The question is.. do you like it?
Just need to track down Anduril now and see if he would mind his ship being used in this way (and maybe see if he has some original 512s for it as well.. my 256 -> 512 bumped up textures don't look bad, but original 512s would look better).
If he's okay with it, and you are, then I'll release it.
And I've finished two sets of registries for this one.. Bernard's original 2530 registry number for TMP "canon", and one lowered 500 to put it roughly into the range of the Surya and similar ships.. so it's looking like this now..
Will probably do two more small things to it, add some secondary hull lighting on that red flaggie thingie on the secondary hull so it's lit in lower light, and maybe slightly change the torpedo slots texture-wise just a little bit as well.
But other than that, it's done and ready to released as soon as I do up credits and track down Anduril.