Topic: The most intelligent nonhuman species...  (Read 18216 times)

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Re: The most intelligent nonhuman species...
« Reply #100 on: December 16, 2003, 08:00:08 am »
Any species who can't master fire isn't going far up the evolutionary ladder..  Fire is a prerequisite for civilization, which pretty much ensure dolphins, whales, and arthropods aren't going anywhere fast, unless they come back onto land.  


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Re: The most intelligent nonhuman species...
« Reply #101 on: December 16, 2003, 08:20:58 am »
Only a technological species. The critters in the sea have no need for it. Thier environment is rich enough in stimuli and challenges to develop their intelligence. Plus, they do have access to fire in a limited fashion, The volcanic rifts, smokers and so forth.