Topic: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??  (Read 6764 times)

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Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« on: December 20, 2003, 02:47:54 am »
I was hoping to treat myself to a new space combat sim game with a similar scale of action as SFC with a bit more complexity in the metamap (resources, planets, etc) with a permanent online universe aspect, but I haven't had much luck.  Looked into MOO3, not great reviews.  Looked into X2-The Threat, too much graphic complexity for my paltry system.  Independence War II, that whole piracy angle isn't exactly what I am looking for; I'd rather it were more like competing militaires like SFC.  Privateer, FreeSpace, etc all seem to have that pirate feel to them.

What else is out there??  I know it sounds as if I can't be satisfied but I tell you if SFC just had more mission variety with a bit of tech and resource management  and politics and perhaps a bit more freeform it would be an awesome game. Be that as it may, I am stuck without my perfect space sim game and am looking for suggestions.  And before you suggest Homeworld, I have to tell you that while I love the idea of that game, I can't stand the interface and how hard it is to get things done in it.  In general I don't like the standard form RTS of which Homeworld is an example despite its space setting and great storyline.

Be glad to hear suggestions if anyone has any.  Thanks.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2003, 04:52:36 am »
Persistent online action/trading: Freelancer

Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Star Trek sort of SFC but single player: Bridge Commander (Might be some multiplayer)

Sci-fi rts: Homeworld II

That should give you a few options.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2003, 08:24:28 am »
Well it's not much like SFC but Homeworld II is quite fun I recently downloaded the demo and haven't been able to stop playing it.  You can try out the demo here .  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2003, 05:53:50 pm »

Personally Privateer and Freespace 2 are up there with SFC for my all time favorite games.

But what I would recommend for you is one of the following:

Star Wars Rebellion

- supposedly an excellent game with good use of the liscence, but reviews veried considerably

Master of Orion 2

- also in the Bargin Bin but still considered amazing by many gamers


Galactic Civilizations

 - a great, cerebral, complex game with excellent reviews and a great fan base much like SFC

Hope this helps!

I, personally, would go with the last one just because it has myriad ethical dillemas and quite a bit of dark humor to boot.



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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2003, 04:17:42 pm »
OK maybe too late posting for X-mas. But Freelancer is an awesome space sim game. It replaced SFC as my favorite.

Keep in mind though that it is a fighter based game. Meaning you cant fly a capitol ship. However grapics are awesome. You fly thru nebulas and asteroid fields with hundreds of asteroids not a couple. About 40 uniques systems with multiple planets in each.

There are over 3 dozen factions, that you either allie with, fight or are neutral. These change depending on who you attack.

You can select your level of difficulty for the missions. Higher ones pay more. It is flexible enough that you can creat your own missions. ie: destroy some storage depots. Ambush a freighter or transport. Mine minerals.

It features a feature called engine kill. When you kill your engines you will keep momentum going forward and you can turn your ship around to fire at an enemy chasing you.

The AI for enemy ships is pretty good. Some factions fly straight at you, like the Molly's. While the Zenos zig  zag.

3 main styles to fight are guns only, missles only or combination. Different shield types make some guns ineffective so it pays to have several sets.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2003, 07:15:35 pm »

Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Eve sucks.  Earth and Beyond is decent and getting better... if you do start up on EnB then direct all referals to hobbesmaster1; my JE needs Endriago WH and my JD could use maxxed fold space.    


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2003, 07:43:12 pm »
I know Im VERY late, but I'd like to add my 2 cents on FREELANCER.

While everything is true that's been said earlier here, there are also many good mods available for Freelancer by now. Some only add a new ship, while other mods add many ships and change the weapons and upgrade system as well as adding new star systems.

My favourite Freelancer mod is "The Next Generation" in it's latest version, 1.70. And although the name immediately reminds one of Star Trek, the only things shared with Trek are the "classic" Constitution Class Enterprise and a in-system warp drive for Capital Ships. Yes, that's right, you can buy & fly ships like cruisers or battleships in that mod, and you also can face these ships in random encounters, which give the presence of torpedo launchers in multiplayer finally a right to be there.

If you choose Freelancer, enjoy the more than exciting single player campaign before you go to , to get yourself some nice mods along with the Freelancer Mod Manager.

Merry Christmas!



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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2003, 01:20:10 pm »


Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Eve sucks.  Earth and Beyond is decent and getting better... if you do start up on EnB then direct all referals to hobbesmaster1; my JE needs Endriago WH and my JD could use maxxed fold space.    

Hehe, I hated E&B, it is the standard levelfest of all MMORPG's.

Eve on the other hand doesn't do the levels thing.  Each pilot is the same and each weapon the same.  Skills train when either online or offline, and the skills you chose to train dictate what you can do at that point, but there is not limit to what you can train.  I have always hated having a weapon that does 1/100 of the damage of a high level persons gun.  It is totally silly, since noone would build rubbish ships and weapons for their navy.

Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2003, 12:25:04 am »
I've tried the Freelancer demo and I can't say that I like it.  Combat seems ridiculous with mouse.  It takes way too long to line up a shot, most of which are missing.  What happened to the joystick control in this whole series?  I also find the navigation system a bit dodgey.   I lost a few missions because I was not prompted to drop out of the trade lane or whatever that is.  When I entered the more freeform portion of the demo, I could not find my way back to planet Manhattan or Pittsburgh.  For what may be there in the game, the controls are too strange and combat is unrewarding and frankly makes me a bit sick in the stomach like a bad rollercoaster ride with all the swirling around.  I bought an old game Independence War from back in '98 and I am going to give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry, I don't think Freelancer is for me.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2003, 10:24:04 am »
Me thinks Taldren would do well to release a new SFC 1 with killer graphics and more details, maybe a combination of Interplay's Star Trek series where you could have starship combat and beam down to planets and use science equipment, and everyone's favorite, PHASERS! Who knows what will be in the wings after Black 9 is released and perfected? I'm just waiting for Sid to release the new Pirates game, one of my favorite parts was visiting port and meeting the nice looking senoritas, hehehehehe, hopefully his company does not make it too detailed, I saw one naval combat game that had killer graphics and sound, but darn you spent more time controlling things than just plain letting the crews do the work and you watch all the fun.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2003, 04:51:08 pm »

Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  

Except that you get nuked five seconds after you log in...  Stupid griefers  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2003, 09:10:32 am »


Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  

Except that you get nuked five seconds after you log in...  Stupid griefers  

lol,  that certainly used to happen.  Now  they can't attack you unless you go to insecure areas (well they can, but 20 odd battleships tend to jello them before you die )  There is no need to ever go to insecure areas unless you are a deranged miner.

Also there is now an invisible login/warp period.  To be fair the game is now not the one I quit ages ago.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2003, 02:07:15 pm »

I've tried the Freelancer demo and I can't say that I like it.  Combat seems ridiculous with mouse.  It takes way too long to line up a shot, most of which are missing.  What happened to the joystick control in this whole series?  I also find the navigation system a bit dodgey.   I lost a few missions because I was not prompted to drop out of the trade lane or whatever that is.  When I entered the more freeform portion of the demo, I could not find my way back to planet Manhattan or Pittsburgh.  For what may be there in the game, the controls are too strange and combat is unrewarding and frankly makes me a bit sick in the stomach like a bad rollercoaster ride with all the swirling around.  I bought an old game Independence War from back in '98 and I am going to give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry, I don't think Freelancer is for me.  

I didn't like FL at 1st either. Takes getting used to. Use F6 to bring up the nav map. IT will show all the places you already explored. Then you can zoom in on Manhattan and select best path. Then you can follow the way points. When docking in trade lanes its best to get within a range of 100 before you hit F3, otherwise the baddies will butter your toast.

There is a mod that allows you to use a joystick. I have not tried it but heard it works. Its in the D/l section at   I found I like the mouse once I got used to it. Actually I use a trackball with thumb control, works real well. As far as having trouble targeting the enemy. Yes it can be hard. But you will find each faction has a slightly different AI. Molly's in Bretonia being the easiest to target as they fly straight on. Xenos are hard to target as they zip around like knats. These is why early on I prefer missles. Using erasers and sweepers for shields, slingshot and ones that start with a J( jaguar?).  

I also prefer hitting engine kill, then using tab or thrusters to change direction. With engine kill once you pass the enemy, you can turn around and your still flying away from him. Then he will turn towards you when he is around range 700-1000.

Then you can thruster towards him and usually get him head on for a bit, When about 100 away losse your missles on him. Rinse and repeat.

Anyways once you advance and get decent guns you won't have to fire on him as long before they die. All this being said I am getting bored of it, but I have played the campaign twice. My longest game is 60 hours. So I can still try mods noiw and play online.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2003, 02:20:57 pm by red_green »


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Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2003, 02:47:54 am »
I was hoping to treat myself to a new space combat sim game with a similar scale of action as SFC with a bit more complexity in the metamap (resources, planets, etc) with a permanent online universe aspect, but I haven't had much luck.  Looked into MOO3, not great reviews.  Looked into X2-The Threat, too much graphic complexity for my paltry system.  Independence War II, that whole piracy angle isn't exactly what I am looking for; I'd rather it were more like competing militaires like SFC.  Privateer, FreeSpace, etc all seem to have that pirate feel to them.

What else is out there??  I know it sounds as if I can't be satisfied but I tell you if SFC just had more mission variety with a bit of tech and resource management  and politics and perhaps a bit more freeform it would be an awesome game. Be that as it may, I am stuck without my perfect space sim game and am looking for suggestions.  And before you suggest Homeworld, I have to tell you that while I love the idea of that game, I can't stand the interface and how hard it is to get things done in it.  In general I don't like the standard form RTS of which Homeworld is an example despite its space setting and great storyline.

Be glad to hear suggestions if anyone has any.  Thanks.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2003, 04:52:36 am »
Persistent online action/trading: Freelancer

Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Star Trek sort of SFC but single player: Bridge Commander (Might be some multiplayer)

Sci-fi rts: Homeworld II

That should give you a few options.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2003, 08:24:28 am »
Well it's not much like SFC but Homeworld II is quite fun I recently downloaded the demo and haven't been able to stop playing it.  You can try out the demo here .  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2003, 05:53:50 pm »

Personally Privateer and Freespace 2 are up there with SFC for my all time favorite games.

But what I would recommend for you is one of the following:

Star Wars Rebellion

- supposedly an excellent game with good use of the liscence, but reviews veried considerably

Master of Orion 2

- also in the Bargin Bin but still considered amazing by many gamers


Galactic Civilizations

 - a great, cerebral, complex game with excellent reviews and a great fan base much like SFC

Hope this helps!

I, personally, would go with the last one just because it has myriad ethical dillemas and quite a bit of dark humor to boot.



  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2003, 04:17:42 pm »
OK maybe too late posting for X-mas. But Freelancer is an awesome space sim game. It replaced SFC as my favorite.

Keep in mind though that it is a fighter based game. Meaning you cant fly a capitol ship. However grapics are awesome. You fly thru nebulas and asteroid fields with hundreds of asteroids not a couple. About 40 uniques systems with multiple planets in each.

There are over 3 dozen factions, that you either allie with, fight or are neutral. These change depending on who you attack.

You can select your level of difficulty for the missions. Higher ones pay more. It is flexible enough that you can creat your own missions. ie: destroy some storage depots. Ambush a freighter or transport. Mine minerals.

It features a feature called engine kill. When you kill your engines you will keep momentum going forward and you can turn your ship around to fire at an enemy chasing you.

The AI for enemy ships is pretty good. Some factions fly straight at you, like the Molly's. While the Zenos zig  zag.

3 main styles to fight are guns only, missles only or combination. Different shield types make some guns ineffective so it pays to have several sets.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2003, 07:15:35 pm »

Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Eve sucks.  Earth and Beyond is decent and getting better... if you do start up on EnB then direct all referals to hobbesmaster1; my JE needs Endriago WH and my JD could use maxxed fold space.    


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2003, 07:43:12 pm »
I know Im VERY late, but I'd like to add my 2 cents on FREELANCER.

While everything is true that's been said earlier here, there are also many good mods available for Freelancer by now. Some only add a new ship, while other mods add many ships and change the weapons and upgrade system as well as adding new star systems.

My favourite Freelancer mod is "The Next Generation" in it's latest version, 1.70. And although the name immediately reminds one of Star Trek, the only things shared with Trek are the "classic" Constitution Class Enterprise and a in-system warp drive for Capital Ships. Yes, that's right, you can buy & fly ships like cruisers or battleships in that mod, and you also can face these ships in random encounters, which give the presence of torpedo launchers in multiplayer finally a right to be there.

If you choose Freelancer, enjoy the more than exciting single player campaign before you go to , to get yourself some nice mods along with the Freelancer Mod Manager.

Merry Christmas!



  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2003, 01:20:10 pm »


Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Eve sucks.  Earth and Beyond is decent and getting better... if you do start up on EnB then direct all referals to hobbesmaster1; my JE needs Endriago WH and my JD could use maxxed fold space.    

Hehe, I hated E&B, it is the standard levelfest of all MMORPG's.

Eve on the other hand doesn't do the levels thing.  Each pilot is the same and each weapon the same.  Skills train when either online or offline, and the skills you chose to train dictate what you can do at that point, but there is not limit to what you can train.  I have always hated having a weapon that does 1/100 of the damage of a high level persons gun.  It is totally silly, since noone would build rubbish ships and weapons for their navy.

Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  


  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2003, 12:25:04 am »
I've tried the Freelancer demo and I can't say that I like it.  Combat seems ridiculous with mouse.  It takes way too long to line up a shot, most of which are missing.  What happened to the joystick control in this whole series?  I also find the navigation system a bit dodgey.   I lost a few missions because I was not prompted to drop out of the trade lane or whatever that is.  When I entered the more freeform portion of the demo, I could not find my way back to planet Manhattan or Pittsburgh.  For what may be there in the game, the controls are too strange and combat is unrewarding and frankly makes me a bit sick in the stomach like a bad rollercoaster ride with all the swirling around.  I bought an old game Independence War from back in '98 and I am going to give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry, I don't think Freelancer is for me.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2003, 10:24:04 am »
Me thinks Taldren would do well to release a new SFC 1 with killer graphics and more details, maybe a combination of Interplay's Star Trek series where you could have starship combat and beam down to planets and use science equipment, and everyone's favorite, PHASERS! Who knows what will be in the wings after Black 9 is released and perfected? I'm just waiting for Sid to release the new Pirates game, one of my favorite parts was visiting port and meeting the nice looking senoritas, hehehehehe, hopefully his company does not make it too detailed, I saw one naval combat game that had killer graphics and sound, but darn you spent more time controlling things than just plain letting the crews do the work and you watch all the fun.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2003, 04:51:08 pm »

Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  

Except that you get nuked five seconds after you log in...  Stupid griefers  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2003, 09:10:32 am »


Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  

Except that you get nuked five seconds after you log in...  Stupid griefers  

lol,  that certainly used to happen.  Now  they can't attack you unless you go to insecure areas (well they can, but 20 odd battleships tend to jello them before you die )  There is no need to ever go to insecure areas unless you are a deranged miner.

Also there is now an invisible login/warp period.  To be fair the game is now not the one I quit ages ago.  


  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2003, 02:07:15 pm »

I've tried the Freelancer demo and I can't say that I like it.  Combat seems ridiculous with mouse.  It takes way too long to line up a shot, most of which are missing.  What happened to the joystick control in this whole series?  I also find the navigation system a bit dodgey.   I lost a few missions because I was not prompted to drop out of the trade lane or whatever that is.  When I entered the more freeform portion of the demo, I could not find my way back to planet Manhattan or Pittsburgh.  For what may be there in the game, the controls are too strange and combat is unrewarding and frankly makes me a bit sick in the stomach like a bad rollercoaster ride with all the swirling around.  I bought an old game Independence War from back in '98 and I am going to give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry, I don't think Freelancer is for me.  

I didn't like FL at 1st either. Takes getting used to. Use F6 to bring up the nav map. IT will show all the places you already explored. Then you can zoom in on Manhattan and select best path. Then you can follow the way points. When docking in trade lanes its best to get within a range of 100 before you hit F3, otherwise the baddies will butter your toast.

There is a mod that allows you to use a joystick. I have not tried it but heard it works. Its in the D/l section at   I found I like the mouse once I got used to it. Actually I use a trackball with thumb control, works real well. As far as having trouble targeting the enemy. Yes it can be hard. But you will find each faction has a slightly different AI. Molly's in Bretonia being the easiest to target as they fly straight on. Xenos are hard to target as they zip around like knats. These is why early on I prefer missles. Using erasers and sweepers for shields, slingshot and ones that start with a J( jaguar?).  

I also prefer hitting engine kill, then using tab or thrusters to change direction. With engine kill once you pass the enemy, you can turn around and your still flying away from him. Then he will turn towards you when he is around range 700-1000.

Then you can thruster towards him and usually get him head on for a bit, When about 100 away losse your missles on him. Rinse and repeat.

Anyways once you advance and get decent guns you won't have to fire on him as long before they die. All this being said I am getting bored of it, but I have played the campaign twice. My longest game is 60 hours. So I can still try mods noiw and play online.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2003, 02:20:57 pm by red_green »


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Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2003, 02:47:54 am »
I was hoping to treat myself to a new space combat sim game with a similar scale of action as SFC with a bit more complexity in the metamap (resources, planets, etc) with a permanent online universe aspect, but I haven't had much luck.  Looked into MOO3, not great reviews.  Looked into X2-The Threat, too much graphic complexity for my paltry system.  Independence War II, that whole piracy angle isn't exactly what I am looking for; I'd rather it were more like competing militaires like SFC.  Privateer, FreeSpace, etc all seem to have that pirate feel to them.

What else is out there??  I know it sounds as if I can't be satisfied but I tell you if SFC just had more mission variety with a bit of tech and resource management  and politics and perhaps a bit more freeform it would be an awesome game. Be that as it may, I am stuck without my perfect space sim game and am looking for suggestions.  And before you suggest Homeworld, I have to tell you that while I love the idea of that game, I can't stand the interface and how hard it is to get things done in it.  In general I don't like the standard form RTS of which Homeworld is an example despite its space setting and great storyline.

Be glad to hear suggestions if anyone has any.  Thanks.


  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2003, 04:52:36 am »
Persistent online action/trading: Freelancer

Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Star Trek sort of SFC but single player: Bridge Commander (Might be some multiplayer)

Sci-fi rts: Homeworld II

That should give you a few options.


  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2003, 08:24:28 am »
Well it's not much like SFC but Homeworld II is quite fun I recently downloaded the demo and haven't been able to stop playing it.  You can try out the demo here .  


  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2003, 05:53:50 pm »

Personally Privateer and Freespace 2 are up there with SFC for my all time favorite games.

But what I would recommend for you is one of the following:

Star Wars Rebellion

- supposedly an excellent game with good use of the liscence, but reviews veried considerably

Master of Orion 2

- also in the Bargin Bin but still considered amazing by many gamers


Galactic Civilizations

 - a great, cerebral, complex game with excellent reviews and a great fan base much like SFC

Hope this helps!

I, personally, would go with the last one just because it has myriad ethical dillemas and quite a bit of dark humor to boot.



  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2003, 04:17:42 pm »
OK maybe too late posting for X-mas. But Freelancer is an awesome space sim game. It replaced SFC as my favorite.

Keep in mind though that it is a fighter based game. Meaning you cant fly a capitol ship. However grapics are awesome. You fly thru nebulas and asteroid fields with hundreds of asteroids not a couple. About 40 uniques systems with multiple planets in each.

There are over 3 dozen factions, that you either allie with, fight or are neutral. These change depending on who you attack.

You can select your level of difficulty for the missions. Higher ones pay more. It is flexible enough that you can creat your own missions. ie: destroy some storage depots. Ambush a freighter or transport. Mine minerals.

It features a feature called engine kill. When you kill your engines you will keep momentum going forward and you can turn your ship around to fire at an enemy chasing you.

The AI for enemy ships is pretty good. Some factions fly straight at you, like the Molly's. While the Zenos zig  zag.

3 main styles to fight are guns only, missles only or combination. Different shield types make some guns ineffective so it pays to have several sets.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2003, 07:15:35 pm »

Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Eve sucks.  Earth and Beyond is decent and getting better... if you do start up on EnB then direct all referals to hobbesmaster1; my JE needs Endriago WH and my JD could use maxxed fold space.    


  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2003, 07:43:12 pm »
I know Im VERY late, but I'd like to add my 2 cents on FREELANCER.

While everything is true that's been said earlier here, there are also many good mods available for Freelancer by now. Some only add a new ship, while other mods add many ships and change the weapons and upgrade system as well as adding new star systems.

My favourite Freelancer mod is "The Next Generation" in it's latest version, 1.70. And although the name immediately reminds one of Star Trek, the only things shared with Trek are the "classic" Constitution Class Enterprise and a in-system warp drive for Capital Ships. Yes, that's right, you can buy & fly ships like cruisers or battleships in that mod, and you also can face these ships in random encounters, which give the presence of torpedo launchers in multiplayer finally a right to be there.

If you choose Freelancer, enjoy the more than exciting single player campaign before you go to , to get yourself some nice mods along with the Freelancer Mod Manager.

Merry Christmas!



  • Guest
Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2003, 01:20:10 pm »


Masive multiplayer Online: Earth and Beyond or EVE Online (The latter is more PvP than the former)

Eve sucks.  Earth and Beyond is decent and getting better... if you do start up on EnB then direct all referals to hobbesmaster1; my JE needs Endriago WH and my JD could use maxxed fold space.    

Hehe, I hated E&B, it is the standard levelfest of all MMORPG's.

Eve on the other hand doesn't do the levels thing.  Each pilot is the same and each weapon the same.  Skills train when either online or offline, and the skills you chose to train dictate what you can do at that point, but there is not limit to what you can train.  I have always hated having a weapon that does 1/100 of the damage of a high level persons gun.  It is totally silly, since noone would build rubbish ships and weapons for their navy.

Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2003, 12:25:04 am »
I've tried the Freelancer demo and I can't say that I like it.  Combat seems ridiculous with mouse.  It takes way too long to line up a shot, most of which are missing.  What happened to the joystick control in this whole series?  I also find the navigation system a bit dodgey.   I lost a few missions because I was not prompted to drop out of the trade lane or whatever that is.  When I entered the more freeform portion of the demo, I could not find my way back to planet Manhattan or Pittsburgh.  For what may be there in the game, the controls are too strange and combat is unrewarding and frankly makes me a bit sick in the stomach like a bad rollercoaster ride with all the swirling around.  I bought an old game Independence War from back in '98 and I am going to give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry, I don't think Freelancer is for me.


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2003, 10:24:04 am »
Me thinks Taldren would do well to release a new SFC 1 with killer graphics and more details, maybe a combination of Interplay's Star Trek series where you could have starship combat and beam down to planets and use science equipment, and everyone's favorite, PHASERS! Who knows what will be in the wings after Black 9 is released and perfected? I'm just waiting for Sid to release the new Pirates game, one of my favorite parts was visiting port and meeting the nice looking senoritas, hehehehehe, hopefully his company does not make it too detailed, I saw one naval combat game that had killer graphics and sound, but darn you spent more time controlling things than just plain letting the crews do the work and you watch all the fun.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #36 on: December 25, 2003, 04:51:08 pm »

Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  

Except that you get nuked five seconds after you log in...  Stupid griefers  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2003, 09:10:32 am »


Now they have ironed a lot of the bugs out (I quit eve in Beta because it was so awful) I'd say that for someone who doesn't want to live on a server to become able to compete that Eve is the best multiplayer game around.  

Except that you get nuked five seconds after you log in...  Stupid griefers  

lol,  that certainly used to happen.  Now  they can't attack you unless you go to insecure areas (well they can, but 20 odd battleships tend to jello them before you die )  There is no need to ever go to insecure areas unless you are a deranged miner.

Also there is now an invisible login/warp period.  To be fair the game is now not the one I quit ages ago.  


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Re: Looking for a space sim game for Xmas, any suggestions??
« Reply #38 on: December 26, 2003, 02:07:15 pm »

I've tried the Freelancer demo and I can't say that I like it.  Combat seems ridiculous with mouse.  It takes way too long to line up a shot, most of which are missing.  What happened to the joystick control in this whole series?  I also find the navigation system a bit dodgey.   I lost a few missions because I was not prompted to drop out of the trade lane or whatever that is.  When I entered the more freeform portion of the demo, I could not find my way back to planet Manhattan or Pittsburgh.  For what may be there in the game, the controls are too strange and combat is unrewarding and frankly makes me a bit sick in the stomach like a bad rollercoaster ride with all the swirling around.  I bought an old game Independence War from back in '98 and I am going to give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry, I don't think Freelancer is for me.  

I didn't like FL at 1st either. Takes getting used to. Use F6 to bring up the nav map. IT will show all the places you already explored. Then you can zoom in on Manhattan and select best path. Then you can follow the way points. When docking in trade lanes its best to get within a range of 100 before you hit F3, otherwise the baddies will butter your toast.

There is a mod that allows you to use a joystick. I have not tried it but heard it works. Its in the D/l section at   I found I like the mouse once I got used to it. Actually I use a trackball with thumb control, works real well. As far as having trouble targeting the enemy. Yes it can be hard. But you will find each faction has a slightly different AI. Molly's in Bretonia being the easiest to target as they fly straight on. Xenos are hard to target as they zip around like knats. These is why early on I prefer missles. Using erasers and sweepers for shields, slingshot and ones that start with a J( jaguar?).  

I also prefer hitting engine kill, then using tab or thrusters to change direction. With engine kill once you pass the enemy, you can turn around and your still flying away from him. Then he will turn towards you when he is around range 700-1000.

Then you can thruster towards him and usually get him head on for a bit, When about 100 away losse your missles on him. Rinse and repeat.

Anyways once you advance and get decent guns you won't have to fire on him as long before they die. All this being said I am getting bored of it, but I have played the campaign twice. My longest game is 60 hours. So I can still try mods noiw and play online.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2003, 02:20:57 pm by red_green »