Topic: Fed Mission Elusive Quarry  (Read 2742 times)

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Re: Fed Mission Elusive Quarry
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2003, 05:52:54 pm »
It's been a while since I played the single player campaigns. I'm thinking this is the one were you need to scan for base or something to get transported coordinates. My fuzzy memory recalls your problem, but I can't remember specifics.

Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps.


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Re: Fed Mission Elusive Quarry
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2003, 06:00:13 pm »
WOW, Now I realise that itīs been a year since I played the campaigns.
Iīll have to try them again this weekend.



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Re: Fed Mission Elusive Quarry
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2003, 09:03:29 am »
Well this old fart has played SFB and all afterwards from day one.... I have succesfully completed all the campaigns this week and as far as I know there are no broken missions BUT there are times when events must be done in a certain chronological order and if it is not then, though you might have acheived the end goal, there was something missing or done out of order preventing both a mission complete or incomplete (ie failure) but I agree it is very frustrating... Unfornuatly the developers, programers and play testers, while trying to understand and implement the gazillion ways to beat any particular mission, are human and might have actually not forseen the particular way you (or someone else) beat it... lord knows as a Beta Tester myself (from the BattleTech:3045 that Microsoft killed when they bought the rights) I tried to find the oddball ways someone might find to beat something so hung missions like the one you are refering to didn't happen in the first place..... I know it frustrating becuase I have also been there... you just have to listen to the breifing and understand what they want done then plug away till you win.... if you won on the very first time at trying anything it would be a very boring game IMO... Keep The Faith.... you'll get by the mission!  



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Re: Fed Mission Elusive Quarry
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2003, 10:45:43 pm »
I beat the Fed Campain easy after i replayed the mission, I've moved onto the Klingon campain, it
was going slow and boring untill my "brother" started going against the Federation,
when he was talking to me in the astorid field i got mad enough at him that i tried fireing
on his ship, i think i'll try to replay that mission sometime and tractoring him and running
him into an astroid, this is one of my favorite ways of destorying an enemy ship if you
are outgunned.  I've also found that most of the mission help if you capture enemy ships,
I dont like the way SFC3 dosent let you have a small fleet like SFC1 and SFC2, I beat the Fed
campain on SFC1, but it seemed like i never got into SFC2, im glad they stayed closer
to the Star Trek cannon on SFC3, although I'm not quite understading everything with the romulans
which brings be on a whole nother subject which was the basis of Nemesis, and that
gets me on a rant that is better left for another day, but i'll say that Data didnt have to die!!