Topic: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!  (Read 8313 times)

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Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« on: December 12, 2003, 11:56:34 am »
Hello all from way out in CA at a little known Naval Air Station just outside the city of Lemoore...  (yeah I know.. Lemoore?? Where the $%^& is that at....?) Anyways..... I am having some screwy log in info since I have never played OP on Dyna... I am getting the standard "welcome to online Dyna", "Checking for patch" and "getting the messages of the day" stuff but i also get the game spy message.. (thats no biggie) but I am getting "Failed to locate the Directory Servers. Please check your connection or talk to your System Admin." and "A firewall has been detected or you are not online. You are unable to log on" messages... well i must be on-line since I am posting this messege !   I currently have WinXP Home on a HP 1.3MHz cpu with 256MB RAM and a ATI Radeon 7700 (yeah I know it is a old as dirt Video Card but hey it works for the time being as I scratch build my new system... crossing fingers) with all the patches and updates to the OS and the 2052 OP patch from a fresh CD install (i think that is the correct patch #).  I made sure the desktop short cut was directed at the StarfleetOP.exe file and made sure to tell it what diectory it was in too... I also disabled the Universal Plug and Play thing as recomended by the readme.txt file in the game directory.... Is the dyna down for some reason? do i need a DX9 patch for OP (since i have the latest DX9) I have looked through so many post that I am going bug eyed (though I most likely missed the one post that answered all my questions) Any help, or whatnot would be greatly apreciated.... and thanks from this old fart that STILL has a COMPLETE StarFleet Battles Boxed "Book Shelf" edition of the game.... woohoo!!!

Rocko Willis
Captain of the USS Tokyo Rose

"I might be a Extra in a Red Shirt... but remeber this... if it were not for the Red Shirt Extra's all the Star Actors would die each week!" - Rocko Willis    


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2003, 12:02:01 pm »
Do you have the Internall Firewall with Xp turned off?

Also, Does anyone know if the servers are up? I'm guessing they are since I've heard alot of traffic over in the D2 forums.



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2003, 12:02:24 pm »
OH and BTW OP works just fine in Single player AND I also have the latest NW OP ED mission pack that was d/led from if that matters....  



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2003, 12:04:09 pm »
Yeah I have the WinXP internal firewall AND my other software firewall taken down.... and this also just happened to me on my EAW game too it seams.....  



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2003, 12:12:36 pm »
Same issue with me. Same login problem. I thought I was the only one. I am all patched, run straight DMZ and still can't figure out why I can't get in ... It starting to bug me now.

I'm beginning to think there are no servers for OP, and maybe that's the issue.

I can get into D-3 patched, pre-patched and modded ... I was looking forward to playing OP Dynaverse, too.

And you know how I am about my computer. It's a lean, mean machine I update daily ...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by WaterTiger »


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2003, 12:22:32 pm »
Yeah I got the lean, mean gaming machine building as we type.... gonna be awhile before the first fire up...  anyways.... EAW only gives the firewall statement not the directory statement.... I cannot figure it out!  


"Don't hold in your farts... they only travel up your spine and enter your brain... and thats how people get Sh&*y Idea's"  


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2003, 12:28:20 pm »

EAW only gives the firewall statement not the directory statement  

Yip, I get into EAW just fine. Same message, minus the extra one from OP. Last time I did EAW there were two servers in there ... So I'm thinking that there are NO OP servers, which is why we are getting this message.



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2003, 12:30:46 pm »
Hrm.... I was on Empires this morning (OP).  There were 6 servers up, so that isn't your problem.  Sorry I can't be of anymore help to you...



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2003, 12:46:59 pm »
I sat there last week and read the message over and over, thinking I was stupid or something .. I tried and tried.

Nada ...


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2003, 01:13:26 pm »
Well I cannot Figure it out...   and btw how do I get the cool tags and the little avatar in the left hand corner of a post... i am thinking i am a friggin noob!  


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2003, 01:18:39 pm »

Hello all from way out in CA at a little known Naval Air Station just outside the city of Lemoore...  (yeah I know.. Lemoore??

Is the Air Station your ISP?

Sometimes, it's not enough to have turned off your firewall. Your ISP might still be blocked the non-eseential ports, for security and other purposes.
If you have a commecial ISP, then they shouldn't block anything.

And I haven't seen the Directory server message, only the firewall one. (I know I am firewalled in.) so Try again later, maybe the server really was down?

And lastly, you are sure you got the right version? When you launch the game it says


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2003, 01:24:40 pm »
I am using a private company that has a contract for the ISP .. it is a non-Navy ISP .... I am using DSL and when I used to use my Dial-up way back in EAW when it first came out I never had this problem.. and btw yes it is (my bad on using the wrong patch #)   I just wish I could figure this thing out..... I am going a little   right now and pulling out what little hair i have left on my head though i am contemplating leaving in all the grey ones ...  



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2003, 01:33:04 pm »
Goto "My Home" at the top of the page, then "Personal Information" at the bottom of the following page. You shoudl see a link space for your own personal avatar.

Hmmm DSL... These kind of problems are almost always DSL related. (Yet another reason why Cable Hispeed is superior!:p) Here is a wacky idea, does your modem have an USB connection port? (most do) try using that to connect to your computer. I have heard of reports where the DSL modem has some internal trickery that can only be circumvented by the USB connector.
Like I said,, a wacky idea. but what have you gotten to lose? Except more hair.


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2003, 01:35:27 pm »
I got high-speed cable with Charter ... same for me, too. It bugs!!!


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2003, 01:39:42 pm »
If I understand this right..... DSL cable comes to DSL Modem (the little Black Box) then goes from that to my net/lan card (or whatever its friggin called lol)... you want me to disconect it from my "ethernet card" and hok it up to my dial modem?? or am i just being a noob?? I don't wanna go back to dial-up!!! whaaaaa!!!!!



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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2003, 01:42:05 pm »
EGADS I am stupid... just figured out what you meant... a USB purt on my DSL Modem... (smack to forehead...) 14 hours a night at work dealing with Felony Stupid Navy guys as a MP is frying my brain cells...    


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2003, 01:50:16 pm »
OK here is what i got for my DSL box..... it is a Tut Sytems "Long Run" (what a friggin odd name.... at least it is made in the USA...) It has 4 connections...

#1 Power Conection (yeah figured that one out all on my own...)

#2 "10BASE-T"  That one comes in from the wall

#3 and #4 thes are labeled only A nd B respectfully...

Both seem to be the same type of connector.. (the one normally used for DSL wires going from DSL Modem to Ethernet Card)


"Russian parts, American Part, both the same, all made in Taiwan!"  


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2003, 02:02:13 pm »
My DSL modem uses the USB port on the back of my CPU box and I have never had a problem like that.  


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2003, 02:14:10 pm »
How about a model number so ity can be looked up. "Long Run" is a name Tut systems has for its network protocol technology.


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Re: Dynaverse 2 for OP... why can I not get in there!!!
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2003, 03:27:53 pm »
Don't have one... 'cept a part number.. which is.... 810-04540-15... and the dsl cabe coming from my DSL modem goes into a regular USB port on my Ethernet card? or just on my PC itself....   I almost need a phone tech support for this.. lol I want a walk through! LOL