Topic: Poll: Will Atra's site ever be back up?  (Read 973 times)

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Poll: Will Atra's site ever be back up?
« on: January 13, 2004, 07:29:50 pm »
Well, I've been kinda out of the loop as of late, got a divorce and had to part ways with my old computer (along with the old wife), all my games (bummer), and all the SFC ships I collected along the way.  My question is this; does anyone know where I can get all the kick-arse ships atra was releasing back in Spt. and Nov. of last year?  Managed to get almost all of the other ones from other modellers, such as P81's D2 mod and various others that where near and dear to me.  Very glad that I managed to get all the great ones from The galactic paint and body shop before I went away, and am THRILLED to see the great work being released by Lord Schutpp.  All that remains are the elusive atra models.  I plan on doing 'The Definitive SFC:OP mod' for myself, staying as close to what I believe to be realistic and plausible, with an emphasis on frigates and destroyers as that has always been the backbone of real navies.

Any help would be very welcome.

If someone could find the time to e-mail me the zip's, my address is

many thanks and it's great to be back to this wonderful community!  

Captain Ron

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Re: Poll: Will Atra's site ever be back up?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 07:34:02 pm »
StarFleet Universe might have them.

Atras stuff was hosted on a friends server who was moving to a new ISP. I do not know if Atra is still planning on reopening after the move.