For OP
1. you can use any notepad editor to give yourself lots and lots of prestiege in the metaassets/singleplayer folder. I forget specifically the file, but if you do want to do this, hollar and I go find out again.
For all SFC
1. the [] brackets slow and speed up the game, if you don't want to cheat, but need reaction time. They can be set to different keys, so check out your hotkeys tab to see if they're the ones.
3. You can use shipedit to make a ridiculously powerful superbattleship; This severly unbalances the game however, and makes some SFC missions impossible, as your fighting a copy of yourself (and fighting a copy of yourself when you've armed yourself with 20 ph 4's is a really, really, nasty fight.) Remember, all ships of the type you edit will become a super battleship; IE, if you edit the F-DD, ALL F-DD's will have this design, not just yours.
Also note that the computer will know if you cheat in this manner and swiftly kick you out of multiplayer if you try.
For SFC 1:
I've only been able to modify personal areas of the game with a hex editor, so it's not reccomended. With a hex editor however, you CAN edit every aspect of your personal save file (current prestiege, career prestiege, medals, training/techincal badges, ships owned, officer experience levels and officer names) to some degree. Unless you have some rudimentary understanding of hex though, it's not reccomended.