This is my character:
Edwards Valenthor was born in a stable fairly simple home in the quiet good hearted town of Samui in the land of Ephseus (forgotten realm). His parents; Edmier Valenthor and Rosey Valenthor decided when Edwards was at the age of 6 to move out of the city of Samui and start a new life in the free city of Ephseus.
This road South to Ephseus from Samui was indeed a dangerous one as first they had to travel through the forest of the dragon. Though seemingly all evil steered clear of this place and as long as they didnt stray to close to the dragons lair they were relativaly safe. After a days ride they cleared the dragon forest only to enter a much deeper and darker place. The cemetary of Ephseus.
This cemetary had been cursed for many centuries, though Edwards Valenthors parents did not know this. As they travelled through in the deep darks of the cemetary they became very nervous. The kept hearing a mysterious, bone chilling, blood freezing groan. Though they did not think it wise they camped up for the night near an ancient yet very hollow tree. As Edwards and his mother slept, his father kept guard throughout the night. Sometime around the fifth hour of darkness the family was attacked by a group of seemingly diseased slow moving humans. The mother and father were slain fighting back the attackers, but the child hid as they looted their camp and feasted upon his mother and fathers dead flesh.
The next day Edwards fled South into another forest, the forest of Ephseus, there he was greeted by a pack of wolves, the pack leader being Fereanas took a liking to Edwards and reared him up as one of his own. As a result of this Edwards became a ranger who travelled the forest hunting evil wherever he could find it. Edwards was always good at heart and when he eventually found the city of Ephseus he met other people for the first time. He soon found though that not all humans were good, he was taught of the rival factions and made a few friends in the city. Helping people that were in need always. When he became stronger he decided to return to his homeland of the city of Samui.
When there he felt compelled to enter a grand temple that was the temple of all good and light in the world, the temple of the god, Azurak. He was told of their ways and decided he wanted to join there cause, he completed the trial and now travels the lands about Ephseus preaching Azurak, becoming stronger and helping the needy. If you come across him, do not hesitate to ask for help, he is always willing.