Topic: Ok, settings I think i will use...  (Read 1900 times)

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Ok, settings I think i will use...
« on: February 21, 2003, 12:53:07 pm »
I'm going to post the settings of the fun server before I prep them, if you don't like them, place inform me now before I start configurating!

Proposed settings

Alliances:  Four sided war
F/G v M/H v I/K vs R/L

Server settings: AOTK
Shiplist:  Still deciding, will probably use the AOTK shiplist unless I get some major objections.  That way I do not have to mess with ship class problems
Missions: Stock


4 squares, divided in half, the center zone should be hot and PvP should be available from the very start of the server. (I figured you guys would like instant gratification...)
There will be no neutral hexes, I learned my lesson about the neutral coop bug from 7.25!

Starting PP: 15,000
Starting Era:  Late
Starting ship: BPV 150-175 +/- empire deltas

I don't think I missed anything.  Server configuration starts in about 1 1/2 hrs.  Hopefully the server will start around 6:30 Central, after a bit of testing.

I will post a download site for the shiplist, as it comes available. (Should be very minimal)

Again, this is just proprosed settings, if you don't like them, inform me now!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by DarkElf »