Topic: SFC 1 music  (Read 3787 times)

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SFC 1 music
« on: February 17, 2003, 11:25:31 am »
Is anyone on the forums aware what the .i4x files are in the SFC1 assets music folder?  Is there any chance they can be converted into something (say .wav, which their filesize seems to indicate) so they can then be assembled and compressed into nourishing, bite sized formats?  I enjoy the SFC/ SFCOP music alot and have already dived into the OP music file to assemble several tunes for personal enjoyment (they make great mood music for fanfics ).  I can't seem to do the same with SFC1.

I also get tantalizing hints that interplay, once a long, long time ago, released a number of the music tracks from SFC1 as mp3's, but I can't find those anywhere either.

All large, furry cat ears,



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Re: SFC 1 music
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2003, 09:26:44 pm »
Bad news: i4x are interplay proprietary formats. i.e. No chance of conversion. (and is pretty much unmoddable)

Good news: SFC1 music (all of them) are avaiable as MP3. Which helps if you want to listen to them out of game. But does nothing to help one to mod the game music.


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Re: SFC 1 music
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2003, 12:57:26 am »
I'm aware of the origional SFC music being in mp3 format, but like i've said, I can't find it ANYWHERE;  It's gone *sob*

All I really want to do is listen to the music while I websurf, so conversion isn't too much of a problem IF I can find the mysterious and elusive mp3 versions of them.


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Re: SFC 1 music
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2003, 05:48:53 pm »
oh.. I thought you wanted to mod the files...

If it's just the mp3's you are looking for, then I got them. (from another forum user-- rehotchilidog) and are more than happy to share.

email me we can work out the xfer details.