All quiet on the Thu11s front.........
Me and my machine are currently round my miss's grans flat, house sitting 'til Xmas, so no net connection (which sucks). But work does indeed progress, Actually did a check of all my meshes in progress the other night!
Lyran CA almost there, still naffing about with a bridge section for it though, all but the shuttle bays are textured. The mesh for the DN and FF are also done with DW's to follow the FF soon. Also have skecthes for the DD done and CW's wouldn't be too long after that. Got an idea for a modified CA mauler mesh aswell, but we'll see if I can pull it off....
The ISC FF & DD meshes are done, but need painting, the CVA is about half done texturing, mesh complete. Got ideas for a couple of freighters, but they're not even on paper yet. Kinda got a BB in the works, although it just ends up looking like a really fat DN

The Rommie SkyHawk will be up when I get back home, and I have a basic mesh for the SeaHawk. REALLY struggling with the King Condor BB, trying to get something between my DN and a Warbird is kinda hard without it looking odd.... Also got ideas on variants such as carriers etc.
Gorns are unfortunately on a back burner, never could get happy on a texture style, wanted something similar to the Stock textures in colours and pattern but more reptilian come plainer like TOS models come more functional looking. Did my nut in so concentrated on the Lyrans.... call it an artistic block!!
Hydrans.... Got ideas, some sketches but nothing done in Max as of yet. They're pretty much going to be like the Gorn I'm doing, better looking/more detailed versions of what I've done already as they pretty much fulfill what I was trying to do.
Also, got a few ideas for some more fish/shark like Orions, but they keep getting further down the list

Lots of stuff in progress, just gotta get my finger out and finish them, keep getting distracted by new stuff

Also gotta keep the miss' happy......
Will be back home at the weekend so should get some stuff up then, hopefully

Still working, just work internet sucks at the mo