I bought my girlfriend a copy of OP so we could play against each other online. I set it up, got into Gamespy, and entered a 3v3 just to show her what all the fuss was about. When the game started, I told my ship (I-XCF, I think) to follow one of my teammates. I then proceeded to explain to my girlfriend what this button did, how to set this, etc. The whole time, I keep getting irritating in-game messages from somebody telling somebody else to turn around, go back, watch out, etc.
Then about the time I get into formation with my teammates, one of them tractors me and they all pelt me with plasma. That's when I realize that I'd made two very dumb moves. 1) I'd told my ship to follow one of my opponents, not one of my teammates. 2) The messages I was receiving were from my teammates who were calling me by my girlfriend's gamename, which I didn't pick up on because I was expecting anything directed at me to use my name, even though nobody knew it was me.
Luckily, they left me for dead, not knowing that I had a full rack of spare parts. My teammates were able to get in a few good shots while our opponents were still ROFLing and typing how stupid I was. In the end, we won with no losses.
However, my girlfriend was fatally embarassed and now refuses to play online because she thinks that everyone will know about the dumb move and think that she made it.