I'd be glad to help, i had the same problem a few weeks ago and got help on here.
I kept trying to stay away from the base because it destoryed me, so i was camping out around
the planet trying to destroy romulan ships, but this wasnt helping because my fleet
was being destoryed. So after getting some help i tried capturing some enemy ships, but the
warbird and the remaing Romulan fleet killed me. So one morning i got up and said, you know what
thats it you stupid Romulans, so i decided to do an all out frontal assualt on the base.
Tell your fleet first thing to destory the base, before the warbird shows up, then warp over
to a coulpe of the defense plat forms and takeover a couple of them, then get farther away, you
will also need to take one of the Romulan crusiers, make shure you are out of the bases
weapons range, tell your fleet now(two fed ships, two defense platforms, and a romulan ship) to
attack the base. The base goes down pretty quick after you get all these ships togeather.
Also you can attack the base to help them out, make shure you launch all your shuttles so your
not the only ship getting shot at. Once the base is gone work on the Warbird, you
cant destory it, it will warp out of the system once you get it to fifty percent damage, then
destory the rest of the romulan ships, there should be a couple of crusiers and a peskey
frigate that is hard to destory, after that mission complete. I used a galaxy class that
had full shileds, and good thrusters, also you need fast impulse and a powerful warp core,
the galaxy class is esential because it can hold more mariens. Dont for get to use your shuttles
and mines, you need a good tractor beam to take over a romulan crusier, its really nice
to have one of those as your friend, if you have any other questions email me.