Topic: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?  (Read 8456 times)

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Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« on: December 10, 2003, 10:52:46 am »
hehe, I had downloaded The demo for I Was an Atomic Mutant yesterday, and decided to see a couple of reviews for the game, of course Google kicks out a link to game spy.

 link to review


There's only one major problem with I Was An Atomic Mutant!, but it's a killer: within an hour, you've pretty much seen and done all the game has to offer. With only the reward of a high score to keep you going, the game quickly becomes a 21st century version of Asteroids or Space Invaders, destroying endless waves of towns and buildings simply in search of a high score. It's fun for a while, but without an ongoing story or even an online ranking board, there's simply not much incentive to keep playing for more than an hour or two aside from the joy of smashing stuff.

anywho, My sis and I got to talking about the old game asteroids, and I was telling her that alot of people used to Roll over the games. She thought that meant they physicly Turned the machine over on It's side. LOL.

Anyway, After playing a Nostalgic game, I thought I would ask you all to join me in the trip down memory lane.
I did in fact roll over asteroids on the ancient arcade machine when I was a kid, And I also think I did the same thing later on with I believe It was called Krystar or something like that. (way cool game with 4 count them 4 colors.)



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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2003, 10:54:54 am »
I never rolled over any game, but I sure as heck spent many a quarter, especially on the Star Wars arcade games.  


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2003, 11:52:02 am »
I once played Joust for 14 hours on a quarter.  Bubble Bobble for 3 hours.



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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2003, 11:53:17 am »

I once played Joust for 14 hours on a quarter.  Bubble Bobble for 3 hours.


Hehe, and nursed a sore finger for Days I bet. that is impressive though.


Dash Jones

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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2003, 02:12:08 pm »
Forgive my ignorance...but what does roll over a game mean?  Does it mean play it really quick and finish it?


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2003, 02:13:55 pm »
sorry Dash, No problem.

roll Over a game means that you have a score like 999,999 in the display. One more point rolls over the game score on older machines, ressetting It Back to 000,001.

It was quite the thing back in the 70's and 80's.


Dash Jones

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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2003, 02:28:59 pm »
Hmmm, wow..Id on't really have many games that have scores like that...RTS games have scores...but I don't think you could ever get that high...hmm..wait...I have played pacman and asteroids on some of the flash stuff on the internet (now those are classic games...wait...more is coming back to me...wait as second...).

Someone would have to devote their life to playing those games...people actually do that?  The games are almost exactly like they were before (I mean Pacman is just a different maze...and Asteroids is even worse...same thing...only more asteroids or objects).  Wouldn't someone get bored.  Isn't there an ending before they get to that point?

I've seen the movie the "Last Starfighter" which is all about a game from that era.  It had an ending.  If you can't beat a game why would you want to play it (I mean it can be fun...but at with the levels slightly alike...isn't there a limit to just how much fun you could have).  Now I have never gotten all that far in pacman...or space invaders or Asteroids...but unless they included some sort of random generator, wouldn't the levels start repeating at some point...I mean...they'd have to without an ending.  At that point...what's the point to continue playing?


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2003, 02:29:44 pm »
Ms. Pac-Man...Donkey Kong Jr....MACH III....Defender...all games I dominated...


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2003, 02:49:44 pm »

Hmmm, wow..Id on't really have many games that have scores like that...RTS games have scores...but I don't think you could ever get that high...hmm..wait...I have played pacman and asteroids on some of the flash stuff on the internet (now those are classic games...wait...more is coming back to me...wait as second...).

Someone would have to devote their life to playing those games...people actually do that?  The games are almost exactly like they were before (I mean Pacman is just a different maze...and Asteroids is even worse...same thing...only more asteroids or objects).  Wouldn't someone get bored.  Isn't there an ending before they get to that point?

I've seen the movie the "Last Starfighter" which is all about a game from that era.  It had an ending.  If you can't beat a game why would you want to play it (I mean it can be fun...but at with the levels slightly alike...isn't there a limit to just how much fun you could have).  Now I have never gotten all that far in pacman...or space invaders or Asteroids...but unless they included some sort of random generator, wouldn't the levels start repeating at some point...I mean...they'd have to without an ending.  At that point...what's the point to continue playing?  

Hey Bro that was our world in the 70's . Remember Disco? Didn't have a point either.  

but yes, The local stores only had one or two games so you did what you had too.

i was Pretty Darn good at Pong also.



Dash Jones

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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2003, 02:55:59 pm »


Hmmm, wow..Id on't really have many games that have scores like that...RTS games have scores...but I don't think you could ever get that high...hmm..wait...I have played pacman and asteroids on some of the flash stuff on the internet (now those are classic games...wait...more is coming back to me...wait as second...).

Someone would have to devote their life to playing those games...people actually do that?  The games are almost exactly like they were before (I mean Pacman is just a different maze...and Asteroids is even worse...same thing...only more asteroids or objects).  Wouldn't someone get bored.  Isn't there an ending before they get to that point?

I've seen the movie the "Last Starfighter" which is all about a game from that era.  It had an ending.  If you can't beat a game why would you want to play it (I mean it can be fun...but at with the levels slightly alike...isn't there a limit to just how much fun you could have).  Now I have never gotten all that far in pacman...or space invaders or Asteroids...but unless they included some sort of random generator, wouldn't the levels start repeating at some point...I mean...they'd have to without an ending.  At that point...what's the point to continue playing?  

Hey Bro that was our world in the 70's . Remember Disco? Didn't have a point either.  

but yes, The local stores only had one or two games so you did what you had too.

i was Pretty Darn good at Pong also.



Hmm, I don't think I'd be a gamer back then...I just...just can't seem to get into those games (There is one pretty cool older game though...Some cousins got it in the States while I was visiting several christmases ago, it wass for the DVD...called Dragon's Lair...but I think that one had an ending it must have come later...but it is pretty old...much better graphics than pacman).  Perhaps it's like the Gold Box games (D&D type games with pictures/stick figures that you move)...I gave the new releases they had of them a try (they came out a few years ago now, but you probably remember them)...I just couldn't get into that stuff...on the otherhand, I do like NWN now.

Perhaps it's like racing games...I do play those a lot.  Some tracks you know really well...and you just try to keep on getting a better time at them...and then show off to your friends.


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2003, 03:02:18 pm »

Ms. Pac-Man...Donkey Kong Jr....MACH III....Defender...all games I dominated...  

Ah Ms. Pacman.....Pacman with a bobble.  


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2003, 03:28:14 pm »
Although I never rolled over a video game I have done it with pinball.  


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2003, 03:37:13 pm »


Ms. Pac-Man...Donkey Kong Jr....MACH III....Defender...all games I dominated...  

Ah Ms. Pacman.....Pacman with a bobble.    

not sure what it was...maybe it was just availability, but I played Ms. Pac-Man a lot more than regular old Pac-Man....

Thinking back on it, I'm not sure I could even tell you what the difference was.  All know is that I've long since forgotten all my set paths I'd take on each level.  Aside from maybe a game or two, it's been a good 20 years since I've played either...



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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2003, 04:36:31 pm »
I once played a three and one half hour game on the early 80's Star Trek video game.  The sit down version thank goodness.  

A disclaimer here though.  The idiots at that particular arcade had turned down the bonus ship/life level to 10,000 points from the normal 20,000.



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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2003, 05:21:26 pm »

I once played a three and one half hour game on the early 80's Star Trek video game.  The sit down version thank goodness.  

A disclaimer here though.  The idiots at that particular arcade had turned down the bonus ship/life level to 10,000 points from the normal 20,000.


i'll bet that was kinda fun, though...

I played that particular game a lot, but I wouldn't say I was ever good enough to play it for an hour or more on one quarter...


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2003, 06:11:25 pm »



Ms. Pac-Man...Donkey Kong Jr....MACH III....Defender...all games I dominated...  

Ah Ms. Pacman.....Pacman with a bobble.    

not sure what it was...maybe it was just availability, but I played Ms. Pac-Man a lot more than regular old Pac-Man....

Thinking back on it, I'm not sure I could even tell you what the difference was.  All know is that I've long since forgotten all my set paths I'd take on each level.  Aside from maybe a game or two, it's been a good 20 years since I've played either...


No, no, thats my review of Ms. Pac man: Pac man with a bobble...there really was no difference  


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Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2003, 10:52:46 am »
hehe, I had downloaded The demo for I Was an Atomic Mutant yesterday, and decided to see a couple of reviews for the game, of course Google kicks out a link to game spy.

 link to review


There's only one major problem with I Was An Atomic Mutant!, but it's a killer: within an hour, you've pretty much seen and done all the game has to offer. With only the reward of a high score to keep you going, the game quickly becomes a 21st century version of Asteroids or Space Invaders, destroying endless waves of towns and buildings simply in search of a high score. It's fun for a while, but without an ongoing story or even an online ranking board, there's simply not much incentive to keep playing for more than an hour or two aside from the joy of smashing stuff.

anywho, My sis and I got to talking about the old game asteroids, and I was telling her that alot of people used to Roll over the games. She thought that meant they physicly Turned the machine over on It's side. LOL.

Anyway, After playing a Nostalgic game, I thought I would ask you all to join me in the trip down memory lane.
I did in fact roll over asteroids on the ancient arcade machine when I was a kid, And I also think I did the same thing later on with I believe It was called Krystar or something like that. (way cool game with 4 count them 4 colors.)



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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2003, 10:54:54 am »
I never rolled over any game, but I sure as heck spent many a quarter, especially on the Star Wars arcade games.  


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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2003, 11:52:02 am »
I once played Joust for 14 hours on a quarter.  Bubble Bobble for 3 hours.



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Re: Anyone an Old time Uber Gamer?
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2003, 11:53:17 am »

I once played Joust for 14 hours on a quarter.  Bubble Bobble for 3 hours.


Hehe, and nursed a sore finger for Days I bet. that is impressive though.
