It's kind of fun how food changes from 'cheap' food to delicacy (and back).
Few cases in point:
Salmon used to be luxury food, and prices were very high.
Then fish farming became standard, and prices dropped to the point where it was suddenly 'common' food. (Except salmon has a peculiar, 'fat' taste that, while good, isn't something you can eat often without getting severely tired of it.).
Same with lutnakke (a part of lutefisk) - with lutefisk packed in barrels for export to portugal in old days, the 'neck' of the fish was chopped off to make it fit in barrels. Since they were 'surplus' the workers got to take it home for dinner for free. It was considered very 'low' food, but as barrel exports ended, people realized it was one of the best bits and it became luxury food.
You can probably think of other local versions of the same.