Topic: Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games  (Read 2106 times)

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Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games
« on: February 15, 2003, 03:28:35 pm »
Greetings to all who read this,

I am new to this SCF forum.  We (my wife & I)  love the Starfleet Command Games,  we have yet to get SCF IIII we hope soon.  The purpose of this message is to seek out official highly reliable  (or Unoffical) models for TMP era.  I am looking for even better renditions of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A & the Reliant Classes mods or models whichever it is (well Heavy and light cruisers of course).  Though for the Excelsior is there an Enterprise NCC-1701-B variant out there with those improvments the class would appear to have for that ship, saw what looked to be a great looking scan out there but again hard to find again.  We would be very interested in that.  Not sure where to look as I have been weary in the past.  If taldren or anybody knows where to find these that would be most excellent.  Also some more of those x class in STF:OP I remember seeing a promising looking batch cant remember where.  While I have a decent understanding of computers I am no means an expert.  Even less so with programming.  Plus a lot to learn about the best and offical/right sites are for those kind of upgrades.  so please pardon my  inexperience here.  Will there also be TMP era ships in SCF III?  We hope so if not what is available out there for adaptations?  Thanks for reading  

Clark Kent

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Re: Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2003, 11:38:44 pm »
well, first of all, welcome!
Secondly, there are answers to each of your questions, I'll try to answer a couple, but some of the answers may not be to your liking.
There are many, many, many excellent models out there- for each versions of SFC.  Recently atheoroven went on a spree to convert several ships to SFC1.  There are many versions of the 1701 out- origanal through E, and even a few ideas for the F.  The 1701 and 1701 A have been done the most- I believe.  Recently Khaliban finished an absolutely outstanding version of it- you can find the thread here on this forum just by scrolling through the recent lists.  Wicked Zombie has also done several versions- each of them excellent.  He's also done the Miranda and variations thereof.  Another big name around here is Pneumonic81- who has done just about everything TMP wise.  He has several versions of the 1701 and 1701 A, recently did a 1701-B.  He has an excellent sovereign, as does Lord Bile.
In short, the models you seek are around, and them some, but getting them lately may be a trick.  Many of the greats- cleeve, P81, Knox1711(does kitbashes of P81 and other's, like Admiral), lord delekhan, atrahasis, darkdrone, good god, the list just goes on and on, but many are temporarily out of business due to server difficulties.  Apparently finding a good server is next to impossible.  This may change shortly, however.  In the meantime, i would suggest you check out the new frost works for people like Wicked Zombie, Thu11s and Lord Bile- among others.  They should have some great models up there.

For your TOS needs:

and one other for good measure:

Happy hunting,


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Re: Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2003, 01:49:29 pm »
I gots you some TMP ships for your D/Ling pleasure. Just follow the link in my signature.



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Re: Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2003, 02:01:18 pm »

The question is, after you download the MODELS, do you know how to edit the Shiplist file so the ships appear in the game?

If not, i'd recommend you download Chris Jones' TMP mod (i think he made a TMP mod sometime along the he made EVERY kind of mod!)


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Re: Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2003, 05:56:34 pm »
well go to this yahoo groups and you can download what ship you wand (almost), the first is all the images for the mod and the 2th is where i put the mod for download, if the 1 you want is not there give me the name and i will place it.


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Re: Seeing new ships better ships and different ships for SCF games
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2003, 10:49:36 am »
Oh yeah, Chris Jones' mods are at

 Chris Jones Mods

You can also find a mirror at Frost-Works.