Topic: HydranCha  (Read 8251 times)

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2003, 06:42:55 pm »
Yea guys, make ships make ships!

Atra  his stuff is different, and Ya could have been percieved as come across a tad harshly or even elitist.  

You guys are artists.  And artistic types (Pressure cooker mentality) tend to spontaniously create words as well as art.  

Advantage of a model.  Ya make it, it stinks you can throw it away.  Words ya get stuck with..  if ya let 'em.   I've  swapped E-mails with you, and watched your work for a long time.  Your good, please, more please, more more more more more.....

Skinman's stuff is NOT mainstream.  I gotta hint he's aware of that.  :-)  Let him be different.  

Sandman sends

(Formo np, didn't think they were)


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2003, 10:46:51 pm »
My grandmother is 99 years old and sometimes she wanders off topic in a conversation. But I don't think as bad as some of the topics i see here. I thought  this thread was about getting this ship up for D/L.(Is it up yet?)

I have a lot of Atra's stuff in my game . I also have a lot of Skin"s stuff too. I think both put out some great models. I feel that comments and suggestions on modeling technique,etc. should be sent  by e-mai. Please let the forum  concentrate  on presenting new models and getting them out to the players.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2003, 08:52:31 am »

 I feel that comments and suggestions on modeling technique,etc. should be sent  by e-mai. Please let the forum  concentrate  on presenting new models and getting them out to the players.  

Well, I can see where you're coming from. But back when I had time to put out free models, what I looked for most of all were critical remarks, because I thought those were worth about 100 "praise" remarks because they help guide me to perfection. Praise is nice, but I dismissed most of it, because I regarded the criticism as the real gems.

For example, "That looks way too fake". Or "That looks way too cartoonish". Or "That shouldn't be that color". You know, all of these comments may come across as harsh if you have a lot of pride, but if someone said something like that to me about some of my workl, I would be truly truly grateful because I do not want anybody looking at my hard work and saying "That just does not look right". Otherwise what is the point of persisting to make models, if not one day to attain perfection?

I remember some of the first criticisms of my work that came from people who were soon to become my greates buddies on this board. One that sticks out in my mind is something Anduril said about the smoothness of my very first Romulan Bird of Prey. He said something to the effect of "I'll be waiting for a smoother version of it"...maybe not in those words exactly, but that was the gist. I remember thinking: "What does he think this is, a Burger King?" Anyways, I looked into why my model was not as smooth as I wanted it to be, and I beleive Cleeve pointed out that <i>I was not using the smoothing function</i>. OK, for those of you who know what that means....that's like a rookie rookie mistake. And it wasn't even a mistake...I SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW I COULD SMOOTH THE POLIES. Meaning, I was a total ignoramus. Nobody told me it existed. I did not know about it, period. My only defense is that that was among my very first models, and I was still learning how to do it. After I learned about it tho, the look of my models improved about 1000 %. See, that is one instance in my personal career as a modeler where criticism, not praise, helped me to learn a new skill and raise my knowledge about the trade, and improve the look of my models.  

And my reverence for criticism poured on my work continued to help me for the rest of my models. And you know what? When somebody says something...I LISTEN. Back wehn I used to post WIP images, I would take the criticism, comments, and suggestions very seriously, so in effect the final product was a combined effort of me and my viewing audience. I even produced multiple variations of some works to satisfy some specific desires, even if it meant a tiny tint change.

So, in closing, don't anybody close yourself off from criticism of your work, because it will tell you something about your work that you did not notice before. This is the only way to attain perfection. Not that I've persoanlly attained perfection, but at least I know that is the road we must travel to attain it.

Now when I say "mosquito welts" about Skin's work on this particular model,  I do mean that. And you know, if this were my model and if someone said that to me, I would not get angry and strike back at them. I would take a look at my work again, and you know what? In the end, a part of me will probably end up saying "You're right". It involves some swallowing of one's pride, and a personal admission that one is not the greatest most pereft modeling being in the universe.    

Lord Schtupp

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2003, 11:50:57 am »
Agree with Atra. Criticism on model work is certainly what I like to see (in a tactful way), made my ships better. At least the artist knows that ppl are really looking at his/her work and will use it in game, and not just blowing smoke. Anyway that is what makes these WIP threads interesting I think. Otherwise whats the point of WIP thread? (I know this is not a WIP)

Now take Skinmans work here. This ship looks awesome almost like an HR Giger ship (esp from above) with the soft embossing etc. but I see what Atra was getting at, and Skinmans technique might not look so good on a Fed ship for example. It looks great here; really looks ALIEN you know, like all of smans ships i think. But If i were to critique anything about it, the embossing does give an illusion of extra-bumpiness and maybe the shadow/highlights in those areas should have less contrast and/or less embossed edge to minimize this effect.

But hey Awesome design, very nice model. I cant do an Alien ship cuz my brain is too mechanical so Im envious. So.....

.....Great work Skinman!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Lord Schtupp »

Captain KoraH

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2003, 12:26:16 pm »
Hey I'm not a real big fan of Hydran conversions, but I just wanted to say your ship does look great.

Captain KoraH


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2003, 12:28:07 pm »
Well see what pisses me off the most is Atrahasis is have you even look at my ORIGNAEL cha? I dont think you have.
So i will post some old screen shots for you, in taldrens mod viewer too.

do you see what you call "mosquito" welts" on it? No you dont....  
Like i said at the start of your little ATTENTION Trips in my post. This was a RETEXTURE of my cha by a Friend.

So what you call  "mosquito" welts" are not made by me. Maybe if you would stop runing your mouth and read once of what ether people say and not just flame flame flame, we would not have to go thrue this bullsh*t like i said . But this is what you wanted fromt he start to get ATTENTION and try and pic things that you think are bad with my texture work.

Hears  some more pics of my ORIGNAEL cha that i posted like 7 month back when i made it.

Like i said i let my texture and model work speek for it self. I don't think i need to say any more, you all ready have made your self look like a fool.




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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2003, 01:14:02 pm »
Skin dude, you could have pointed out that the welts were not your doing, you didn't make that clear. Anyways, I'd like to say you have a really nice attitude and a very colorful vocabulary! And yes, obviously I had not seen your original one. And when I criticize comething, don't take it personal, like when I criticed your Nova-type starship as well. It's all just opinion, you can choose to accept it or block it out, whatever you like. But instead of getting all huffy about it you should value criticism as the gems they are, that's the sign of somebody...mature.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2003, 01:51:37 pm »

This was a retexture someone did of my klingon into a hydran,What you think should i post it for download?

As you can see i did point that out from the start, But you  probly got  blinded by your need to flame and troll, and did not see it.
Like i said you go into my post looking to flame and start trouble with me. I find you a troll and ego driven, I value criticism, but not from the likes of you. I am sorry but all you have did and said has only made me not respect you, Maybe you should stop and think before you flame.




Lord Schtupp

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2003, 02:00:23 pm »
Hey skin what I had pointed out was just aggravated by the color change over to hydran. In your originals the contrast in the embossed edges are much less noticable. Funny that both you and Atra build the finest kingon ships IMHO lol. I wish i had half the texture talent that you guys do.

Extremly awesome work Skinman.

Lord Schtupp

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2003, 04:49:46 pm »
SkinMan - Hearty congratulations on your well earned winning contest entry!



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2003, 02:33:41 am »
  Critisisim is very important to improving ones work. But I do have to say that you should learn a little tact when giving it. I value anyones critisisim and am constantly sending WIP pics to my buddies, because I know they wont blow smoke at me. I for one have always enjoyad skinmans work. I find it very refreshing to see a different and unique style. I like the way he uses soft lines and brighter colors. In contrast, I like the  angular look and sharp textures of your ships also Atra.

It all breaks down to personal preferences. If you find something about someones work that you dont like, or in your opinion could use some work, either let them know privately, or try to imagine having someone offering you their opinion. It can make a world of difference in the way you word things.

 (Hmm....kinda weird......critisizing someones critisisim......I should get some sleep.......Take it as you will Atra. Just my $.02.)  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2003, 06:39:37 am »

  Critisisim is very important to improving ones work. But I do have to say that you should learn a little tact when giving it. I value anyones critisisim and am constantly sending WIP pics to my buddies, because I know they wont blow smoke at me. I for one have always enjoyad skinmans work. I find it very refreshing to see a different and unique style. I like the way he uses soft lines and brighter colors. In contrast, I like the  angular look and sharp textures of your ships also Atra.

It all breaks down to personal preferences. If you find something about someones work that you dont like, or in your opinion could use some work, either let them know privately, or try to imagine having someone offering you their opinion. It can make a world of difference in the way you word things.

 (Hmm....kinda weird......critisizing someones critisisim......I should get some sleep.......Take it as you will Atra. Just my $.02.)    

Agree 100%.

Atra, you took like 3 paragraphs to justify your method of criticism. Perhaps your most stressed point was the ability to take someone giving you criticism as it was intended, but not personally. Interestingly enough, you seem incapable of taking your own advice.

At first impression, your comments (as has been observed by almost everyone that posted in this thread) were taken as insulting in one manner or another. Your inability to understand this, and realize that - just as you stated Skin should do - perhaps you came off a bit heavy handed, apologize, and then move on is a bit paradoxial, know what I mean?

I'd also like to point out that to your circle of "online friends", perhaps it doesn't make any difference if you don't consider the end result of criticism and just spout off about what the "great and mighty Atra" thinks is wrong with someone else's work.

Umm, yer not talking to those guys, yer talking to someone who you've also been goading over @ SFC3.Net.

See, there's always 3 sides to a situation, eh Atra? Your side, his side, and the truth. I thought perhaps some of the rest of the truth would be a little more appropriate to share. As well, being the friggin talented modeler you are, I'd think you could come up with a more technically apt description in regards to contructive criticism than "mosquito welts".

Take some of your own advice, and stop worrying so much about justifying your behavior. Just do the right thing, Atra, we know you're capable of it - it's whether you decide to do it that's all about you.



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2003, 07:15:06 am »
Skin- wonderful job.  Just about everyone but Atra loves it.  Keep em coming!  VERY nice job there, its a beauty!


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2003, 04:04:16 pm »
Could someone please post a link for this download.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2003, 02:38:37 pm »

Could someone please post a link for this download.  

I'll second that.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2003, 02:22:58 pm »