Topic: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...  (Read 3499 times)

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Tal'Shiar Agent 1313

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Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« on: December 09, 2003, 06:59:32 pm »
...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story.  Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something.  Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident.  When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping.  Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??).  So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld.  So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.  

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

Anywho, just my 2cents.  

Thanks for reading!!  


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2003, 08:32:37 pm »

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

I had always thought his reaction was just a little to emotional, and pinpointed him as a Romulan operative right away. I guess we'll see if that's the way it was supposed to be.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NCC2012 »


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2003, 02:26:45 am »

...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story.  Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something.  Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident.  When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping.  Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??).  So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld.

Except that the Xindi probe had pieces that were from the future.  Remember they did a really retarded thing where they scanned it and it showed up as a negative number or something (how do you measure something point of origin in "time" if you don't even understand the concept of time and don't believe in travel through it?  How would you even concieve of such a device?)  Daniels said something about them being contacted by another faction as well, didn't he?  Can't really remember, I'll have to suffer through it and watch it again.


 So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.  

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

Anywho, just my 2cents.  

Thanks for reading!!    

One thing to remember is that the constant drum beat from B&B about the series is that "It's not that Vulcans don't have emotions.  They have them, they just suppress them".  If you ask me, they are all far too emotional, T'pol included. (it was effective to see Spock emotional on occasion because it didn't happen all that often, something these writers clearly don't understand).  I personally have wondered if Soval is in it with some other faction, heck, I wondered if he could be the shadowy figure (just a future him, perhaps not the him that exists now but an older self)

I do think that most of this will be solved by talking though, that they will find a way to convey that we mean no harm, and the Xindi will stand down and everything will be hunky dory (with the exception of the reptiles and the insectoids, but you never know.  Trek is so fond of the peaceful reasoned resolution that they rarely have anything else, not conveying that sometimes the other side cannot be reasoned with and thier hatred of you cannot be countered by any amount of talking or good will).  

Tal'Shiar Agent 1313

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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2003, 04:28:47 pm »
D'OH!!!!!!! Forgot about the probe thingy.

I didn't know that B&B made that statement about Vulcans.  Guess that I'm missing out on some things!!  


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2003, 06:48:57 pm »
The thing that tiped me off was that blurred shadow figure that the suliban got their orders from, as soon as I saw that guy, I said "yea, romulan". If anyone can post a picture of this person, I can point out the various aspects of him that prove it.  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2003, 07:53:56 pm »
If I was to take over and attempt to "restore" Enterprise to the fold I would have an episode where the USS Defiant comes back into the past (using the Borg method from First Contact) to find out why the incident recorded by the 1701E during First Contact disagrees with history.  They would conclude that they had in fact travelled to the Mirror Universe from TOS.   That they had in fact caused the Terran Imperium to come into being by the things they told Cochrane.

Later it would slowly come out that the alternate Spock had indeed rebelled and started a timewar to erase the Empire.  He (or his descendents) are helping the Suliban.  Whenever the Rebels are successful the alternate future from which Danials comes is brought into existance, unaware that they are not the "natural" timeline.  The temporal coldwar periodically undoes some of Spocks work and restores the Empire, witness the future visited by Archer, after the fall of the Terran Imperium.  

Who is helping the Xindi?  Their own descendents, why else would they believe the coming destruction at the hands of the Terran Imperium?  Who else has the motivation and technology?

Archers (and Enterprises) actions are the ultimate determining factor in which (if either) future will be the stable outcome.    

Tal'Shiar Agent 1313

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Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2003, 06:59:32 pm »
...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story.  Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something.  Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident.  When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping.  Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??).  So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld.  So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.  

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

Anywho, just my 2cents.  

Thanks for reading!!  


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2003, 08:32:37 pm »

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

I had always thought his reaction was just a little to emotional, and pinpointed him as a Romulan operative right away. I guess we'll see if that's the way it was supposed to be.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NCC2012 »


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2003, 02:26:45 am »

...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story.  Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something.  Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident.  When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping.  Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??).  So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld.

Except that the Xindi probe had pieces that were from the future.  Remember they did a really retarded thing where they scanned it and it showed up as a negative number or something (how do you measure something point of origin in "time" if you don't even understand the concept of time and don't believe in travel through it?  How would you even concieve of such a device?)  Daniels said something about them being contacted by another faction as well, didn't he?  Can't really remember, I'll have to suffer through it and watch it again.


 So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.  

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

Anywho, just my 2cents.  

Thanks for reading!!    

One thing to remember is that the constant drum beat from B&B about the series is that "It's not that Vulcans don't have emotions.  They have them, they just suppress them".  If you ask me, they are all far too emotional, T'pol included. (it was effective to see Spock emotional on occasion because it didn't happen all that often, something these writers clearly don't understand).  I personally have wondered if Soval is in it with some other faction, heck, I wondered if he could be the shadowy figure (just a future him, perhaps not the him that exists now but an older self)

I do think that most of this will be solved by talking though, that they will find a way to convey that we mean no harm, and the Xindi will stand down and everything will be hunky dory (with the exception of the reptiles and the insectoids, but you never know.  Trek is so fond of the peaceful reasoned resolution that they rarely have anything else, not conveying that sometimes the other side cannot be reasoned with and thier hatred of you cannot be countered by any amount of talking or good will).  

Tal'Shiar Agent 1313

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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2003, 04:28:47 pm »
D'OH!!!!!!! Forgot about the probe thingy.

I didn't know that B&B made that statement about Vulcans.  Guess that I'm missing out on some things!!  


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2003, 06:48:57 pm »
The thing that tiped me off was that blurred shadow figure that the suliban got their orders from, as soon as I saw that guy, I said "yea, romulan". If anyone can post a picture of this person, I can point out the various aspects of him that prove it.  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2003, 07:53:56 pm »
If I was to take over and attempt to "restore" Enterprise to the fold I would have an episode where the USS Defiant comes back into the past (using the Borg method from First Contact) to find out why the incident recorded by the 1701E during First Contact disagrees with history.  They would conclude that they had in fact travelled to the Mirror Universe from TOS.   That they had in fact caused the Terran Imperium to come into being by the things they told Cochrane.

Later it would slowly come out that the alternate Spock had indeed rebelled and started a timewar to erase the Empire.  He (or his descendents) are helping the Suliban.  Whenever the Rebels are successful the alternate future from which Danials comes is brought into existance, unaware that they are not the "natural" timeline.  The temporal coldwar periodically undoes some of Spocks work and restores the Empire, witness the future visited by Archer, after the fall of the Terran Imperium.  

Who is helping the Xindi?  Their own descendents, why else would they believe the coming destruction at the hands of the Terran Imperium?  Who else has the motivation and technology?

Archers (and Enterprises) actions are the ultimate determining factor in which (if either) future will be the stable outcome.    

Tal'Shiar Agent 1313

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Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2003, 06:59:32 pm »
...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story.  Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something.  Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident.  When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping.  Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??).  So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld.  So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.  

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

Anywho, just my 2cents.  

Thanks for reading!!  


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2003, 08:32:37 pm »

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

I had always thought his reaction was just a little to emotional, and pinpointed him as a Romulan operative right away. I guess we'll see if that's the way it was supposed to be.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NCC2012 »


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2003, 02:26:45 am »

...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story.  Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something.  Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident.  When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping.  Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??).  So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld.

Except that the Xindi probe had pieces that were from the future.  Remember they did a really retarded thing where they scanned it and it showed up as a negative number or something (how do you measure something point of origin in "time" if you don't even understand the concept of time and don't believe in travel through it?  How would you even concieve of such a device?)  Daniels said something about them being contacted by another faction as well, didn't he?  Can't really remember, I'll have to suffer through it and watch it again.


 So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.  

On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right  ) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans.  Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??

Anywho, just my 2cents.  

Thanks for reading!!    

One thing to remember is that the constant drum beat from B&B about the series is that "It's not that Vulcans don't have emotions.  They have them, they just suppress them".  If you ask me, they are all far too emotional, T'pol included. (it was effective to see Spock emotional on occasion because it didn't happen all that often, something these writers clearly don't understand).  I personally have wondered if Soval is in it with some other faction, heck, I wondered if he could be the shadowy figure (just a future him, perhaps not the him that exists now but an older self)

I do think that most of this will be solved by talking though, that they will find a way to convey that we mean no harm, and the Xindi will stand down and everything will be hunky dory (with the exception of the reptiles and the insectoids, but you never know.  Trek is so fond of the peaceful reasoned resolution that they rarely have anything else, not conveying that sometimes the other side cannot be reasoned with and thier hatred of you cannot be countered by any amount of talking or good will).  

Tal'Shiar Agent 1313

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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2003, 04:28:47 pm »
D'OH!!!!!!! Forgot about the probe thingy.

I didn't know that B&B made that statement about Vulcans.  Guess that I'm missing out on some things!!  


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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2003, 06:48:57 pm »
The thing that tiped me off was that blurred shadow figure that the suliban got their orders from, as soon as I saw that guy, I said "yea, romulan". If anyone can post a picture of this person, I can point out the various aspects of him that prove it.  

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Thought on Enterprise's Xindi story arc...
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2003, 07:53:56 pm »
If I was to take over and attempt to "restore" Enterprise to the fold I would have an episode where the USS Defiant comes back into the past (using the Borg method from First Contact) to find out why the incident recorded by the 1701E during First Contact disagrees with history.  They would conclude that they had in fact travelled to the Mirror Universe from TOS.   That they had in fact caused the Terran Imperium to come into being by the things they told Cochrane.

Later it would slowly come out that the alternate Spock had indeed rebelled and started a timewar to erase the Empire.  He (or his descendents) are helping the Suliban.  Whenever the Rebels are successful the alternate future from which Danials comes is brought into existance, unaware that they are not the "natural" timeline.  The temporal coldwar periodically undoes some of Spocks work and restores the Empire, witness the future visited by Archer, after the fall of the Terran Imperium.  

Who is helping the Xindi?  Their own descendents, why else would they believe the coming destruction at the hands of the Terran Imperium?  Who else has the motivation and technology?

Archers (and Enterprises) actions are the ultimate determining factor in which (if either) future will be the stable outcome.