Topic: Graphics Cards Comparison  (Read 14664 times)

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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2003, 03:05:52 pm »

Isn't the 5700 and 5700 Ultra the one with the "Leaf Blower Fan" also?? I heard that both 5700 had some bad problems when they came out...

Nope, no leaf blower, at least on the reference design. The 5800 had that (the first high-end card of the Geforce FX range). The 5700 Ultra in my machine seems to be pretty good. Currently running it overclocked to 535 mhz core clock, 1020 mhz memory clock.

EDIT: I'd hope that people would never buy a graphics card on the basis of a 3DMark 2001 or 2003 score...synthetic benchmarks mean jack sh**. Look at reviews that actually use games to test rather than benchmarking programs if you want to make a good choice, which at the moment seems to be an ATI card if you can get past certain driver issues (don't get me started, I could rant all day.....)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2003, 03:09:50 pm by James_Smith »


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2003, 08:10:31 pm »
I thought it might be the 5800 but was not sure.. A good friend of mine had the 5800.... his roomie said he could here it (the video card cooling fan) half way across the apartment... lol and I agree IMO that over all the ATI Radeon series of cards are the best bang for the buck... since they seem to take full advantage of all the capabilities of DX9... they tested the 5900 Ultra and the latest 256MB ATI Radeon (froget the number but 9600 seems to come to mind) on the a few high end games in a recent Computer Gaming World ... it was a rather interesting write up.....


Dash Jones

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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2003, 11:24:23 pm »
Whatever you do, don't get the Ati 9000 series.  Had to use them...and have had tons of problems getting recent game releases to work with the drivers.  The cards are awesome...but the drivers are sooooo bad, that it will drive you least with the recent releases...

Luckily I got an Nvidia card a few months ago as well...not as kickin with the specs...but it's drivers seem to work better thus far...

However...simply put...visually, thus far with the games...I can't tell any improvments in the graphics between the FX series and the Geforce 4 Ti series...thus far at least...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dash Jones »


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2003, 02:51:36 am »
Yep as with all new cards these days, you have to wait a year before decent drivers are available  


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2003, 04:40:09 am »
The 53.xx series drivers for Nvidia cards do seem to have very few issues wrt image quality. Plus, and this is something ATI always used to have problems with, they run fine in OpenGL. The last time I tried an ATI card a few months back, the 9700 Pro that I used was spectacularly bad in OpenGL - we're talking single-figure framerates. Since then, I've been loathe to have another ATI card. When the next series appears (code R4xx for ATI, NV4x for Nvidia) I'll probably see if I can get hold of one of each to try out.


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2003, 08:17:56 pm »
Alright, well I have to wade into this discussion because in my opinion anyone saying stay away from the new ATI cards is nuts.  I was  a pure NVIDA guy until the 9500/9700 series of ATI cards came out.  I purchased a 128 meg 9500 pro to replace my aging Geforce 3 card.  I like many people have had zero problems with this card in both Open GL and DirectX.  I did numerous comparisions and at the time the 9500 pro was the best card for my money.  Today I still see the ATI cards (9600 and 9800) being a better value for your money than the equivalent NVIDA cards.  Why?  Because they give you better performance with AA and AS on than the NVIDA cards and at a lesser price.  When NVIDA comes out with a better card I'll buy it, but for now ATI is on top.  

For those who are having driver problems I'm more than willing to bet you've done something wrong installing the drivers.  Several people I know have come to me with problems when installing RADEON cards.  The biggest mistake I found was not completly removing NVIDA drivers before trying to install the RADEON cards.  Do you really expect a card to function properly when the computer still has another manufactuers drivers installed?  The second problem I've found is that people were using old drivers.  Catalyst 3.7 and up are excellent drivers for the entire RADEON family (9000-9800).  

As for games, I've yet to install and play a game that didn't run extremely well on my 9500 Pro.   Even this card is starting to show its age when compared the top of the line ATI and NVIDA cards, but for the most part I can run 1152X940 at 4X AA and 8X AS with framerates well above acceptable levels (of course it varies with the game).  

My big suggestion to anyone is find someone with the card you are considering purchasing (or one similar, ie. 9500 pro comparable to a 9600, and this goes for both NVIDA and ATI).  This is the best way to evaluate a card.   And well I'm a fan of the new ATI cards, simply choose the ATI or NVIDA card that works best for you.  Just don't automatically discount a manufactuer like so many would have you do with ATI.


Dash Jones

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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #46 on: December 17, 2003, 08:43:49 pm »

Alright, well I have to wade into this discussion because in my opinion anyone saying stay away from the new ATI cards is nuts.  I was  a pure NVIDA guy until the 9500/9700 series of ATI cards came out.  I purchased a 128 meg 9500 pro to replace my aging Geforce 3 card.  I like many people have had zero problems with this card in both Open GL and DirectX.  I did numerous comparisions and at the time the 9500 pro was the best card for my money.  Today I still see the ATI cards (9600 and 9800) being a better value for your money than the equivalent NVIDA cards.  Why?  Because they give you better performance with AA and AS on than the NVIDA cards and at a lesser price.  When NVIDA comes out with a better card I'll buy it, but for now ATI is on top.  

For those who are having driver problems I'm more than willing to bet you've done something wrong installing the drivers.  Several people I know have come to me with problems when installing RADEON cards.  The biggest mistake I found was not completly removing NVIDA drivers before trying to install the RADEON cards.  Do you really expect a card to function properly when the computer still has another manufactuers drivers installed?  The second problem I've found is that people were using old drivers.  Catalyst 3.7 and up are excellent drivers for the entire RADEON family (9000-9800).  

As for games, I've yet to install and play a game that didn't run extremely well on my 9500 Pro.   Even this card is starting to show its age when compared the top of the line ATI and NVIDA cards, but for the most part I can run 1152X940 at 4X AA and 8X AS with framerates well above acceptable levels (of course it varies with the game).  

My big suggestion to anyone is find someone with the card you are considering purchasing (or one similar, ie. 9500 pro comparable to a 9600, and this goes for both NVIDA and ATI).  This is the best way to evaluate a card.   And well I'm a fan of the new ATI cards, simply choose the ATI or NVIDA card that works best for you.  Just don't automatically discount a manufactuer like so many would have you do with ATI.


Hmmm...whilst I've had the 9000 series...drivers came out with a warning that they would fry one of my cards...due to the drivers...Many of the New games (like JK:JA had quirks in them) AND these are things that Ati actually brought to my attention as to why the games and drivers weren't working was a known bug, in fact, if I recall they were the ones responsible for these items (such as the card overheating due to their spectacular spankjob on their drivers...glad I didn't use that machine all that long then...or jeez...goodby to one card).

As for not knowing how to install drivers...thankyou for your all knowing ideas of my of the computers came with the Ati already installed...and it was my relatives that updated them (luckily, as I said, my computer has an Nvidia card...thank goodness, their ati cards drive me nuts).

Ironically, these machines are owned by some pretty good troubleshooters (I mean who else would be able to get a game like UR Tournament 2003 to run on an 8 mb 3d card?) who I would think know their drivers pretty good.  They use Ati's strictly though for all their stuff dealing with video capture and editing...

My gaming is just a thing that they bear whilst I'm around...and regulate how much hard drive space I can actually use up (6 gigs total on their machines...which is why I'm glad I picked up a new machine a few months back).

I'm happy that you are having a good time with the Ati drivers...glad you have a different perspective...however, my recent experiences have been different...and you don't need to insult me by saying it's all due to me and not the drivers...especially when some of the problems are known and acknowledge by Ati tech and patched luckily in the next set of drivers (which does absolutely nothing for the new releases it seems...only for the already released games...which means if you play by the'll be running behind on the current release racks).


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2003, 07:54:55 am »

For those who are having driver problems I'm more than willing to bet you've done something wrong installing the drivers.  Several people I know have come to me with problems when installing RADEON cards.  The biggest mistake I found was not completly removing NVIDA drivers before trying to install the RADEON cards.  Do you really expect a card to function properly when the computer still has another manufactuers drivers installed?  The second problem I've found is that people were using old drivers.  Catalyst 3.7 and up are excellent drivers for the entire RADEON family (9000-9800).

When I installed the 9700 I had, it was right after I'd completely wiped and reinstalled Windoze, so left-overs from Nvidia definitely wasn't the problem. I just assumed that the card was knackered, and reinstalled my trusty old Geforce Ti4200 again. I still have it, really should get around to either selling it or putting it into another machine.


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #48 on: December 18, 2003, 09:11:25 am »
Note: SFC3 does not support ATI Catalyst 3.8 and 3.9 versions (has something to do with DirectPlay I am led to understand) and that is why many ATI users use 3.7 to play this game. I think... since this whole patch war   is going on between Activision and Paramount/Tauldren/whoever else they can piss off and ask the clowns if a video patch can be done... This would not be a gameplay issue type fix... just a compatability issue patch to bring the game up to support Catalyst 3.9 and all the latest DirectPlay issues.



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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2003, 04:31:19 am »
Just a quick note.  Tomshardware have just released there massive test "VGA Charts 3."  And this effectively answers all of my original questions.  

If you're in the market for a new graphics card check out this review first.

 VGA Charts 3  


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2003, 05:22:56 am »
My card is not reviewed there but I can highly recommend it, it is the saphire 9600XT 256MB and at £140 is £60 cheaper than its Nvidea equivalent. The new catalyst 3.10 drivers work excellently with it too  


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2004, 03:30:49 am »
Just thought I would share this great deal I got!!!

Why settle for a 9600 when you can get a Radeon 9700 Pro for $219 ?!?!,3668&keywords=&minprice=&maxprice=

I just got one of these and it is awesome! This is the absolute best bang for your buck right now. This is last year's top of the line card for a bargain price, and the only thing better than this is the 9800 Pro and XT, and they cost way too much.

Trust me , you will not be dissapointed, it is an outstanding deal, and I doubt if they will have these much longer. Also, Newegg is the best, mine shipped the day I ordered it and I got it in 4 days.



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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2004, 05:35:20 am »
Sorry BG I should have replied to this earlier.  

It certainly looks like the ATI Cards have claimed the top spots in the Tomshardware reviews.  If there new 3.10 drivers do the business then these cards should be the must buy.


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2004, 08:56:21 am »
Keep in mind that  3D Mark 2001 is a DirectX 8 test.   If you are getting a new card, you should use 3D Mark 2003 as your benchmark, which uses DirectX 9.   Toms and other review sites also will frequently use canned game playbacks (UT, Aquanox, etc) for comparisions.

I currently have a Ti 4600, but if I were going to get a new card I'd get an ATI, they do DirectX 9 much better, which is what all the new games will use.   IIRC the 9700 gives performance equivalent/slightly better to the high end Nvida's at a reasonable price, and the 9800 is far superior.


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Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #54 on: December 16, 2003, 07:36:20 am »
Hi guys,

I'm looking to upgrade my graphics card soon, but I need to know if my money will be well spent, and if I'll get visable improvements.

My Current Card is based on a nVidia ti4600 w/ 128Mb.
I'd like to get a Gainward nVidia FX5700 w/ 256Mb.

But I can't find any comparitive reviews based around the same games.  Reviews I can find obviously show you the frame rates of the new card but its always compared against similar ATI cards or the lower end FX5200 cards, and never against the older ti4600's.

If you know of any sites with reveiws that compare the FX5700 to the ti4600 based on 'real use' rather than technical specifications then I'd like to know.



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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #55 on: December 16, 2003, 07:49:29 am »
The ATI radeon series is definatly worth your time. Often it isn't a good idea to buy upgraded video cards based on older chipsets.

Check out exellent site! Very fair in it's reviews. My only reccomendation is ALWAYS buy your video cards direct. Don't purchase them from 3rd party resellers (IE Get the radeon from ATI rather than one of the resellers that produce items based on their chipsets)


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #56 on: December 16, 2003, 07:53:55 am »
Short answer: Couldn't find any, no.

Long answer. Tom's hardware and hardwareanalysis both mention that if you are considering the FX5700, and it's not the Ultra version, consider buying the FX5600 Ultra- it's both faster, more stable, and cheaper. The FX5700 Ultra is better, though, but the price is accordingly.



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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #57 on: December 16, 2003, 07:56:49 am »
I check out Toms all the time, but they never review the newer cards (FX5700) with the older (ti4600) and if I try and compare to different reviews the benchmarks (games, programs) are different.  I have to admit though that ATI aren't on my list.  I just don't trust the drivers, even though they may be better these days.  

But I don't really want this thread to get into an ATI is better than nVidia or nVidia is better than ATI discussion.  



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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #58 on: December 16, 2003, 07:58:41 am »
Thanks Falaris,

I'll just head off to check out the price difference now....


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Re: Graphics Cards Comparison
« Reply #59 on: December 16, 2003, 07:59:32 am »
The drivers have improved alot over the past year. I have an raedon 9700 pro card and I couldn't be happier. Got rid of all the Z-buffer problems I was having with the nvidia cards.