Seriously, if you have access to another machine, try connecting the printer to it and see if you can get it to print. That will tell you whether the problem is with the printer / cable, or the computer.
I am inclined to think it is the computer. If this is the case, see my earlier comment about a Non-XP OS.

I would hazard a guess that the problem is in how XP is handling the driver for that printer. The easy thing to do would be to remove the print drivers and reinstall - but as Windows XP is so helpful in terms of keeping things around that you have uninstalled, this probably won't work.
Another thing you might try (if you have one) is loading drivers for and hooking up a different USB printer to the machine, and see if it will print to that one.
Assuming you have already tested the original printer on another machine, this will tell you if the problem is XP with the original printer's drivers, or XP and printing in general.