I haven't slept. I couldn't. Too many things to do, and too many things yet to be done. It's just that as soon as I think I'm done, I start thinking about what else could be done to yet improve the mod even more, and make it better..
I'm tired. Cafeinated. Hyper. Jumpy. .. and last but not least, at work for a full day's work. AGH.
Ok. Here's the status: everything I have said I would do, has been done. For a revision that's doesn't feel like I added anything to playable ships, and I don't think I did much of that at all, the shiplist has increased to a whoping size of
5434 ships, at least as of this morning. Incredible, eh?
I've even done some single-player D2 testing on my own, at home. Here's what I've found:
It's 2312. I finally got my R-XCB in the yard. It's been difficult since there's a lot of old junk that pops up. I mean, why is there a R-SNA in there at all!? And my wingmen, sheeesh! A K-D6K? I really need to review YLAs and make things that can be replaced by better technology be phased out.
And what was I thinking when I put Raven.Is on a XSBF. In this era, anything less than .IIIs are pushovers. In fact, based on Module X1, the Hydran X1 ships even get their fighters along with their ships, included in the BPV. I think I need to go through the bases' with PFs or fighters and check their loadouts.
And there you have it. More delays.. more stuff to do.. and worse yet, I think the mod was READY. I wanted to wait for about a week to play with it and see if everything works, but unfortunately it's not up to my satisfaction yet. Besides.. I've just figured out that new video card I bought on Boxing Day has anti-aliasing support that can be forced on despite SFC's settings. I want to see all the work I've put in. 
... *twitch* *jitter* .. now that I've typed that out.. maybe I can actually concentrate on work, and see if I can make it till tonight.. Good thing I brought a stash of coke and redbull alone.. *twitch*
-- Luc