They could get really creative and include a disk of the most popular user mods for the pre-3 part of the series...I bet most authors would glady sign off to have their mods included in an "official approved" package....Gee...isnt one of those mods being done right now for OP called GaW?....what an amazing co-inky dink.... *nudge nudge,wink wink*
What would I pay for such a boxed set? 60 to 80 bucks maybe...if the bonus disk of user made stuff was included?....80 to 100...
IIRC...werent there certain rights to expansions and addons to SFC: EAW until 2005?...who got those rights when the license transfered?
And since OP is an expansion itself....can it get an addon legally?.....just wondering outloud...heh..
I bet such an addon to a boxed set would sell as a DL directly from the devoloper
