I thought maybe some of you that know more about windows xp than I do might be able to help me with this one.
Every time I take a hard drive with windows xp loaded on it and move it to a new computer this happens.
I just get a big old blue screen of death. The machine will not boot, not even in safe mode. What ends up happening is that
I have to reformat the drive and re-install xp from scratch.
I've tried doing this several times, and it always happens. In each occasion the motherboard is different on the new computer.
I am assuming this is part of the problem, but I'd think windows would come up in safe mode or that I could force it to
boot in safe mode. But even if I am lucky enough to get it to allow me to select safe mode it still craps out.
Any suggestions?
<I hate Bill Gates, I hate him so very, very much
