hi guys just a little visted before xmas :d
done few ships and bases over the last two weeks
all moved into mynew home and setup up cable too :d got good deal on it so i`m ahead of that long 3 month wait thankgod
so here we go
did this baby for sandman if you like her sandman let me know i`ll
keep the ship just for you if not i`ll release her for the forums to have

Ues_tannhaeuser(refit) wanted a cut down versiom for my game less guns on this one

ues_honeybee small scout type ship around 75 meters in size my own design and texture
ideas on this one

new starbase J24 can hold up to 7 ships this is a big big starbase you can fit all of ships i`ve done to date in here

i`ve also rescaled j34 and j35 and will be releasing them soon

now on to my romulan designs for pre-tos
romulan starbase is first up

next up a romulan destroyer

and a romulan deadnought

i`ve also working on other new federation ship UES_AZEL battleship and other outpost for the feds and romulans
i should be back to normal after xmas if i get my modem to work on my pc right now its on my laptop as xp having problems
installing in on my pc god knows why i`ve got to look into it