I don't know...
In my gaming group using West Ends Games version of Starwars RPG, We spent a great deal of time designing our own ships and then simulating battles in them. Eventually we adapted them to SFB rules/WEG hybridized rules. We liked the more "realistic" damage allocation, targeting, and movement rules in SFB's baby but used WEG's stuff a lot as well. We thought the ship design logic and technology details in SW were inferior drivel. No engineer in his right mind would design a ship like the millenium falcon.The tech was infinitely less believable too. It just don't make sense. The trek stuff looked logically consistant. But we like swarming fighter battles and naval egagements reminiscent of WW2 broadside battles which were more present in WEG. We developed (cones of steel) hydra flechette anti-fighter defence rockets, refractive armor, density differential refractive shielding, ion cannon defeating chaff, tractor defeating ion cannon shots, laser defeating reflective paint (good up to X-ray wavelengths), fire control scanners (manual targeting has been ineffective since about 4 decades ago)
Anyway the point is we used SW ships with trek rules. There were no Fed Klink, Rom or any other ST ships, though we used similar tech minus transporters. It was a blast.