Topic: With the New Year upon us...  (Read 4218 times)

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With the New Year upon us...
« on: December 29, 2003, 05:39:36 am »
what do You Like most about 2003, and what Fads are you glad to see pass on into history?

One of the fads that I hope passes away, is The Media Whore-dom.

I could care less about J-lo, Ben, and any other stars for that matter. But It will Probably continue on well into this new Century.

One thing I am thankfull for about 2003, Is the Release of LOTR ROTK. It seems that Computing and Special Effects have Created a new Bar this year, One that I hope Continues to rise.



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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2003, 06:15:01 am »
 Honestly i didnt find much i liked about 2003, Way too much war death anger,hatred & shameless greed.It really makes me worry obout having children.And what kind of world theay are going to live in.
 The fad i really hope goes away is the way the fashion industry & media hype what i like to call the 2$ hooker look to tweens {Ages 10 to 13} Iby no means am a prude but i just dont think its right for a 10 year old to be wearing make up & dressing like a 30 year bar wh@re ! Ihave to fight with about it all the time with my girls & i just dont feel its right there is a time to be a child & a time to be an adult.  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2003, 06:19:44 am »
Interesting side note there ravok...

I can remember being told when I was 10 to Cherish those days of youth, that you will miss them when your older. and now, I find myself saying the same things to the younger people in my life.

sometimes, I do wish i was still 10 years old, hehe, at least then My post's here would make more sense. lolol  



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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2003, 06:46:28 am »
 Forgot one
Fads i don't like Plasma screen TVs why anybody would want to spend 20.000 on a TV when people are starving to death have no place to live or adequate medical care is beyond me its just too hedonistic.
 PS.Steven i would love to have the innocence of a ten year old again, I was in Grenada and the gulf war and all the deaths i contributed to weighs heavily on my soul.{even tho I'm told they where  justified}  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2003, 07:36:27 am »
I believe full sized plasmas may now be had for 2500. The price is bound to go down even more to widen the number of people who can afford to get one.  perhaps within a year they will be below a thousand. I will certainly try to get one. were that money to go to charity to salve my guilt anywhere from 20 to 80 percent woulfd go to the charities "administrative" overhead. IOW salaries and bonuses for the execs.


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2003, 08:15:10 am »
 dude i truly mean no offence by this but anybody that thinks you NEED a TV in the first place really needs to reexamine their prioritys  theres much better things to do with your life & money  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2003, 09:55:03 am »

 dude i truly mean no offence by this but anybody that thinks you NEED a TV in the first place really needs to reexamine their prioritys  theres much better things to do with your life & money  

Mom always told me charity begins at home.


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With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2003, 05:39:36 am »
what do You Like most about 2003, and what Fads are you glad to see pass on into history?

One of the fads that I hope passes away, is The Media Whore-dom.

I could care less about J-lo, Ben, and any other stars for that matter. But It will Probably continue on well into this new Century.

One thing I am thankfull for about 2003, Is the Release of LOTR ROTK. It seems that Computing and Special Effects have Created a new Bar this year, One that I hope Continues to rise.



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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2003, 06:15:01 am »
 Honestly i didnt find much i liked about 2003, Way too much war death anger,hatred & shameless greed.It really makes me worry obout having children.And what kind of world theay are going to live in.
 The fad i really hope goes away is the way the fashion industry & media hype what i like to call the 2$ hooker look to tweens {Ages 10 to 13} Iby no means am a prude but i just dont think its right for a 10 year old to be wearing make up & dressing like a 30 year bar wh@re ! Ihave to fight with about it all the time with my girls & i just dont feel its right there is a time to be a child & a time to be an adult.  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2003, 06:19:44 am »
Interesting side note there ravok...

I can remember being told when I was 10 to Cherish those days of youth, that you will miss them when your older. and now, I find myself saying the same things to the younger people in my life.

sometimes, I do wish i was still 10 years old, hehe, at least then My post's here would make more sense. lolol  



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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2003, 06:46:28 am »
 Forgot one
Fads i don't like Plasma screen TVs why anybody would want to spend 20.000 on a TV when people are starving to death have no place to live or adequate medical care is beyond me its just too hedonistic.
 PS.Steven i would love to have the innocence of a ten year old again, I was in Grenada and the gulf war and all the deaths i contributed to weighs heavily on my soul.{even tho I'm told they where  justified}  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2003, 07:36:27 am »
I believe full sized plasmas may now be had for 2500. The price is bound to go down even more to widen the number of people who can afford to get one.  perhaps within a year they will be below a thousand. I will certainly try to get one. were that money to go to charity to salve my guilt anywhere from 20 to 80 percent woulfd go to the charities "administrative" overhead. IOW salaries and bonuses for the execs.


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2003, 08:15:10 am »
 dude i truly mean no offence by this but anybody that thinks you NEED a TV in the first place really needs to reexamine their prioritys  theres much better things to do with your life & money  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2003, 09:55:03 am »

 dude i truly mean no offence by this but anybody that thinks you NEED a TV in the first place really needs to reexamine their prioritys  theres much better things to do with your life & money  

Mom always told me charity begins at home.


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With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2003, 05:39:36 am »
what do You Like most about 2003, and what Fads are you glad to see pass on into history?

One of the fads that I hope passes away, is The Media Whore-dom.

I could care less about J-lo, Ben, and any other stars for that matter. But It will Probably continue on well into this new Century.

One thing I am thankfull for about 2003, Is the Release of LOTR ROTK. It seems that Computing and Special Effects have Created a new Bar this year, One that I hope Continues to rise.



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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2003, 06:15:01 am »
 Honestly i didnt find much i liked about 2003, Way too much war death anger,hatred & shameless greed.It really makes me worry obout having children.And what kind of world theay are going to live in.
 The fad i really hope goes away is the way the fashion industry & media hype what i like to call the 2$ hooker look to tweens {Ages 10 to 13} Iby no means am a prude but i just dont think its right for a 10 year old to be wearing make up & dressing like a 30 year bar wh@re ! Ihave to fight with about it all the time with my girls & i just dont feel its right there is a time to be a child & a time to be an adult.  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2003, 06:19:44 am »
Interesting side note there ravok...

I can remember being told when I was 10 to Cherish those days of youth, that you will miss them when your older. and now, I find myself saying the same things to the younger people in my life.

sometimes, I do wish i was still 10 years old, hehe, at least then My post's here would make more sense. lolol  



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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2003, 06:46:28 am »
 Forgot one
Fads i don't like Plasma screen TVs why anybody would want to spend 20.000 on a TV when people are starving to death have no place to live or adequate medical care is beyond me its just too hedonistic.
 PS.Steven i would love to have the innocence of a ten year old again, I was in Grenada and the gulf war and all the deaths i contributed to weighs heavily on my soul.{even tho I'm told they where  justified}  


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2003, 07:36:27 am »
I believe full sized plasmas may now be had for 2500. The price is bound to go down even more to widen the number of people who can afford to get one.  perhaps within a year they will be below a thousand. I will certainly try to get one. were that money to go to charity to salve my guilt anywhere from 20 to 80 percent woulfd go to the charities "administrative" overhead. IOW salaries and bonuses for the execs.


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Re: With the New Year upon us...
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2003, 08:15:10 am »
 dude i truly mean no offence by this but anybody that thinks you NEED a TV in the first place really needs to reexamine their prioritys  theres much better things to do with your life & money