...been reading around on these forums lately and noticed that there were several ideas of the Romulans being involved in the Xindi story. Well, just a few minutes ago I thought up something. Maybe the Romulans ARE involved in the whole Xindi incident. When the Enterprise was in that minefield, maybe the Romulans got freaked out by the Enterprise escaping. Maybe they thought that the humans would come back (after all, are the Romulans are supposed to be xenophobic around this time right??). So by some means they contacted the Xindi and feed them a buch of B.S. about knowing the future and tell the Xindi that humans are gonna destroy their homeworld. So when the time comes, like at the end of the season, Archer finds out what is going on and somehow everything gets settled and then the "Federation" goes to war with the Romulans, thus setting up the Earth-Romulan War.
On another note, if this really is the case (yeah right

) I wouldn't be surprised to find that Ambassador Soval is working with the Romulans. Remember about how adamant he was about stopping Enterprise of going into the Expanse in the first place??
Anywho, just my 2cents.
Thanks for reading!!