Topic: I have the most amazing daughter!  (Read 5376 times)

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I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2003, 09:09:58 am »
In case I haven't mentioned it before in too many places, I have a 10 year old daughter.  Like most children her age she has a somewhat cavalier attitude about Christmas and gift giving.  The better to give than recieve hasn't really sunk in yet.  She also has a penchant for losing money that she is given to go shopping with.  To help her keep a handle on her gift shopping this year, my wife and I decided that instead of giving her a wad of bills to go forth and spend we would instead give her a Visa Debit Giftcard.  When we popped the card on her and told her the amount she had to spend I thought she was going to pop.  The idea of a *credit* card was almost overwhelming to her.  She was told up front that the card was for buying presents for other people, not herself.  But after Christmas, whatever was left she could use however she liked.

She did pretty good using the card, and it was fun seeing the expressions on clerks faces when a child plopped down a piece of plastic and then signed the receipt.

There was only one down moment while shopping, my wife mentioned wanting to grab a tag from an Angel Tree and Alida went crazy.  It was really quite embarassing and dissapointing because we've tried our hardest teach her not to be a greedy wench.  Time passed and we never made it to the Angel tree which was quite dissapointing.

Wednesday night she brought home a note from school.  (She goes to a small Christian school.)  The note stated that after Christmas, three of the teachers were going on a mission visit to an orphanage in Peru.  The school had a list of items needed by the orphans and staff.  Any clean and in good condition items would be greatly appreciated.  They also needed suitcases to take the items down with them.  Alida asked if we could give some things to the orphans.  We said of course we could.  We had missed the Angel Tree so this would make up for it.  The first thing she did was run up to the bathroom and grab one of her un-used toothbrushes and said "here, they can have this".  

No we told her.  For something like a toothbrush it really should still be sealed in it's wrapper.  My wife then went on to add that if my daughter wanted to, she could take whatever was left on her gift card and buy things for the orphanage.  Alida thought it was an excellent idea.  They made plans to go shopping on Thursday night.  Before going shopping my wife called the card company to find out the available balance.    It was a decent amount.  So off they went.  List in hand.

They started doing some serious power shopping.  A short time into the jaunt, it started to sink into Alida's head that she wasn't going to be able to buy some of everything on the list before running out of money.  At that point my wife stepped in and said that whatever they had that was more money than was on the card she would pay for.  That assuaged Alida just a bit.  

They picked up packs of underwear, socks, t-shirts, sweatshirts, all sorts of things.  When they got to the checkout the clerk started ringing things up.  It took every cent of the $98 that was still on the card and quite a bit more to pay for everything in the cart.   When they got back home, we packed everything into a suitcase we didn't use anymore to send it off to school.   My daughter went to bed feeling very good about herself and the Christmas Season.



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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2003, 09:20:07 am »
I thank you  Gambler, for doing your job.  You are taking time to actually parent your child.  It is not always easy, and the rewards are never nearly so gratifying as what society tells us we all "deserve".  However, you are trying to actually instill some values in your child, and I (as a future parent and resident of planet Earth) thank you for it.

God Bless you and your family this Christmas.



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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2003, 09:31:44 am »
I agree with what Raven Said. WTG With your kid Gambler.



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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2003, 10:00:11 am »
I've got a 4.75 yr old who doesn't yet comprehend the word share and has spent the last month showing me toy ads and saying "I want this too".

 I can only try and pray I'll be able to do as well as you with her. Great job!  


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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2003, 10:23:01 am »
Wow, I must be blessed. My grandduaghter who is all of 3 years old not only tells me that I should talk to Santa about every darn toy ad she sees on TV, but she also informs me that her 2 year old sister should get this or that toy too.

Of course this is a child who the other day dressed herself and then announed that she was ready to go to school and learn some more.



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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2003, 12:25:46 pm »
Kids are gods' gift to humanity...  but a gift with one hell of a responsibility.


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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2003, 12:31:35 pm »
Very cool, Gambler.  That was a nice read.

My little 20-month old LOVES to

I hope that continues into the future.  I'll certainly be looking to teach her the sort of values you describe here.

I always worry about her possible materialism because she has so much more now than I ever had during my childhood.  It's going to be perhaps a tougher job teaching her to appreciate the things she has and understand that it's a priviledge, not a right.



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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2003, 12:37:46 pm »
N1 Gambler, great going.

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2003, 04:22:36 pm »

I've got a 4.75 yr old who doesn't yet comprehend the word share and has spent the last month showing me toy ads and saying "I want this too".

 I can only try and pray I'll be able to do as well as you with her. Great job!  

In other words, a perfectly normal 4.75 year old!  *smile*



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Re: I have the most amazing daughter!
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2003, 12:35:48 am »
The only TV I own is a Sharp Linytron made in 1988 that has a huge hole in its tuning range (jumps from 36 to 95).  As a result its not good for much more than video games.  Its also the only TV I ever plan to own.  I'm not going to raise my children in front of the tube.  There are many more constructive and instructive things to do.  I will, however, provide endless time with my old computer equipment (it's getting to be a lot!!!)  I hope to hear one day when she comes home from a friend's house:

 "Daddy, Lisa's (simulated friend's name) family's strange!"

"How so, sugar?"

"They all sit in front of a weird computer with no keyboard or mouse!!!  They just sit and *watch* it. "

"Honey, that's called a TV."

"TV.. What's that stand for?"

"Television.  Back when I was a kid..." child tunes out here lol " naturally there would be no keyboard"

"That's dumb.  How do you go back to something you want to look at more closely?  Or find out more about something you saw???"

"That's the thing with TV dear, you just sit and watch."

"Sounds boring.  Can we play SFC?"


That being said, I have no children yet, but I got my girlfriend hooked on SFC, so there's hope