Well, I'm planning to do as many as possible. I'm just aiming to get all the basic classes done first, FF, DD, DW, CL etc etc. Then work on variants such as carriers (PF & Fighter), Tug's and Maulers, bascially those that are noticably different from there base hull variants. Command/leader versions will also be done, the Bengal Tiger CC for instance just needs a larger centre section and slightly different markings, same again for the Java Tiger CCH. So quite easily you get three different ships with not to much effort for me (very important

I'm also working on how to do power packs for those that get them, so there will probably be ships in two versions, one with & one without, but again thats way down the list. Those classes that are built with them like the later cruisers will obviously have them from the off. Also the PF will be redone and if I can find/do a klink fighter I like then I'll Lyranise that to fit in

As for the LDR, I'm undecided whether to wait till most of the Lyran are done to do them or do them as I go along. Only reason I say that is that I want to concentrate on getting the whole lot done rather than having a few ships done here and there (see my ISC which need finishing

). But be assured they will get done. I know that 'The Vampire Lestat' was also chomping at the bit to do his own LDR (complete retexture rather than colour changes) when I release them so you'll eventually have 2 lots to pick n mix from

bored at work.....