I'm MercilessMarty,
Formerly known as "Marty The Merciless" on previous incarnations of this fine example of Fora, LEGENDARY Klingon warrior, author of one of the earliest tactical papers on the Saber Dance .....(SFC1 days!!!!!), retired Commander of the IKV Marauder, now a reserve Rear Admiral.
Any old dogs here who might remember me?
I do recognize a few tags here, the INFAMOUS

Nannerslug, Fed slime, Sethan, the famous Romulan literary great, Atrahasis, Starship engineer extraordinaire..........Many of the fine people from the ultracool Xenocorp Organization.................
Anyway, What's up?
I JUST installed SFC3 2 days ago, I've finished the Klingon campaign (either the AI is was severely dumbed down or some of my online skilz still remain) and I'm in the middle of the Romulan campaign and it seems that I've stopped receiving campaign missions............I've got a totally loaded out D'Derridex with all the trimmings but I'm not an Admiral yet.........
The last mission I received was the one were you blow up the asteroid as a diversion, swing in towards a Starbase, plant some jammers, pick up an operative, and blow up a shuttle...................Or was it the one where you scan unity under cloak??? I can't remember it was whatever was the later mission...........
I hope this isn't a bug....then again I'm used to it

(sorry Taldren, but thanks for the cool game!!!), anyone know anything about this?
Another thing............What are all the cool must have mods and such to fully enhance the single player experience.......
What is the coolest Dynaverse community to be part of?
RAdm Marty The Merciless
Desk Klink.