Topic: Klingon Weapons  (Read 1151 times)

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Klingon Weapons
« on: December 10, 2003, 01:30:17 am »
Ok I know about the photons and Disruptors, but how about the other stuff, Im talking about cannon info not sfcop or sfc3, remember Redemption TNG, the BOP fired a redish greenish like plasma torpedo at the vorcha, it seemed to attack shields only, like a Hellbore, and are klingon photons green, red or yellow, compared to feds are there torpedos more powerful or less, or equal and the only advantage the feds has is burst fire, and they dont, vorcha disruptor beam, is it more like a romulan disruptor beam or fed phasers, the red disruptor beam from the ktingas or d7 in DS9 Thw way of the warrior, whats that about ?????????????????????????????????????

adam out i know im  


  • Guest
Klingon Weapons
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2003, 01:30:17 am »
Ok I know about the photons and Disruptors, but how about the other stuff, Im talking about cannon info not sfcop or sfc3, remember Redemption TNG, the BOP fired a redish greenish like plasma torpedo at the vorcha, it seemed to attack shields only, like a Hellbore, and are klingon photons green, red or yellow, compared to feds are there torpedos more powerful or less, or equal and the only advantage the feds has is burst fire, and they dont, vorcha disruptor beam, is it more like a romulan disruptor beam or fed phasers, the red disruptor beam from the ktingas or d7 in DS9 Thw way of the warrior, whats that about ?????????????????????????????????????

adam out i know im