Topic: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"  (Read 12575 times)

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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #60 on: January 12, 2004, 02:05:47 am »
If you all have been paying attention, you know the drill

ADJECTIVE---  Complicated
PLURAL NOUN---   Europeans
ADJECTIVE--- Courageous  
NOUN--- Cowboy
PLURAL NOUN---Cock-bites  
ADJECTIVE--- Foolish  
VERB ENDING IN "ING"---Penetrating  
PLURAL NOUN---Skateboards
PLURAL NOUN--- Jackasses
ADJECTIVE--- Trigger-happy


Complicated evening, distinguished Europeans ,   Courageous
Senators, members of the Supreme Cowboys , my fellow
 Cock Bites  .  I am  foolish to announce that the state of our
union is Hard!  Inflation is Penetrating   to an all-time
low.  The test scores of our  Skateboards are at an all time high.
And,  Jackasses are expanding  Totally.  However, the
Congress still refuses to pass  Marijuana reform, or to increase the
size of the Orgasm budget, or to  Hunker-down   the bill governing our
Trigger-happy national  Bombs.  Tonight, I  Extremely
suggest that you   STFU them a   Irritated letter or fax.

Ok here you go Dizzy.
Hope you like it.  I'll have anothe list up in a day or two.
for the meantime, you folks still have the snowglobe    


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #61 on: January 12, 2004, 02:36:51 am »
Well, it was pretty damned funny, especially the marijuana reform! But STFU usually only works right when I say it...  I'll have to fire that speech writer!

Good one fer.


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #62 on: January 12, 2004, 04:08:33 am »

Well, it was pretty damned funny, especially the marijuana reform! But STFU usually only works right when I say it...  I'll have to fire that speech writer!

Good one fer.  

Glad you liked it, I'll be posting one up again pretty soon. I'll probably start another thread labled Madlibs.
in the mean time I leave you with this classic



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Let's check on our Talrenite's writing skills.
Here is a double Mad Lib for you folks


A Place---
Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---

Noun(repeat next 3 spaces)---
Same Noun---
Same Noun---
Same Noun---
A Place---
I know these are short ones again but, they should be fun with our friends with questionable views (heh)  


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Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2004, 10:43:52 pm »
  Well Happy belated new years and Holidays to you all!  I'm very sorry I haven't been on to chat with some of our fellow Tadrenites and Xenos.

  I'm going to start on something fun if you guys and differen from what I usually do so the game of the day is Mad Libs...

Join in if you want and I'll take the something from everyone (or I'll atleast try to).

this is what is needed for this one titled "The Constitution"
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Plural Noun

Have fun with these and in a day or two, I'll have the write up with the blanks filled in.  for the rest you can have fun putting in the entries yourselves from the rest of the lists.

And if your wondering where I'm getting these from, I'm using one of Alien's Mad Libs books. (heh)


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2004, 11:30:16 pm »
Adjective ---    Ship-Shaped
Plural Noun --- Sunglasses
Adjective ---    Dank
Plural Noun --- Lyrans
Adjective ---    Mahogany
Plural Noun --- Presents
Plural Noun --- CD's
Plural Noun --- Curtains
Plural Noun --- spirits
Adjective --- Creepy
Plural Noun --- Clergy
Adjective --- Glazed-Looking
Plural Noun --- Lawyers

Hehe, This could be fun...



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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #66 on: January 02, 2004, 02:14:16 pm »


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2004, 03:34:59 pm »
bump again  


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2004, 04:38:31 pm »
Im in! Ill have to get it done 2night tho... I'm interested!


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2004, 11:37:22 am »
I'll be posting later tonight.  
Right now, I'm @ work.  


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #70 on: January 06, 2004, 07:14:16 pm »
still at Work Bro?



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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #71 on: January 06, 2004, 09:56:26 pm »

still at Work Bro?


Well I'm finished bud!   and since you were the only one to contribute, I'll be doin some postin in your honor

I'll be color coding the types of words to make it easy on what is supposed to be where.
Adjective   --- Ship-Shaped
Plural Noun   --- Sunglasses
Adjective   --- Dank
Plural Noun   --- Lyrans
Adjective   --- Mahogany
Plural Noun   --- Presents
Plural Noun   --- CD's
Plural Noun   --- Curtains
Plural Noun   --- spirits
Adjective   --- Creepy
Plural Noun   --- Clergy
Adjective --- Glazed-Looking
Plural Noun   --- Lawyers


Studying the Constitution is a/an  Ship-Shaped activity for a
future president.  In 1787, a convention of important American  
Sunglasses ratified our Constitution.  The Constitution was
a/an  Dank document that guaranteed that the U.S. would
not merely be a league of independent  Lyrans , but a
nation with a/an Mahogany government that would deal with
 Presents as well as  CD's  .  The Constitution
provided for a senate, to which every state would send two  
Curtains , and a larger body called the House of
 spirits  , which was based on population.  The
government was divided into three branches: the judicial, the
legislative, and the   Creepy .  This created a system of
checks and  Clergy   that works to protect us to this day
and gives us our  Glazed-Looking government of people, for the
people, and by the   Lawyers
      that last part is oh so perfect.
Hope you like it and see the potentail.  I'll be releasing another list from anothe Mad Lib that my wife has lying around.  


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #72 on: January 06, 2004, 09:59:51 pm »

 the judicial, the
legislative, and the Creepy . This created a system of
checks and Clergy that works to protect us to this day
and gives us our Glazed-Looking government of people, for the
people, and by the Lawyers

that's just too funny Bro. Heck Yes, Get another one out here, I used to Love those mad Lib things when I was a kid in school. BTW, I take It your back home in HAwaii again, Here's wishing you both well.



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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #73 on: January 06, 2004, 10:18:17 pm »

that's just too funny Bro. Heck Yes, Get another one out here, I used to Love those mad Lib things when I was a kid in school. BTW, I take It your back home in HAwaii again, Here's wishing you both well.


Thnaks for the well wishes and I'm glad you liked it.

Lucky 4 U I have anothe Mad lib right in front of me so..................................

The title for this on is

Words needed:

Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---
Verb Ending In "ING"---
Plural Noun---
Plural Noun---
Male Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]---
Female Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]---

This is another of the smaller lists but, I'll be doing the larger ones after this one.
Have fun and I'll be posting up the results in a couple of days.  


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #74 on: January 07, 2004, 08:52:36 am »

Noun---  beer  
Adverb--- slowly
Plural Noun--- cows
Plural Noun--- denizens
Plural Noun--- buffalo chips
Plural Noun--- hot dogs
Plural Noun--- howling monkeys
Noun--- cigar
Noun--- p00p
Verb Ending In "ING"--- running
Plural Noun--- hellbores
Plural Noun--- cabbages
Male Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]--- Sirgod
Female Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]--- Kroma


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by 762 »


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #75 on: January 08, 2004, 01:51:08 pm »
I'll be posting a bit later tonight (my time HST) to let anyone else post if desired.


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #76 on: January 08, 2004, 04:22:47 pm »
Noun--- Radio
Adverb--- boldly
Plural Noun--- Leggings
Plural Noun--- forceps
Plural Noun--- Glasses
Plural Noun--- Tights
Plural Noun--- Pliers
Noun--- Car
Noun--- Calling Card
Verb Ending In "ING"--- Panting
Plural Noun--- tweezers
Plural Noun--- models
Male Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]--- 762
Female Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]--- ( dang 762 already put Kroma) Krolling



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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #77 on: January 08, 2004, 11:24:41 pm »
Ok as promised I waited for anyone else to reply (Thank you Sirgod) and it was hard to seperate the great suggestions but, here we go....
Again, the word types are color coded.

Noun--- Beer
Adverb--- Boldy
Plural Noun--- Cows
Plural Noun--- Forceps
Plural Noun--- Buffalo Chips
Plural Noun--- Tights
Plural Noun--- Howling Monkeys
Noun--- Car
Noun--- p00p
Verb Ending In "ING"---Panting
Plural Noun--- Hellbores
Plural Noun---Cabbages
Male Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]---762(I used most of 7's suggestions so the last two goes to Sirgod)
 Female Person In Room/Forum {for our sakes]--- Krolling    

Going out with an identical  Beer   is Boldly freaky!
No one can tell twins apart, not even thier   Cows  
or close  Forceps.  Everything about them is the
same.  The color of their Buffalo Chips , the shape of thier
Tights  , the shape of their chiseled  Howling Monkeys,
to say nothing of the way they part their  Car   right
down the middle.  And when they smile, believe it or not, they
have the same  p00p   in their teeth.  They could make
things a lot easier by  Panting   differently. But no,
they both wear the same  Hellbores   right down to their
matching  Cabbages  .  I'm telling you, no matter how
I try it's inpossible for me to tll the difference between
 762   and  Krolling    

Well I hope you guys enjoyd this one and to keep you occupied play with the  Snow Globe

Let me know if ya like the Mad lib.  I'll be settin another one tomorrow.    


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #78 on: January 09, 2004, 12:16:13 am »
What is this? Only Sirgod can play?

I call the next one, damnit. Sirgod. Dont post. Just dont do it! Its my turn damnit! 762, you dont post either!

Damnit, ferretlxix, what... you have instant email notification on this thread? Give me a chance to post! Sheesh.

Damn buncha trigger happy klinks.  


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "Holiday season is over but the bar is now open"
« Reply #79 on: January 09, 2004, 12:25:33 am »
put it up a a fave for a thread.
And you will have dibs for the majority of the next one.
Remeber I piece them together with a mix of everyones suggestions.

I'm glad you like it though.