Dang dash you ask alot of questions.

Here you go bro.
Able target---The round bulls eye target
Aboard---on base
Alice pack---field pack worn by Marines.(all purpose,lightweight,individual,carrying,equipment)
All hands---everybody
As you were---resume activity
Aye,aye---Acknowledgement of an order.
BFA--- Blank Firing Apratas blocks the gas from the blank and uses it to cycle the bolt on the weapon.Without it the weapon would fire once and not cycle a new round into the chamber.
Blouse---jacket of the uniform.
Blues---Dress blue formal uniform.
Boondocks---Swamps,small towns,middle of nowhere(also called boonies)
Boot---Recruit,or new Marine.
Brig---jail,or prison.
Bunk---Bed(also called "rack".)
Camies---camouflage uniform.
Carry on---same as "as you were".
CG---commanding General.
Chit---a small piece of paper,or recruit money.
Chow down---to eat
Click--one notch of a rifle sight,or one kilometer.
CMC---Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Colors---American flag,also the ceremonies of raising the flag and lowering the flag.
Corpsman---Navy medic who serves with Marines, also called "doc".
Cover---Marine corps hat.
Deuce gear---782 gear,equipment carried by Marines.
D.I---Drill Instructor.
Ditty bag---a caring bag for misc.items,also called a war bag.
Dog and pony show---special drill,or something else if you happen to visit Korea!!
Double time---running.
Fart sack---a fixed sheet that goes on your rack.
Field day---cleanning the barracks.
Float---sea deployment.
FMF---Fleet Marine Force.
FTS---[bleep] the suck,what Marines say when they are mad at the Corps.
Grinder---parade deck.
Grunt---Marine Infantryman.
Gung ho---highly motivated(Chinese for pulling together).
Head---toilet,or sh*tter.
High-and-Tight---standard marine haircut
Hooch--- a 2 man tent
Hump---march,or hike.
MCT---Marine Combat Training.
IG---Inspector General.
Jarhead---a Marine
Leatherneck---Another name for a Marine.
Liberty---Authorized absence up to 96 hours.
M16A2---basic Marine weapon.
M60---belt fed automatic weapon.
Maggies drawers---means you missed the target at the rifle range!!
No load---a Marine that doesn't carry his weight,or a f*ckup(also see sh*tbird)
PFT---Physical fitness test
Pogey bait--- candy.
PX---post exchange,a store on base.
Quarters---living space.
Rack---bed(also see "bunk")
Rappel---to descend by rope.
Round---bullet,or shell.
Scuttlebutt---gossip,rumors,almost always bullsh*t!!
Seabag---large canvas bag for hauling you gear.
Secure---to stop,lock up or put away.
Semper Fi--- short for Semper Fidelis,Latin for always faithful,the Marine Corps motto.
Sick bay---medical center.
Smoking lamp---if it is lit you can smoke,if it is out you cant smoke.
Snap in---Practice firing on the range.
SOP---standard operating procedure.
Sound off---shouting very loud!!
Squad bay---Large room where many marines live.
Squared away---neat,good Marine.
Squid--Navy person(also see "swabbie")
SRB---service record book
Swabbie---Navy person.(also see "squid")
T-day---B day.
UA---unauthorized absence.
Unk---unqualified on the rifle range.
War belt---cartridge belt used to carry equipment.
The word---confirmed info.
I think I got all of the swear words out of this post.
Edited because I didn't get all the prophanity out.