the holding cost of 2 R's is a massive 10 points, but that's also capable smashing my little F-DD to bits at range 20!
Can you cloak?

with everything hot I mean.

I haven't installed Firesoul's OP+ yet. With the added heavy destroyer classes, the improved war destroyer classes, AND the additional ADD PER Missle-G, I'm afraid I'll get lazy.
I tend to train on the F-DD because it's powercurve really forces you to make hard decisions; Good training tool to figure out the rest of the destroyer class. It's also very, very fed, underlining all their strengths and weaknesses in the extremes.
I also like the saucer look, and prefer light ships.

You know, you could fire one R every time it's charged for deterence and to keep costs down, but I don't play rommies too much, so I bet you'd know what to do better than me.
A rommie with two charged R's is among my worst SFC nightmares,