Wow! That is a nice design. If I had time, I could have come up with something, but I'm sorry I don't right now. Also, I work on models that are strictly Low Polycount for us Low end users.

As for the debate about Disruptors/Phasers for Klingons. If I recall, SFB based their Klingons on old Schmatics of the D6 where it clearly showed Phasers banks on its hull. SFB decided that Phasers must have been a pretty common weapon system throughout the Universe (clearly evident with the Andromedens) and equiped the weapon on all its designs. Disruptros are a pretty common weapons system aswell since many Races in SFB (and in Star Trek aswell) use Disruptors heavily (and Phasers aswell). I think even the old Scematics of the Romulan Warbirds (Bird of Prey too must Star Trek fans) had some phaser cabability too. Parmont did really change this notion in ST3 with the B'rel Bird of prey with its Cloaking device and weapons.
In my personal opinion, I wish Parmont included both Disruptors and Phasers on its Klingon and Romulan ships. It would have solved a lot of problems later for us SFB fans.