Don't worry about the advice, I think all of us here are intelligent enough to know the market is a big gambling machine. Heck, even Erik Bethke told me to be careful with my money, hehehehehe. I just got lucky with ELAB and CACS, but yes, the tech stocks are needing correction soon, but with all the intel I'm getting from the P/C gurus here, I'm going to bet on AMD (plus they are a MAJOR Austin, Texas employer

BTW, I NEVER blame anyone for a stock going down, at least if I do invest and I know others on the forums have invested, we will do as in the military, we will go down TOGETHER, if it goes up, the better for US, right? Besides, when I was looking at CACS going consistently up, I posted about it, on Dec 1st I had a 33 percent profit margin off initial investment but I was stupid and waited, I ended up with about 24 percent, but at least I did something right. Being my first real investments in the future, I'm learning that December and beginning of January are hard months to judge by marketwise.
Thanks Erik and Ann for letting us talk of such things, I have learned a LOT about the way things work in life from people in these forums, and it makes me feel so peaceful and happy inside knowing we have all communicated and shared ideas and opinions for YEARS!