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Quote:Quote:Hehehe... Dave is going to start hunting down and killing people for requesting more patches. I think you're right, too. You know what? I'd rather they don't do anything now, and make another SFC game later that includes all the aspects of the Andros, so that the true menace is experienced for what it was supposed to be.
Quote:Hehehe... Dave is going to start hunting down and killing people for requesting more patches.
Quote:Quote:Erm; wasn't a lot of the missing race's features codes into the game then blocked out when they could not complete them it time? (Or something like that) For example the TR beams are actually in the game, just not used. You can enable them by altering the ship loadouts manually IIRC. If so they were "patched" out and could be similarly patched in. The PA stuff might be like that. I think the TR beams were left in as easter eggs for fans.. They weren't removed on purpose.
Quote:Erm; wasn't a lot of the missing race's features codes into the game then blocked out when they could not complete them it time? (Or something like that) For example the TR beams are actually in the game, just not used. You can enable them by altering the ship loadouts manually IIRC. If so they were "patched" out and could be similarly patched in. The PA stuff might be like that.
Quote:TR Beam had precusor-The Juggernaut Direct Fire weapon IIRC.Later when the Andro's were added, they Ported some of that into Andro.Same with the Moving Shield, that idea became the PA panel idea.