I think the odds of a SFC4 right now are extremely slim in my opinion. Just be the fact that Viacom/Paramont will not allow an SFB style game without them being part of the deal. Also, all the whinning and bit*hing from Activision has soured relations between Viacom and Activision that I just dont think etheir side will come to a agreement. I bet that Activision, just too be a sour grape, would not allow Taldren too use their copyrighted source code from SFC3 (I can't imagine Activision NOT having the copyright licence for the SFC3 code) and not allow Taldren too build a SFC4 game based even on SFC3 mechanics. I bet Taldren would have too start from scratch on a whole new source code.
In my opinion, I hope Taldren negotiates a contract (somehow, if ever) with ADB and Paramount too make another SFB style game again. But I think the odds in that are pretty slim just by the fact that Paramont might want a TNG game while ADB would strictly be TOS in focus.
Ugh, I just hope these SFC games will still work with new Hardware and OS's because it could be years before we ever see another type of Star Trek game let alone and good SFB/SFC type game.