Topic: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?  (Read 4295 times)

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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2003, 09:30:49 pm »
Ah, WinMx, why did I choose the POS Kazaa over that...

Oh yea, kazaa is multipurpose...

About getting wasted, whats the legal age in Mexico for doing that kinda stuff? Cant do that here cause im only 16...


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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2003, 10:53:17 pm »
  Hey, you're in Mexico. Is that ALL you are getting wasted on? Come on, if I were younger, I would be rolling the blunts! Why get a hangover when you can get the munchies!

   Sorry, just teasing. I am with some older friends so I am getting carried away tonight, and I've lost my tolerance for it, WAHOO! At least it will keep me from doing anything stupid to my in-laws tonight. I needed to calm down, and I have. Then it's back to being boring. I'm only 25 and I feel old when I am normal and boring. So BACK TO ENJOYING TONIGHT! LATER!


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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2003, 10:55:17 pm »
Trying?  On top of the microbrews and the red wine, the Oozo has really knocked me through a loop.


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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2003, 10:56:55 pm »
I'd like to, but dammit, I'm working tonight.  

...for only 5 minutes more, though.  


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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2003, 01:39:41 am »
Damn here I sit at work while every one is having a party

Oh well eight more hours of DOUBLE TIME!!!!!!


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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2003, 10:42:54 pm »
 I wish i was in Tehunaa eating barbecue Iguana!!!!!!  


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Re: So who all is trying to get wasted tonight?
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2003, 01:49:12 am »
Actually, no parties for me until Monday, seems I had an intestinal illness and I got the IV treatment with injectable antibiotics and vitamins. The cost? 50 dollars in supplies (vials of antibiotics, IV equipment, etc...), the best part is I have a personal doctor! All in the comfort of the home! One of Vicky's brothers (they are all educated middle class) is an M.D. and man, I did not even feel the stick from the I.V. last night or the shot I got today!

No, it wasn't the beef or anything, it was USDA choice from Sam's. It seems that vegetables here have to be washed more thoroughly than in the U.S. because the farmers do not have large disinfecting plants like in the U.S. Mainly because you cannot sue like in the U.S. I could have taken H.E.B. to the cleaners had this occured in America. It was my fault though as I normally just rinse lettuce with water, trusting our American producers to do the right thing, well, in Mexico you cannot.

They do have more sanitary methods than us in other aspects. Anyone working with food products in a supermarket has to wear not only a hairnet, but also a mask for their mouth. Imagine the bitching from employees in the U.S. if we made them do that, hehehehehe.

I found out today that cocaine is 150 dollars a POUND! I'm not a drug user anymore, I have not smoked pot in ages although I admit I have used it before and yes, I inhaled. Anyone have a clue as to what the street value of a lb of cocaine is in the U.S.? Wait until you see some of the pics of the houses in the newer parts of the city, now I know where they got the money for it. If the value is in the thousands and thousands in the U.S. I think it would behoove us to legalize pot and coke and just concentrate on the hardcore drugs and criminals. It makes me sick that so many people are getting really rich off no work and all because of our craving for partying in the U.S. and some stupid Federal policies. I mean get real, Canada is serious about legalizing, what will the Feds do? shoot themselves in the foot and cut off trade with our number one trading partner? I don't think so...