Anduril-Glad to hear that you have the Fast Cruiser designs in mind. The CVF
Gryphon is of particular interest to me, as having served on her is a part of my D2 character's profile.
As stated above, the three CF's were the
Eagle, and
Stingray. They were built in Y167, Y168, and Y169, replacing the normal CA's in the production schedule for those years (SFB Module R6).
Now, the hull numbers of these vessels are not mentioned anywhere that I can find in the SFB literature, although I believe that they have been referred to as 1602, 1603, and 1604, respectively.
According to the Captain's Starship Registry, the 1600-series ships that are listed are *Heavy Cruisers:
1601 Agincourt
1605 Port Moresby
1612 Pharsallus
1621 Hastings
1635 Isandlwana
1649 Arbela
(*The NCA-class ships are 1651-1662)
If the numbers mentioned for the CF's are to be taken as correct, this would indicate that the
Agincourt was built in Y166 (the
Agincourt, of course, was later heavily damaged, and was refit as the Federation's only CAD Heavy Drone Cruiser, until the introduction of the NDC). This makes sense in the context that, as of Y165, the 1700 numbers were being used for CC's in production. Starfleet would have seen the need for continued Heavy Cruiser production (especially with the General War on the horizon), and NCC-1601
USS Agincourt was the first of these. So, following that logic, with one heavy cruiser per year built, as mentioned, and the one CVF built in Y173, you get an NCC number of 1608 for
USS Gryphon.
Schtupp-I agree with your assessment of the Coronado, although I believe Atra said is has WADE deflector units (can't remember off-hand). Hence, why I posted the pic of the cover of J2.
Speaking of the Coronado, I use it for the CVD Interdiction carrier (J2). In the description of the CVD, it says, "The CVD was built on a CVS hull, but rearranged the saucer section to eliminate the photons and some other systems and make room for a second fighter bay with a complete second squadron of fighters."
The raised section on the rear of the saucer section fits the bill for me quite well.
Rod-What pic did you send Atra? The J2 cover?