As just posted.. I decided to play around with the mesh a little bit last night to see what could be done with it.. and smooth as butter, the completed kitbash emerged. This was literally *the easiest* kitbash I've ever done.

I love working with LS's stuff..

So here was the WIP shots.. and then the new texture shots..
New mesh shots (rendered)

And then I talked to Nanner and showed him the pix.. and he wondered if the new nacelles would be less.. um, white.. in the swirlie area. Which brought this shot in...

And that got Nanner tickled.. so this morning, I did work on the textures and got those completed (and built some templates for these for ease of use the next time I want to do a registry for one of these)...

So it's all ready to go, once we can get Lord Schtupp's permission to release. This is going to be for the Generations mod, and for SFC 3.. but if Nanner and LS don't mind too much, after the Generations mod is complete and released, I wouldn't mind converting this over to SFC 1 and releasing for SFC 1 and SFC 2 as well.
So what do you think Lord Schtupp? If it meets your approval, can we release this for the Generations mod, and maybe for SFC 1 and SFC 2 afterwards?