "first year available" and the "last year available" columns to reflect the change in base year in the file.  In order to do this I added 34 to every year entry (except the 999 entries) since year -34 was now year 0. I did not alter the SFB dates though......

The .MCT files I left alone cuz I don't know what the hell I'm doing in there.



The file looks fine. I have done the same modifications on mine, and the game worked fine. Despite the fact you should add "-34" to all Year available sections in shiplist.txt. Currently there are four such sections. First two are near the first column in this file. Two others form two last columns in this file (these are more important because they're responsible for ship and other stuff time-appearance in the game). The first two must reflect the time difference included in the last ones. That's all propably.
If your campaign doesn't start it might be related to MCT's.

In case of further problems Try to alter "3     =40" to "3=   30". If not you have wrong entrys in MCT's or in shiplist.txt file.
That's all what I can tell you now...  


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Re: Missle availablility question - My first Mod!!
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2004, 11:58:47 pm »

I have decided to make an extremely early era mod.

The game starts in the year 2229 (year -33). In the original game, the medium speed missles will come in at year 5.  As it stands, this would be 2234, WAY too early for medium drones!!!

I would like to make sure that medium drones don't come in until 2268 (year 5 in the current game, year 39 in the mod). How do I do this???

Also, how do I make drones with no tails??



Alas, the drone speed dates are now hardcoded in OP to a set number of years.  Medium speed drones will now ALWAYS show up in year 4.   The date of year 4 will vary depending upon what you set your base year to, but medium speed drones will always show up in the 4th year.  

There are no real "dates" in SFC.  There is a year zero set by your base year, and then there is an integer counter.  The date in your campaign shows as year zero plus the number of game years.  Ships are released the number of integer years shown by their FYA.  Drones switch from slow to medium in year 4.  The era settings you see in the file no longer do anything.  (They used to, but not anymore after the last coupld of patches.)

HOWEVER!  The file still works in SFC2:EAW.  This is the platform I built the Four Powers War for.  If you want to put your early era mod in EAW, you can still set drones to change speed in whatever year you wish.  Make slow drones last for 10, 20, or 30 game years.
