Topic: Expanded Shiplist  (Read 1215 times)

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Expanded Shiplist
« on: December 11, 2003, 02:08:47 pm »
Ok. I'm going to admit my ignorance now.

I've been replacing stock ships by putting the custom ship file in the models section of my SFC: OP game and then using ShipEdit, pointing the stock ship listing to the new custom ship.

So that measn all I have been doing is replacing models.

But I have also added models to the list, as the game allows for a limited number to be added to the say, Federation Heavy Cruiser category.

Now I have learned inthe past few weeks that there are customized shiplists that add new races like the Borg, Tholians, etc.

How do I get a customized, expanded shiplist for SFC: OP and put it in the game so I can choose from a wider selection races to fly or shoot at?

I currently replace/add my stock Gorns listings with Azel's Hellions and Neophytes for example, just as a way to play with 'em. (I'd love to have more races to use)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kaenyne »


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Re: Expanded Shiplist
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2003, 02:30:06 pm »
hmm well i think you can replace a race for the borg like replacing the romulan for the borg, i don't think you can ad a new race in the game.


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Re: Expanded Shiplist
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2003, 04:38:34 pm »
As stated, you can't really change the race. The slots will always use the user interface for that race regardless of what you stick in it. You have already discovered most of what you can do.

1. Be aware that if you import the specifications of a race that uses ADD into one that uses plasma-d the game will see the ADD as palsma-d racks. And the same if going the other way around. Plasma D becomes ADD...  I think.

2. Somewhere in some of the odd numbers that do not appear in ShipEdit defines whether a carrier is a fighter carrier or a pseudofighter carrier. I have experienced that some ships specifications will not let you add fighters. I am unsure if this is still true as some of the newer patches may have changed this. However you can import a carrier and change the specs as desired. If it launches fighters then it uses the fighters defined in the ftrlist. If it launches pseudofighters then the specs need to point to the right p-ftr in the shiplist.

3. ShipEdit behaves oddly when attempting to edit specifications in the ftrlist. I seems to duplicate certain parts of the specifications and adds them in. It seems to work OK but you will find your ftrlist just about doubles in file size when you do this. I, myself, edit the ftrlist manualy.

That's a few of common things that you discover when mucking around with the shiplist specs.      

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Expanded Shiplist
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2003, 05:48:19 pm »
I can tell you that you are allowed 64 ships of each in the four size catagories for each race.

Somebody please correct me if Im wrong on this...


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Re: Expanded Shiplist
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2003, 08:07:20 am »

Now I know more about what I'm doing.

In that case, I'll start using my Orion Pirate factions to insert custom models.

Thanks for all th ehelp folks!  

The Postman

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Re: Expanded Shiplist
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2003, 04:10:35 pm »

I can tell you that you are allowed 64 ships of each in the four size catagories for each race.

Somebody please correct me if Im wrong on this...  

posted by Firesoul

You see, sometimes things are as they are for a reason. For example, I ran out of space in a hull class, and would go over the 128 ships limit unless I reclassify the ships.



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Re: Expanded Shiplist
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2003, 07:59:49 pm »

I can tell you that you are allowed 64 ships of each in the four size catagories for each race.
Somebody please correct me if Im wrong on this...  

EAW and old OP, you are not wrong.
Recent OP 128 per class, and it's not 4. Starbases and freighters and such have their own classes, we just don't have easy access to them. See the real Vessel Library to see what I mean.