Topic: OT: Chatter  (Read 4052 times)

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SFC Bennie

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Re: OT: Chatter
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2003, 12:20:19 am »
Well, as I mentioned on another board, I've been dealing with a broken foot,. When it was placed in a cast, it triggered a claustrophobic reaction that's resulted in a wave of  extremely paral\yzing anxiety attacks.

Since then, my ability to write has been reduced to nearly nothing. Two weeks ago, I switched to a boot cast. Psychologically this helped immeasurably- I'm no longer abasket case - but both legs are painfully stiff, and there's a small infection on the injured foot. As I'm diabetic, this is more worrisome than it would be for most people. I'm taking antibiotics.

Most of my time is spent dealing with the injury, seeing councillers so I can get my mental state to a place where this won't happen again, pursuing disability benefits, and clinging desperately to friends for support in times of need..

A few months ago, Hero published VIPER: Fangs of the Serpent, which I co-wroite with Steve Long. I made a contribution to a Warcraft RPG book and to a game called Cybergladiators by Firefly Games. Beyond that, I'm talking to Green Ronin about a new project, have Villainy Amok scheduled for Hero late next year, and I'm desperately trying to get my Gestalt Universe Champions book into print.

So that's where I stand at the moment. Worst Christmas in a long time.

Scott Bennie



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Re: OT: Chatter
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2003, 01:32:40 pm »
Well I'm looking forward to seeing anything you put out.  I've liked the LoTR stuff but the FLGS here never got Testament and won't special order.  I guess the "F" is relative there.  

On the other side of things, we're remodeling the kitchen which has cost more than we hoped.  I had a Gibson Les Paul that I just sold to cover the cost.  I haven't been playing it lately so I don't really feel the loss.  And the kitchen looks very nice.  


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Re: OT: Chatter
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2003, 06:22:49 pm »
I'm just happy for a few days off around Christmas.  Between by part time work and my freelancing I haven't got to take a breath in what seems like forever.  I've written, but it's mostly been on notebook paper at work and now I have to transcribe it...

Got two 'La'ra project's in the oven, actually, though I'm not sure how long it'll be before I can post them.  


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Re: OT: Chatter
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2003, 08:05:05 pm »
::Insert mindless chatter here::