Topic: Military Training Humor  (Read 12808 times)

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Dash Jones

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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2003, 03:03:38 pm »


What's a Jar head?  

A Jar Head is like a Zoomie or Squid, but not as bright.    

Okay...too many new words...perhaps someone should define them...I think I can guess some of these...

Squid is someone in the Navy?  and Zoomie is related to zoom which means someone in the Airforce?  I'm guessing at least...don't know the others...



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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2003, 03:07:21 pm »
Dang dash you ask alot of questions.  

Here you go bro.

Able target---The round bulls eye target
Aboard---on base
Alice pack---field pack worn by Marines.(all purpose,lightweight,individual,carrying,equipment)
All hands---everybody
As you were---resume activity
Aye,aye---Acknowledgement of an order.
BFA--- Blank Firing Apratas blocks the gas from the blank and uses it to cycle the bolt on the weapon.Without it the weapon would fire once and not cycle a new round into the chamber.
Blouse---jacket of the uniform.
Blues---Dress blue formal uniform.
Boondocks---Swamps,small towns,middle of nowhere(also called boonies)
Boot---Recruit,or new Marine.
Brig---jail,or prison.
Bunk---Bed(also called "rack".)
Camies---camouflage uniform.
Carry on---same as "as you were".
CG---commanding General.

Chit---a small piece of paper,or recruit money.
Chow down---to eat
Click--one notch of a rifle sight,or one kilometer.
CMC---Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Colors---American flag,also the ceremonies of raising the flag and lowering the flag.
Corpsman---Navy medic who serves with Marines, also called "doc".
Cover---Marine corps hat.
Deuce gear---782 gear,equipment carried by Marines.
D.I---Drill Instructor.
Ditty bag---a caring bag for misc.items,also called a war bag.
Dog and pony show---special drill,or something else if you happen to visit Korea!!
Double time---running.
Fart sack---a fixed sheet that goes on your rack.
Field day---cleanning the barracks.
Float---sea deployment.
FMF---Fleet Marine Force.
FTS---[bleep] the suck,what Marines say when they are mad at the Corps.
Grinder---parade deck.
Grunt---Marine Infantryman.
Gung ho---highly motivated(Chinese for pulling together).
Head---toilet,or sh*tter.
High-and-Tight---standard marine haircut
Hooch--- a 2 man tent
Hump---march,or hike.
MCT---Marine Combat Training.
IG---Inspector General.
Jarhead---a Marine
Leatherneck---Another name for a Marine.
Liberty---Authorized absence up to 96 hours.
M16A2---basic Marine weapon.
M60---belt fed automatic weapon.
Maggies drawers---means you missed the target at the rifle range!!
No load---a Marine that doesn't carry his weight,or a f*ckup(also see sh*tbird)
PFT---Physical fitness test
Pogey bait--- candy.
PX---post exchange,a store on base.
Quarters---living space.
Rack---bed(also see "bunk")
Rappel---to descend by rope.
Round---bullet,or shell.
Scuttlebutt---gossip,rumors,almost always bullsh*t!!
Seabag---large canvas bag for hauling you gear.
Secure---to stop,lock up or put away.
Semper Fi--- short for Semper Fidelis,Latin for always faithful,the Marine Corps motto.
Sick bay---medical center.
Smoking lamp---if it is lit you can smoke,if it is out you cant smoke.
Snap in---Practice firing on the range.
SOP---standard operating procedure.
Sound off---shouting very loud!!
Squad bay---Large room where many marines live.
Squared away---neat,good Marine.
Squid--Navy person(also see "swabbie")
SRB---service record book
Swabbie---Navy person.(also see "squid")
T-day---B day.

UA---unauthorized absence.
Unk---unqualified on the rifle range.
War belt---cartridge belt used to carry equipment.
The word---confirmed info.

I think I got all of the swear words out of this post.

Edited because I didn't get all the prophanity out.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2003, 03:10:12 pm by Sirgod »


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2003, 03:07:38 pm »
Just a quick antedote here.

Right after the 1st Gulf War, the Summer as a matter of fact I was detailed to put on a firepower demonstration for a bunch of ROTC cadets.

I had two brand new spanky privates I was using to demonstrate the M203 grenade launcher. The commander comes up and tells them to brief the cadets on the different types of ammo.

So one of them ask what they were. Being in my normal smart ass mode I tell them the real ones and then I throw in the "Davey Crockett" wire guided tactical nuuclear round.

They look at me with seom disblief so I proceed to tell them NO $hit it really exist it has a maxium range of 400 meters and a bursting radius of 1/2 a kliometer. So as soon as you fire the round you have to duck. So they both laugh and I tell them NOT to say that to the cadet in the afternoon.

The afernoon rolls around we conduct the firepower demonstration. I am the safety officer for the range and I am briefing a full Colonel who is in charge of the cadets. While I am tlaking to the Colonel. he starts laughing and tells me to listen to what my private is telling the cadets.

You guessed it. Ole Davey himself. He even includes the you have to duck line after you fire the grenade launcher.

Well this Colonel thought it was funny as hell and we both watched. I wondered just how screwed up American youth were becoming if they bought a story on a thermonuclear 40mm grenade.


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2003, 03:19:53 pm »
Just kidding Stephen - a little bit of inter-service rivalry there  




What's a Jar head?  

A Jar Head is like a Zoomie or Squid, but not as bright.    

Okay...too many new words...perhaps someone should define them...I think I can guess some of these...

Squid is someone in the Navy?  and Zoomie is related to zoom which means someone in the Airforce?  I'm guessing at least...don't know the others...  

Squids are Navy
Zoomies are Air Force
Jarheads or Leathernecks are Marines.

IIRC, "leatherneck" is the older term, and Jarhead came about because of their caps.

...Sethan, former Zoomie.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Sethan »


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2003, 03:21:31 pm »

Just kidding Stephen - a little bit of inter-service rivalry there  




What's a Jar head?  

A Jar Head is like a Zoomie or Squid, but not as bright.    

Okay...too many new words...perhaps someone should define them...I think I can guess some of these...

Squid is someone in the Navy?  and Zoomie is related to zoom which means someone in the Airforce?  I'm guessing at least...don't know the others...  

Squids are Navy
Zoomies are Air Force
Jarheads or Leathernecks are Marines.

IIRC, "leatherneck" is the older term, and Jarhead came about because of their caps.  

Oh  i know Sethan. Hehe, I still laugh at what we used to say about other branches, Of course being a marine also means I can't say them hear.  



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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2003, 03:52:22 pm »

Just a quick antedote here.

Right after the 1st Gulf War, the Summer as a matter of fact I was detailed to put on a firepower demonstration for a bunch of ROTC cadets.

I had two brand new spanky privates I was using to demonstrate the M203 grenade launcher. The commander comes up and tells them to brief the cadets on the different types of ammo.

So one of them ask what they were. Being in my normal smart ass mode I tell them the real ones and then I throw in the "Davey Crockett" wire guided tactical nuuclear round.

They look at me with seom disblief so I proceed to tell them NO $hit it really exist it has a maxium range of 400 meters and a bursting radius of 1/2 a kliometer. So as soon as you fire the round you have to duck. So they both laugh and I tell them NOT to say that to the cadet in the afternoon.

The afernoon rolls around we conduct the firepower demonstration. I am the safety officer for the range and I am briefing a full Colonel who is in charge of the cadets. While I am tlaking to the Colonel. he starts laughing and tells me to listen to what my private is telling the cadets.

You guessed it. Ole Davey himself. He even includes the you have to duck line after you fire the grenade launcher.

Well this Colonel thought it was funny as hell and we both watched. I wondered just how screwed up American youth were becoming if they bought a story on a thermonuclear 40mm grenade.  

Funny stuff Sten. Here's Davy:


The blast radius is pretty small but the lethal radiation radius is about 400m.


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Military Training Humor
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2003, 10:59:21 am »
"Aim Towards the Enemy" - Instruction printed on U.S. Army light anti-tank weapons

"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." - U.S.M.C. Training Bulletin

"Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground." - U.S.A.F brochure

"If the enemy is in range, so are you." - Infantryman's Journal

"A slipping trigger gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit." - U.S. Army Magazine of Preventive Maintenance

"It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed." - U.S.A.F. Manual

"Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo." - Infantryman's Journal

"Tracers work both ways." - U.S. Army Ordnance Manual

"Five-second fuses only last three seconds." - Infantryman's Journal

"If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush." - Infantryman's Journal

"No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection." - Anon.

"Any ship can be a minesweeper... once." - Anon.

"Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you." - Anon.

"I am a demolitions specialist. If you see me running, try to keep up." - Hstaphath  


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2003, 11:08:18 am »
LOL, you bring back so many memories. I remember the monthly PMCS manuals, they were frigging cartoons! 6th grade level reading folks...  


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2003, 11:18:18 am »
This was a 15 megaton (yes megaton) thermonuclear test device.


Note the sign ^^  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by 762 »


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2003, 11:19:00 am »

"A slipping trigger gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit." - U.S. Army Magazine of Preventive Maintenance

"I am a demolitions specialist. If you see me running, try to keep up." - Hstaphath  




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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2003, 11:23:25 am »


"A slipping trigger gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit." - U.S. Army Magazine of Preventive Maintenance

"I am a demolitions specialist. If you see me running, try to keep up." - Hstaphath  



Whats not so funny is I have seen the M203 fire just by closing the breach.

Nothing is more fun than removing the barrel when you have a hang fire and the round doesn't exit the barrel. Tends to make people nervous when dealing with unexploded live rounds. DUDS!!


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #51 on: December 10, 2003, 11:44:02 am »

LOL, you bring back so many memories. I remember the monthly PMCS manuals, they were frigging cartoons! 6th grade level reading folks...  

They are online now:


This was a 15 megaton (yes megaton) thermonuclear test device.
Note the sign ^^    

Well... getting lung cancer is BAD for you ya' know.  


Whats not so funny is I have seen the M203 fire just by closing the breach.

I know exactly what you mean, same thing happened to one of my squad members during the first Gulf War.  Thankfully, Cerano had the f'ing thing pointed approximately toward the bad guys... that incident is probably why I find that quote so darkly amusing.

Dealing with UXO's seemed to be very effective at helping people "clarify" their religious beliefs.  It sure did for me!  

Dash Jones

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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #52 on: December 10, 2003, 02:19:35 pm »
Pretty funny stuff there.

Dash Jones

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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2003, 02:22:43 pm »


LOL, you bring back so many memories. I remember the monthly PMCS manuals, they were frigging cartoons! 6th grade level reading folks...  

They are online now:


This was a 15 megaton (yes megaton) thermonuclear test device.
Note the sign ^^    

Well... getting lung cancer is BAD for you ya' know.  


Whats not so funny is I have seen the M203 fire just by closing the breach.

I know exactly what you mean, same thing happened to one of my squad members during the first Gulf War.  Thankfully, Cerano had the f'ing thing pointed approximately toward the bad guys... that incident is probably why I find that quote so darkly amusing.

Dealing with UXO's seemed to be very effective at helping people "clarify" their religious beliefs.  It sure did for me!  

Wow, that's pretty cool...didn't know they had comics for military people to learn things...That's way awesome...


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2003, 02:25:15 pm »



LOL, you bring back so many memories. I remember the monthly PMCS manuals, they were frigging cartoons! 6th grade level reading folks...  

They are online now:


This was a 15 megaton (yes megaton) thermonuclear test device.
Note the sign ^^    

Well... getting lung cancer is BAD for you ya' know.  


Whats not so funny is I have seen the M203 fire just by closing the breach.

I know exactly what you mean, same thing happened to one of my squad members during the first Gulf War.  Thankfully, Cerano had the f'ing thing pointed approximately toward the bad guys... that incident is probably why I find that quote so darkly amusing.

Dealing with UXO's seemed to be very effective at helping people "clarify" their religious beliefs.  It sure did for me!  

Wow, that's pretty cool...didn't know they had comics for military people to learn things...That's way awesome...  

It helps for us JarHeads.  


Dash Jones

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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2003, 02:38:20 pm »
What's a Jar head?


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2003, 02:45:45 pm »

What's a Jar head?  

A commonly used derogative term for a U.S. Marine.  


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2003, 02:47:33 pm »


What's a Jar head?  

A commonly used derogative term for a U.S. Marine.  

Like a Leather Neck.


stephen Uh Rrah.


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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2003, 02:57:02 pm »

What's a Jar head?  

A Jar Head is like a Zoomie or Squid, but not as bright.  

Dash Jones

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Re: Military Training Humor
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2003, 02:58:17 pm »
Okay...I'll bite...what the heck is a leatherneck.

I think I've seen a picture or something of a snake on a package for a knife wait...that's leatherman...or something...

What's a leatherneck...

And how did marines (derogatory saying) get the term jarhead...where did it come from?