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Topic: BSG  (Read 32328 times)

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« on: December 09, 2003, 06:06:17 am »
Hopefully without kicking over an anthill, your thoughts on BSG?

I liked it. Has a nice feel; other than "spin up the FTL drives" it seems believable. Like the live action view-point and quietness of space shots ala B5.

Just wish I'd remembered to set the capture card to get the whole eposide.  


  • Guest
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2003, 06:42:06 am »
Your kidding, right?  I tried to watch last night without letting any critics cloud my judgement (critics and myself don't hardly ever agree) but what was on last night was pure drivel.  Looked to me like every human on the show was on a steady diet of viagra and thorizine.  Heck, the first 30 min was devoted to "who's banging who" and to "how strange we are".  I could go on but this isn't the Hot and Spicy forum and I don't want to get into trouble.


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« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2003, 07:27:39 am »
I watched the first episode last night and overall I like it, but a few things stuck out in my mind:

1) The ton and a half of references to the original series bothered me because if this was supposed to be a "reimagining" why bother referencing the original at all? In my opinion, it cluttered things up with irrelevent information.

2) There were too many of those far and away moving shots of the fighters. To me, it did more to overemphasize that these were simply models than "actual" fighters moving through Space. I think they could have been selective with their use.

3) The Baby Scene. That did nothing to advance the plot or advance the idea that Number 6 was evil. I had to turn away from the screen for a few seconds.

4) The Uniforms. The uniforms, while very stylish, kept reminding me a little too much of Babylon 5.

5) The premise of being Low-Tech. The Cylons of this fictional universe were well known to be capable of infiltrating advanced electronic systems. Why didn't the lessons of their Cylon War carry over into the post war world?

Like I said above, I did like the new BSG, but I think they were trying to have it both ways. They wanted to be "original" yet wanted to rope in the fans of the original series but in the process came up quite a bit short.

So far, I give the new BSG a C+, which is subject to change.



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« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2003, 08:10:52 am »
I caught it, thanks to Dave Ferrel and others bringing it to my attention with the boycott attempt (ditto the Reagan movie)  

It was entertaining, I guess. The whole "who's banging whom" thing was kinda dopey, but the spaceships were cool and the cylon chick was hot. I'll probably pass on the rest of the series.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

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« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2003, 08:11:45 am »

I thought it was a fantastic show.  I enjoyed it completely.  

I understand that there are purists, waxing poetic about the old show.  I understand they won't like this.  But I am not one of them and so --unhindered by bias --I was able to enjoy myself.  

I agree with the comments about the  "baby scene".  There were much easier, and less offensive, ways of showing that #6 was an amoral entity.  That was a bad scene in an otherwise wonderful show and one that I wish would have been left out because it disturbed me both at it's inherant repugnance as well as it's uselessness as an over-the-top plot device.  

I didn't mind the references to the old show, in fact, for me it sort of added to it and made me smile when I saw thing like a drawing of the old Cylon Centurion.

I was very skeptical about the "reality show" style in the special effects when I heard about it, but once I saw them I was really impressed.  It worked, and although it didn't look as 'real' as the producers were trying to say, nonetheless I still thought it was good.   The battle music was very well done.

The acting was pretty good, and in particular that of Adama.  I did not care for Apollo, that performance was pretty flat.  And the new Starbuck tries too hard.  I thought that the new President's performance was superb and utterly believable.

(Side note: I loved when the PR guy gets Apollo up to meet her, hoping he will usurp her authority.  Then Apollo watches her barking orders and getting the job done and just tells the guy "Looks like the lady is in charge...")

It was well written, well paced and for the most part well acted.  

And now, I must blaspheme:  It was a better show than the original, in nearly every way.  Period.  (Personally, I liked the original Apollo actor better than the new one, but that's about the only thing I can think of that I liked better from the original show).  

Man, I hope this becomes a new series.  

Oh, and as a Kzinti at heart, I love the excellent use of drones in the show!

My humble US$0.02,



  • Guest
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2003, 08:17:57 am »
Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles



  • Guest
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2003, 08:23:55 am »

I agree with the comments about the "baby scene". There were much easier, and less offensive, ways of showing that #6 was an amoral entity. That was a bad scene in an otherwise wonderful show and one that I wish would have been left out because it disturbed me both at it's inherant repugnance as well as it's uselessness as an over-the-top plot device.

Actually, I thought it might be deeper than that. Number 6 mentioned that the baby would not have to cry for much longer meaning that nuclear armageddon was near.  So, she might have considered it a mercy killing in her own twisted way.

It was interesting to see Simon Fraser University on screen for that shot anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2003, 08:33:06 am »
I wasn't gonna watch it, but with the late night broadcast my resolve weakened.

Overall I liked it. For a pilot espisode it was well done. Some fine performances by some talented actors. Great production values.

My only major nit was the homage to Alien--all those gaping mouths, hissing, and darting tongues. Personally, I don't need the anime-type close-up of a kiss.

I too found the baby scene quite disturbing--but I appluad the story tellers for that scene. It was effective while at the same time introducing an element of internal conflict for the bad guy.

Over all this episode stood on its own...and well, I think it left in the dust the original that spawned it. (Sorry Dave, but I think you should take a look.)



  • Guest
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2003, 08:45:19 am »
Wel, from the tone of the responses so far I can see that the level of requirements for good storytelling have gone WAY downhill for most people.  Must be all of that fine "reality TV".  I've seen better drama at a pizza joint.  I guess we see why sci fi is a dying art.  If what was shown last night was considered good to great then I shudder to think what the new definition of "bad" is.  


  • Guest
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2003, 08:51:04 am »
I took the baby killing as a mercy thing too. Besides, it was one ugly baby.  


  • Guest
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2003, 09:01:51 am »

I took the baby killing as a mercy thing too. Besides, it was one ugly baby.  

Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please take the time to read our TOS at http://forums.taldren.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=185672&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 09:23:46 am by Toasty0 »


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« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2003, 09:13:34 am »
Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    


  • Guest
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2003, 09:40:37 am »

Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    

Not when it comes to the death of babies.  TV or not.  Especially senseless death.  The statement you made kinda flashed me back to the stories you hear about mothers leaving their newborns in toilets and dumpsters.  That kind of pure selfishness is wrong on so many levels......  


  • Guest
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2003, 09:44:03 am »


5) The premise of being Low-Tech. The Cylons of this fictional universe were well known to be capable of infiltrating advanced electronic systems. Why didn't the lessons of their Cylon War carry over into the post war world?


I replied in the thread in the Hot & Spicy forum but I'll reply to this. It would seem logical to stay away from high tech if you knew your enemy could use it against you. But remember it's been 40 years since any cylons at all have been seen so they may have come to the conclusion that the cylons don't exist anymore except for Adama who was adament about keeping the Galactica low tech.


  • Guest
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2003, 10:04:51 am »
I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2003, 10:13:45 am »

Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.




  • Guest
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2003, 10:15:14 am »
How long did Kevin Mitnik run around the Ubnited States with the access he gained.

Captain Quirk simply called up the access codes to the Reliant when he disabled Khan's controls.

How much money did it cost to correct the blaster and slammer viruses damage?

So the Cylons gained complete access to the database $_it happens sometimes.

Only thing I didn't really like character wise last night was the starbuck character. It just didn't work for me. Other than that I enjoyed the 2 hours I spent watching the show. Not bad for a Monday night.  


  • Guest
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2003, 10:22:34 am »
I am not sure what to make of BSG yet.  I found it kind of slow moving; that is what sticks out most in my mind, other than two things:  I didn't like Baltar and Captain Apollo was not the heroic doer he was in the TV series.

I tend to be super critical, however.  I taped it, watched it again, and liked it better the second time, and will tape and watch the second episode twice more.

Why did they make it?  Is there even a chance to turn it into a series.

Oh, I did not like Starbuck, but I hope she will turn into more of a star tonight.



  • Guest
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2003, 10:31:15 am »

I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Nope not testy at all, was just making an observation. You do bring up some very good points, maybe the writers as usual don't think things through as much


  • Guest
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2003, 11:04:20 am »


I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Nope not testy at all, was just making an observation. You do bring up some very good points, maybe the writers as usual don't think things through as much  

My take on the security issue is that the Cylons aren't hacking into the Colonial systems but just have the upper hand in the electronic battle.  6 had access to databases, specs, deployments. That would give a hell of an advantage as to where, what, and how to attack for the most shock effect. I caught reference to a fleet chatter message early in the assault which indicates 1/4 of the fleet is destroyed but fighting back. If the Cyclons had hacked control of the fleet wouldn't they have caused more damage simply by commanding ships to self-destruct or crash into planets? The scene where the two Cylon ships take out a whole squadron implies not a computer takeover but a quick ECM hammering that left the squadron no time to react and reset. The follow-on scene were the pursued Cyclon flips and tries to mess with Starbucks Viper would indicate that. A modern jet fighter hammering a P-51 with ECM wouldn't do much either.  


  • Guest
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2003, 12:09:18 pm »
Okay, nevermind...  
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 03:12:27 pm by IntgrSpin »


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« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2003, 12:14:24 pm »
Boys, let's bahave ourselves.



  • Guest
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2003, 12:48:05 pm »
I thought the show was great sci-fi.  Those who are so closed minded owe it to themselves to at least take a look at the pilot and then judge it.  I see it as a new show retelling an old story.  It's better than the original despite it's few downsides.

The sex scene was a bit much for a prime time show but I think it was showing how Baltar falls from grace.  He's weak like most men when it comes to a sexy woman.  She's obviously cultivating him for later otherwise she would have had what she needed and killed him or just let him die on the planet.  His getting on SHARON's ship was arranged.  I think we will see him get pretty evil later on if the show takes off as a series.

The reason the people developed technology despite the ban on it long ago was many felt the ban was outdated and hindering progress.  Many problems needed to be solved and could be done through technology.   The Cylons hadn't been around for 40 years.  You know how corporations and governments work.  If there is no threat then they can not justify something that is either costly or a hindrance to progress.  In the name of progress and money we need to move on.  That's what we were seeing in Baltar's TV interview.  

Baltar completes a navigational program with 6's help. It's the CNP that the Cylons use to shut down the Vipers, Battlestars, and defenses.  It's installed in the entire fleet's ships.  Since there are probably not many who understand the artificial intelligence of his programming no one probably ever questioned it.  This is what the Cylons use to shut down all the fleet.  Galactica did not use this new navigational software.  It's systems were still antiquated. Adama apparently remembered the threat technology could be and refused to ever let his ship be updated.  Probably the main reason it was being retired.   6 was also allowed by Baltar to poke around the defense mainframe thus learning all the fleet defenses, deployments, orders etc.

I'll definitely be watching again tonight.  There are already rumors that the execs have given a go for a series.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


  • Guest
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2003, 12:59:53 pm »
BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.


  • Guest
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2003, 01:04:02 pm »
You just move the little strip of fabric... err, I've already been warned to behave    


  • Guest
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2003, 01:13:56 pm »

BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.


  • Guest
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2003, 01:21:22 pm »
was i the only viewer who heard warning bells going off as the new "reimagining" of the Cylon menace started to unfold?

ahem...Earthsiege? Starsiege anyone?

if you had read the rather extensive backstory that Dynamix studios tried to create for those games, you'd see rather significant similarities.

machines that were originally used to help mankind but then rebelled, attempting to destroy their creators.

a long running war between man and machines.

fear of technology and the intentional "dumbing down" of certain technologies.

pilotless enemy craft.

hmmm......i'm going to dig out my Starsiege reference stuff again, but i assure those of you not familiar with it that the storylines are eerily similar.  


  • Guest
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2003, 01:25:50 pm »


BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.  

In hot pants??  


  • Guest
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2003, 01:26:39 pm »

 BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Baltar removed her undies.  The was just wearing the skirt.  


  • Guest
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2003, 01:29:04 pm »
Aliens wear panties?


  • Guest
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2003, 01:38:07 pm »
Yes, sexy leather ones, apparently.    Actually, you gotta remember, that while aliens to us, these people are still humans, and Six is modeled after a human, so I'd say that she probably wears panties.  


  • Guest
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2003, 01:47:26 pm »

Baltar completes a navigational program with 6's help. It's the CNP that the Cylons use to shut down the Vipers, Battlestars, and defenses.  It's installed in the entire fleet's ships.  Since there are probably not many who understand the artificial intelligence of his programming no one probably ever questioned it.  This is what the Cylons use to shut down all the fleet.  Galactica did not use this new navigational software.  It's systems were still antiquated. Adama apparently remembered the threat technology could be and refused to ever let his ship be updated.  Probably the main reason it was being retired.   6 was also allowed by Baltar to poke around the defense mainframe thus learning all the fleet defenses, deployments, orders etc.

i was just thinking along these lines. i distinctly remember hearing 6 say that she rewrote half of Baltar's algorithms. i assumed that she also put some of her own stuff in there that they used to disable the newest fighters. It also seemed that 6 would have been able to get all the information she needed about the fleet and such considering she had almost unlimited access while heleping Baltar.


  • Guest
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2003, 05:48:08 pm »


BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.  

OMG!!  I fell out of my chair laughing at this.  


  • Guest
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2003, 08:53:03 pm »
It'll be funny if the only BSG thread that doesn't get locked or moved is the one that degenerates into how to get around a pair of panties.    


  • Guest
« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2003, 10:08:26 pm »


Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.



Sorry, I did not realize that Battlestar Galactica was part of the SFB Universe. Oh wait, it's NOT



  • Guest
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2003, 10:15:30 pm »



Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.



Sorry, I did not realize that Battlestar Galactica was part of the SFB Universe. Oh wait, it's NOT


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)


  • Guest
« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2003, 10:16:35 pm »
You see... You use your teeth and....  


  • Guest
« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2003, 10:18:39 pm »
I just finished watching the second episode of BSG and in short, I am definitely developing a liking for this series. I'd give a more detailed critique of it, but I don't want to spoil it for those who may not yet have viewed it.



  • Guest
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2003, 07:20:45 am »
For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.


  • Guest
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2003, 11:30:32 am »

Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.  Then my wonderful Aunt threw them all out.  Half the book were in mint condition too.  I even had the Azanti (SP) Lightening module.  


  • Guest
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2003, 12:11:37 pm »
Traveller was republished a few years ago.


  • Guest
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2003, 12:38:48 pm »
Man I still have a Few traveller books lying around here. I might have to get back into It.

I just looked at me Bookshelf , and Saw Kafer Dawn. heh memories.



  • Guest
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2003, 02:34:04 pm »

BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Ah...you have much to learn, Grasshopper.



  • Guest
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2003, 03:04:30 pm »

I know the answer..."Simulated TV Sex"!


  • Guest
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2003, 03:07:15 pm »
Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???


  • Guest
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2003, 03:38:07 pm »

Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???  

Your powers of perception fail you, young Grasshopper.

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


  • Guest
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2003, 03:49:00 pm »

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.


  • Guest
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2003, 03:53:29 pm »


...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.  

I was thinking "The Itchy and Scratchy Show".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by 762 »


  • Guest
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2003, 04:09:18 pm »


...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.  

Erm...not talking about that array of holes.  We're talking about clothing here, Kroma.  Get with the program...



  • Guest
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2003, 06:09:37 pm »


Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???  

Your powers of perception fail you, young Grasshopper.

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.

Hole nothing! At my age if I saw that staring at me from across the room I'd be "done and snoring" before she even made to the bed!    


  • Guest
« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2003, 12:31:19 pm »
Thank you for your honesty, Antman...    


  • Guest
« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2003, 01:20:44 pm »


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.  Then my wonderful Aunt threw them all out.  Half the book were in mint condition too.  I even had the Azanti (SP) Lightening module.    

I still have all the original Traveller and MegaTraveller books, all the alien modules, the Striker combat rules and even a few rare or rarely see rules (Snapshot, Azanti High Lighting module, lots of JTAS and other assorted stuff). I ran a campaign for 7 years that had between 6 and 24 players durring HS and college (must be why it seemed to take a lot longer in college to get anything done) that ended just around the time that they came out with the poorly thought out "dark future" plot line.

Having said all that BSG made me think (and I've posted this elsewhere) more of the OSS vs propritary software arguement ... at least in the first episode. I'm hoping that maybe they will flesh this out more in future episodes (if any). As for the Starsiege angle I wouldn't know, closest I got to that game was Tribes and Tribes2 (both great games btw ... IMHO) and they didn't expound on the back story as much. Of course you could also look at Dune as a similar story line. The Balshad (sp?) Jihad was all about overthrowing the machines that had gotten out of control.

Over all I've enjoyed what I've seen ... this is not the BSG I remember but as a new, "updated", "retelling" of it it's not too bad. Some parts are annoying (sex change of Starbuck) but none detrack from the over all story that greatly. The special effects and cinamgraphic style used for the space combats more than make up for that. All in all a good ride.



  • Guest
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2003, 03:16:26 pm »
 I've been looking for ages trying to find out if and when its going to be shown here in Australia, however I've had little success, can anyone help me out a bit please, otherwise I guess I'll just have to miss out on this show.


  • Guest
« Reply #53 on: December 13, 2003, 01:16:37 am »
Well, If anyone was watching, when blondie and balter were making out I believe the underwear was the second thing to go, so the issue about how to get around the underwear was a mute subject.  Otherwise other than trying to hard to make them more earthlike in language and clothing I felt the story was well told.  


  • Guest
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2003, 06:07:44 pm »

Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.    

I remember Traveller... !!!!! I even converted the USS Iowa (yeah the old BB) to Traveller standards alla "StarBlazers" and yeah I know that ship was based on the Yamato.....



  • Guest
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2003, 06:16:30 pm »


Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    

Not when it comes to the death of babies.  TV or not.  Especially senseless death.  The statement you made kinda flashed me back to the stories you hear about mothers leaving their newborns in toilets and dumpsters.  That kind of pure selfishness is wrong on so many levels......    

For the Love God man... It was two seperate observations of the show....

1) He believed that 6 did a mercy killing of the child considering the child was about to get Nuked...

2) He belived the child was ugly....

In this case 1 + 2 do NOT = 3) The interpetation that he agree that the baby SHOULD BE killed...

And as the proud father of 5 (1 Girl and 4 Boys .. ages 18 to 4) I understood what he meant and I didn't take offence to it.

Nuff Said.....


Now I pay great homage to the great Taldren Gods so that I may not be smited down with thier god like powers!

Edit - OH I almost forgot... since when are observations a violation of the TOS? (btw I read the TOS link you gave) I am not trying to flame or cause hate and discontent.. just pointing some things out.. (goes back to his bowing)  
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 06:26:17 pm by RockoWillis »


  • Guest
« Reply #56 on: December 14, 2003, 06:20:04 pm »
I would love to see the Galactica go up against a Borg Cube!!! Hey lets make a mod of the Galactica and throw it into the game like the Scimitar!  



  • Guest
« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2003, 06:22:43 pm »

For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.  

What.... all 2 of them..... I heard there was supposed to be 6 parts.. hence the name Mini-Series... they should have just called a Two-Part Movie... I think that is what it is actually.


IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
« Reply #58 on: December 14, 2003, 06:43:47 pm »


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.    


I remember Traveller... !!!!! I even converted the USS Iowa (yeah the old BB) to Traveller standards alla "StarBlazers" and yeah I know that ship was based on the Yamato.....


Traveller has been released under the d20 rules system.  


  • Guest
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2003, 11:23:29 am »

Well, If anyone was watching, when blondie and balter were making out I believe the underwear was the second thing to go, so the issue about how to get around the underwear was a mute subject.  Otherwise other than trying to hard to make them more earthlike in language and clothing I felt the story was well told.  

Which is why I told 76t00l that his powers of perception were failing him...

It was a moot point to begin with...heheh...



  • Guest
« Reply #60 on: December 15, 2003, 12:27:50 pm »
Hmm, I thought I only saw the bra come off.  

Maybe the glowing spine was distracting me! Yesh, that's it!!  


  • Guest
« Reply #61 on: December 15, 2003, 02:42:20 pm »


For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.  

What.... all 2 of them..... I heard there was supposed to be 6 parts.. hence the name Mini-Series... they should have just called a Two-Part Movie... I think that is what it is actually.


When I posted that I thought it was 3 2 hour movies because it was on Mon, Tues and Wed. Wed turned out to be re-runs.


  • Guest
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2003, 06:06:17 am »
Hopefully without kicking over an anthill, your thoughts on BSG?

I liked it. Has a nice feel; other than "spin up the FTL drives" it seems believable. Like the live action view-point and quietness of space shots ala B5.

Just wish I'd remembered to set the capture card to get the whole eposide.  


  • Guest
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2003, 06:42:06 am »
Your kidding, right?  I tried to watch last night without letting any critics cloud my judgement (critics and myself don't hardly ever agree) but what was on last night was pure drivel.  Looked to me like every human on the show was on a steady diet of viagra and thorizine.  Heck, the first 30 min was devoted to "who's banging who" and to "how strange we are".  I could go on but this isn't the Hot and Spicy forum and I don't want to get into trouble.


  • Guest
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2003, 07:27:39 am »
I watched the first episode last night and overall I like it, but a few things stuck out in my mind:

1) The ton and a half of references to the original series bothered me because if this was supposed to be a "reimagining" why bother referencing the original at all? In my opinion, it cluttered things up with irrelevent information.

2) There were too many of those far and away moving shots of the fighters. To me, it did more to overemphasize that these were simply models than "actual" fighters moving through Space. I think they could have been selective with their use.

3) The Baby Scene. That did nothing to advance the plot or advance the idea that Number 6 was evil. I had to turn away from the screen for a few seconds.

4) The Uniforms. The uniforms, while very stylish, kept reminding me a little too much of Babylon 5.

5) The premise of being Low-Tech. The Cylons of this fictional universe were well known to be capable of infiltrating advanced electronic systems. Why didn't the lessons of their Cylon War carry over into the post war world?

Like I said above, I did like the new BSG, but I think they were trying to have it both ways. They wanted to be "original" yet wanted to rope in the fans of the original series but in the process came up quite a bit short.

So far, I give the new BSG a C+, which is subject to change.



  • Guest
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2003, 08:10:52 am »
I caught it, thanks to Dave Ferrel and others bringing it to my attention with the boycott attempt (ditto the Reagan movie)  

It was entertaining, I guess. The whole "who's banging whom" thing was kinda dopey, but the spaceships were cool and the cylon chick was hot. I'll probably pass on the rest of the series.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #66 on: December 09, 2003, 08:11:45 am »

I thought it was a fantastic show.  I enjoyed it completely.  

I understand that there are purists, waxing poetic about the old show.  I understand they won't like this.  But I am not one of them and so --unhindered by bias --I was able to enjoy myself.  

I agree with the comments about the  "baby scene".  There were much easier, and less offensive, ways of showing that #6 was an amoral entity.  That was a bad scene in an otherwise wonderful show and one that I wish would have been left out because it disturbed me both at it's inherant repugnance as well as it's uselessness as an over-the-top plot device.  

I didn't mind the references to the old show, in fact, for me it sort of added to it and made me smile when I saw thing like a drawing of the old Cylon Centurion.

I was very skeptical about the "reality show" style in the special effects when I heard about it, but once I saw them I was really impressed.  It worked, and although it didn't look as 'real' as the producers were trying to say, nonetheless I still thought it was good.   The battle music was very well done.

The acting was pretty good, and in particular that of Adama.  I did not care for Apollo, that performance was pretty flat.  And the new Starbuck tries too hard.  I thought that the new President's performance was superb and utterly believable.

(Side note: I loved when the PR guy gets Apollo up to meet her, hoping he will usurp her authority.  Then Apollo watches her barking orders and getting the job done and just tells the guy "Looks like the lady is in charge...")

It was well written, well paced and for the most part well acted.  

And now, I must blaspheme:  It was a better show than the original, in nearly every way.  Period.  (Personally, I liked the original Apollo actor better than the new one, but that's about the only thing I can think of that I liked better from the original show).  

Man, I hope this becomes a new series.  

Oh, and as a Kzinti at heart, I love the excellent use of drones in the show!

My humble US$0.02,



  • Guest
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2003, 08:17:57 am »
Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles



  • Guest
« Reply #68 on: December 09, 2003, 08:23:55 am »

I agree with the comments about the "baby scene". There were much easier, and less offensive, ways of showing that #6 was an amoral entity. That was a bad scene in an otherwise wonderful show and one that I wish would have been left out because it disturbed me both at it's inherant repugnance as well as it's uselessness as an over-the-top plot device.

Actually, I thought it might be deeper than that. Number 6 mentioned that the baby would not have to cry for much longer meaning that nuclear armageddon was near.  So, she might have considered it a mercy killing in her own twisted way.

It was interesting to see Simon Fraser University on screen for that shot anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


  • Guest
« Reply #69 on: December 09, 2003, 08:33:06 am »
I wasn't gonna watch it, but with the late night broadcast my resolve weakened.

Overall I liked it. For a pilot espisode it was well done. Some fine performances by some talented actors. Great production values.

My only major nit was the homage to Alien--all those gaping mouths, hissing, and darting tongues. Personally, I don't need the anime-type close-up of a kiss.

I too found the baby scene quite disturbing--but I appluad the story tellers for that scene. It was effective while at the same time introducing an element of internal conflict for the bad guy.

Over all this episode stood on its own...and well, I think it left in the dust the original that spawned it. (Sorry Dave, but I think you should take a look.)



  • Guest
« Reply #70 on: December 09, 2003, 08:45:19 am »
Wel, from the tone of the responses so far I can see that the level of requirements for good storytelling have gone WAY downhill for most people.  Must be all of that fine "reality TV".  I've seen better drama at a pizza joint.  I guess we see why sci fi is a dying art.  If what was shown last night was considered good to great then I shudder to think what the new definition of "bad" is.  


  • Guest
« Reply #71 on: December 09, 2003, 08:51:04 am »
I took the baby killing as a mercy thing too. Besides, it was one ugly baby.  


  • Guest
« Reply #72 on: December 09, 2003, 09:01:51 am »

I took the baby killing as a mercy thing too. Besides, it was one ugly baby.  

Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please take the time to read our TOS at http://forums.taldren.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=185672&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 09:23:46 am by Toasty0 »


  • Guest
« Reply #73 on: December 09, 2003, 09:13:34 am »
Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    


  • Guest
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2003, 09:40:37 am »

Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    

Not when it comes to the death of babies.  TV or not.  Especially senseless death.  The statement you made kinda flashed me back to the stories you hear about mothers leaving their newborns in toilets and dumpsters.  That kind of pure selfishness is wrong on so many levels......  


  • Guest
« Reply #75 on: December 09, 2003, 09:44:03 am »


5) The premise of being Low-Tech. The Cylons of this fictional universe were well known to be capable of infiltrating advanced electronic systems. Why didn't the lessons of their Cylon War carry over into the post war world?


I replied in the thread in the Hot & Spicy forum but I'll reply to this. It would seem logical to stay away from high tech if you knew your enemy could use it against you. But remember it's been 40 years since any cylons at all have been seen so they may have come to the conclusion that the cylons don't exist anymore except for Adama who was adament about keeping the Galactica low tech.


  • Guest
« Reply #76 on: December 09, 2003, 10:04:51 am »
I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #77 on: December 09, 2003, 10:13:45 am »

Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.




  • Guest
« Reply #78 on: December 09, 2003, 10:15:14 am »
How long did Kevin Mitnik run around the Ubnited States with the access he gained.

Captain Quirk simply called up the access codes to the Reliant when he disabled Khan's controls.

How much money did it cost to correct the blaster and slammer viruses damage?

So the Cylons gained complete access to the database $_it happens sometimes.

Only thing I didn't really like character wise last night was the starbuck character. It just didn't work for me. Other than that I enjoyed the 2 hours I spent watching the show. Not bad for a Monday night.  


  • Guest
« Reply #79 on: December 09, 2003, 10:22:34 am »
I am not sure what to make of BSG yet.  I found it kind of slow moving; that is what sticks out most in my mind, other than two things:  I didn't like Baltar and Captain Apollo was not the heroic doer he was in the TV series.

I tend to be super critical, however.  I taped it, watched it again, and liked it better the second time, and will tape and watch the second episode twice more.

Why did they make it?  Is there even a chance to turn it into a series.

Oh, I did not like Starbuck, but I hope she will turn into more of a star tonight.



  • Guest
« Reply #80 on: December 09, 2003, 10:31:15 am »

I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Nope not testy at all, was just making an observation. You do bring up some very good points, maybe the writers as usual don't think things through as much


  • Guest
« Reply #81 on: December 09, 2003, 11:04:20 am »


I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Nope not testy at all, was just making an observation. You do bring up some very good points, maybe the writers as usual don't think things through as much  

My take on the security issue is that the Cylons aren't hacking into the Colonial systems but just have the upper hand in the electronic battle.  6 had access to databases, specs, deployments. That would give a hell of an advantage as to where, what, and how to attack for the most shock effect. I caught reference to a fleet chatter message early in the assault which indicates 1/4 of the fleet is destroyed but fighting back. If the Cyclons had hacked control of the fleet wouldn't they have caused more damage simply by commanding ships to self-destruct or crash into planets? The scene where the two Cylon ships take out a whole squadron implies not a computer takeover but a quick ECM hammering that left the squadron no time to react and reset. The follow-on scene were the pursued Cyclon flips and tries to mess with Starbucks Viper would indicate that. A modern jet fighter hammering a P-51 with ECM wouldn't do much either.  


  • Guest
« Reply #82 on: December 09, 2003, 12:09:18 pm »
Okay, nevermind...  
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 03:12:27 pm by IntgrSpin »


  • Guest
« Reply #83 on: December 09, 2003, 12:14:24 pm »
Boys, let's bahave ourselves.



  • Guest
« Reply #84 on: December 09, 2003, 12:48:05 pm »
I thought the show was great sci-fi.  Those who are so closed minded owe it to themselves to at least take a look at the pilot and then judge it.  I see it as a new show retelling an old story.  It's better than the original despite it's few downsides.

The sex scene was a bit much for a prime time show but I think it was showing how Baltar falls from grace.  He's weak like most men when it comes to a sexy woman.  She's obviously cultivating him for later otherwise she would have had what she needed and killed him or just let him die on the planet.  His getting on SHARON's ship was arranged.  I think we will see him get pretty evil later on if the show takes off as a series.

The reason the people developed technology despite the ban on it long ago was many felt the ban was outdated and hindering progress.  Many problems needed to be solved and could be done through technology.   The Cylons hadn't been around for 40 years.  You know how corporations and governments work.  If there is no threat then they can not justify something that is either costly or a hindrance to progress.  In the name of progress and money we need to move on.  That's what we were seeing in Baltar's TV interview.  

Baltar completes a navigational program with 6's help. It's the CNP that the Cylons use to shut down the Vipers, Battlestars, and defenses.  It's installed in the entire fleet's ships.  Since there are probably not many who understand the artificial intelligence of his programming no one probably ever questioned it.  This is what the Cylons use to shut down all the fleet.  Galactica did not use this new navigational software.  It's systems were still antiquated. Adama apparently remembered the threat technology could be and refused to ever let his ship be updated.  Probably the main reason it was being retired.   6 was also allowed by Baltar to poke around the defense mainframe thus learning all the fleet defenses, deployments, orders etc.

I'll definitely be watching again tonight.  There are already rumors that the execs have given a go for a series.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


  • Guest
« Reply #85 on: December 09, 2003, 12:59:53 pm »
BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.


  • Guest
« Reply #86 on: December 09, 2003, 01:04:02 pm »
You just move the little strip of fabric... err, I've already been warned to behave    


  • Guest
« Reply #87 on: December 09, 2003, 01:13:56 pm »

BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.


  • Guest
« Reply #88 on: December 09, 2003, 01:21:22 pm »
was i the only viewer who heard warning bells going off as the new "reimagining" of the Cylon menace started to unfold?

ahem...Earthsiege? Starsiege anyone?

if you had read the rather extensive backstory that Dynamix studios tried to create for those games, you'd see rather significant similarities.

machines that were originally used to help mankind but then rebelled, attempting to destroy their creators.

a long running war between man and machines.

fear of technology and the intentional "dumbing down" of certain technologies.

pilotless enemy craft.

hmmm......i'm going to dig out my Starsiege reference stuff again, but i assure those of you not familiar with it that the storylines are eerily similar.  


  • Guest
« Reply #89 on: December 09, 2003, 01:25:50 pm »


BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.  

In hot pants??  


  • Guest
« Reply #90 on: December 09, 2003, 01:26:39 pm »

 BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Baltar removed her undies.  The was just wearing the skirt.  


  • Guest
« Reply #91 on: December 09, 2003, 01:29:04 pm »
Aliens wear panties?


  • Guest
« Reply #92 on: December 09, 2003, 01:38:07 pm »
Yes, sexy leather ones, apparently.    Actually, you gotta remember, that while aliens to us, these people are still humans, and Six is modeled after a human, so I'd say that she probably wears panties.  


  • Guest
« Reply #93 on: December 09, 2003, 01:47:26 pm »

Baltar completes a navigational program with 6's help. It's the CNP that the Cylons use to shut down the Vipers, Battlestars, and defenses.  It's installed in the entire fleet's ships.  Since there are probably not many who understand the artificial intelligence of his programming no one probably ever questioned it.  This is what the Cylons use to shut down all the fleet.  Galactica did not use this new navigational software.  It's systems were still antiquated. Adama apparently remembered the threat technology could be and refused to ever let his ship be updated.  Probably the main reason it was being retired.   6 was also allowed by Baltar to poke around the defense mainframe thus learning all the fleet defenses, deployments, orders etc.

i was just thinking along these lines. i distinctly remember hearing 6 say that she rewrote half of Baltar's algorithms. i assumed that she also put some of her own stuff in there that they used to disable the newest fighters. It also seemed that 6 would have been able to get all the information she needed about the fleet and such considering she had almost unlimited access while heleping Baltar.


  • Guest
« Reply #94 on: December 09, 2003, 05:48:08 pm »


BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.  

OMG!!  I fell out of my chair laughing at this.  


  • Guest
« Reply #95 on: December 09, 2003, 08:53:03 pm »
It'll be funny if the only BSG thread that doesn't get locked or moved is the one that degenerates into how to get around a pair of panties.    


  • Guest
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2003, 10:08:26 pm »


Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.



Sorry, I did not realize that Battlestar Galactica was part of the SFB Universe. Oh wait, it's NOT



  • Guest
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2003, 10:15:30 pm »



Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.



Sorry, I did not realize that Battlestar Galactica was part of the SFB Universe. Oh wait, it's NOT


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)


  • Guest
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2003, 10:16:35 pm »
You see... You use your teeth and....  


  • Guest
« Reply #99 on: December 09, 2003, 10:18:39 pm »
I just finished watching the second episode of BSG and in short, I am definitely developing a liking for this series. I'd give a more detailed critique of it, but I don't want to spoil it for those who may not yet have viewed it.



  • Guest
« Reply #100 on: December 10, 2003, 07:20:45 am »
For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.


  • Guest
« Reply #101 on: December 10, 2003, 11:30:32 am »

Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.  Then my wonderful Aunt threw them all out.  Half the book were in mint condition too.  I even had the Azanti (SP) Lightening module.  


  • Guest
« Reply #102 on: December 10, 2003, 12:11:37 pm »
Traveller was republished a few years ago.


  • Guest
« Reply #103 on: December 10, 2003, 12:38:48 pm »
Man I still have a Few traveller books lying around here. I might have to get back into It.

I just looked at me Bookshelf , and Saw Kafer Dawn. heh memories.



  • Guest
« Reply #104 on: December 10, 2003, 02:34:04 pm »

BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Ah...you have much to learn, Grasshopper.



  • Guest
« Reply #105 on: December 10, 2003, 03:04:30 pm »

I know the answer..."Simulated TV Sex"!


  • Guest
« Reply #106 on: December 10, 2003, 03:07:15 pm »
Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???


  • Guest
« Reply #107 on: December 10, 2003, 03:38:07 pm »

Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???  

Your powers of perception fail you, young Grasshopper.

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


  • Guest
« Reply #108 on: December 10, 2003, 03:49:00 pm »

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.


  • Guest
« Reply #109 on: December 10, 2003, 03:53:29 pm »


...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.  

I was thinking "The Itchy and Scratchy Show".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by 762 »


  • Guest
« Reply #110 on: December 10, 2003, 04:09:18 pm »


...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.  

Erm...not talking about that array of holes.  We're talking about clothing here, Kroma.  Get with the program...



  • Guest
« Reply #111 on: December 10, 2003, 06:09:37 pm »


Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???  

Your powers of perception fail you, young Grasshopper.

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.

Hole nothing! At my age if I saw that staring at me from across the room I'd be "done and snoring" before she even made to the bed!    


  • Guest
« Reply #112 on: December 11, 2003, 12:31:19 pm »
Thank you for your honesty, Antman...    


  • Guest
« Reply #113 on: December 11, 2003, 01:20:44 pm »


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.  Then my wonderful Aunt threw them all out.  Half the book were in mint condition too.  I even had the Azanti (SP) Lightening module.    

I still have all the original Traveller and MegaTraveller books, all the alien modules, the Striker combat rules and even a few rare or rarely see rules (Snapshot, Azanti High Lighting module, lots of JTAS and other assorted stuff). I ran a campaign for 7 years that had between 6 and 24 players durring HS and college (must be why it seemed to take a lot longer in college to get anything done) that ended just around the time that they came out with the poorly thought out "dark future" plot line.

Having said all that BSG made me think (and I've posted this elsewhere) more of the OSS vs propritary software arguement ... at least in the first episode. I'm hoping that maybe they will flesh this out more in future episodes (if any). As for the Starsiege angle I wouldn't know, closest I got to that game was Tribes and Tribes2 (both great games btw ... IMHO) and they didn't expound on the back story as much. Of course you could also look at Dune as a similar story line. The Balshad (sp?) Jihad was all about overthrowing the machines that had gotten out of control.

Over all I've enjoyed what I've seen ... this is not the BSG I remember but as a new, "updated", "retelling" of it it's not too bad. Some parts are annoying (sex change of Starbuck) but none detrack from the over all story that greatly. The special effects and cinamgraphic style used for the space combats more than make up for that. All in all a good ride.



  • Guest
« Reply #114 on: December 11, 2003, 03:16:26 pm »
 I've been looking for ages trying to find out if and when its going to be shown here in Australia, however I've had little success, can anyone help me out a bit please, otherwise I guess I'll just have to miss out on this show.


  • Guest
« Reply #115 on: December 13, 2003, 01:16:37 am »
Well, If anyone was watching, when blondie and balter were making out I believe the underwear was the second thing to go, so the issue about how to get around the underwear was a mute subject.  Otherwise other than trying to hard to make them more earthlike in language and clothing I felt the story was well told.  


  • Guest
« Reply #116 on: December 14, 2003, 06:07:44 pm »

Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.    

I remember Traveller... !!!!! I even converted the USS Iowa (yeah the old BB) to Traveller standards alla "StarBlazers" and yeah I know that ship was based on the Yamato.....



  • Guest
« Reply #117 on: December 14, 2003, 06:16:30 pm »


Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    

Not when it comes to the death of babies.  TV or not.  Especially senseless death.  The statement you made kinda flashed me back to the stories you hear about mothers leaving their newborns in toilets and dumpsters.  That kind of pure selfishness is wrong on so many levels......    

For the Love God man... It was two seperate observations of the show....

1) He believed that 6 did a mercy killing of the child considering the child was about to get Nuked...

2) He belived the child was ugly....

In this case 1 + 2 do NOT = 3) The interpetation that he agree that the baby SHOULD BE killed...

And as the proud father of 5 (1 Girl and 4 Boys .. ages 18 to 4) I understood what he meant and I didn't take offence to it.

Nuff Said.....


Now I pay great homage to the great Taldren Gods so that I may not be smited down with thier god like powers!

Edit - OH I almost forgot... since when are observations a violation of the TOS? (btw I read the TOS link you gave) I am not trying to flame or cause hate and discontent.. just pointing some things out.. (goes back to his bowing)  
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 06:26:17 pm by RockoWillis »


  • Guest
« Reply #118 on: December 14, 2003, 06:20:04 pm »
I would love to see the Galactica go up against a Borg Cube!!! Hey lets make a mod of the Galactica and throw it into the game like the Scimitar!  



  • Guest
« Reply #119 on: December 14, 2003, 06:22:43 pm »

For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.  

What.... all 2 of them..... I heard there was supposed to be 6 parts.. hence the name Mini-Series... they should have just called a Two-Part Movie... I think that is what it is actually.


IKV Nemesis D7L

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« Reply #120 on: December 14, 2003, 06:43:47 pm »


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.    


I remember Traveller... !!!!! I even converted the USS Iowa (yeah the old BB) to Traveller standards alla "StarBlazers" and yeah I know that ship was based on the Yamato.....


Traveller has been released under the d20 rules system.  


  • Guest
« Reply #121 on: December 15, 2003, 11:23:29 am »

Well, If anyone was watching, when blondie and balter were making out I believe the underwear was the second thing to go, so the issue about how to get around the underwear was a mute subject.  Otherwise other than trying to hard to make them more earthlike in language and clothing I felt the story was well told.  

Which is why I told 76t00l that his powers of perception were failing him...

It was a moot point to begin with...heheh...



  • Guest
« Reply #122 on: December 15, 2003, 12:27:50 pm »
Hmm, I thought I only saw the bra come off.  

Maybe the glowing spine was distracting me! Yesh, that's it!!  


  • Guest
« Reply #123 on: December 15, 2003, 02:42:20 pm »


For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.  

What.... all 2 of them..... I heard there was supposed to be 6 parts.. hence the name Mini-Series... they should have just called a Two-Part Movie... I think that is what it is actually.


When I posted that I thought it was 3 2 hour movies because it was on Mon, Tues and Wed. Wed turned out to be re-runs.


  • Guest
« Reply #124 on: December 09, 2003, 06:06:17 am »
Hopefully without kicking over an anthill, your thoughts on BSG?

I liked it. Has a nice feel; other than "spin up the FTL drives" it seems believable. Like the live action view-point and quietness of space shots ala B5.

Just wish I'd remembered to set the capture card to get the whole eposide.  


  • Guest
« Reply #125 on: December 09, 2003, 06:42:06 am »
Your kidding, right?  I tried to watch last night without letting any critics cloud my judgement (critics and myself don't hardly ever agree) but what was on last night was pure drivel.  Looked to me like every human on the show was on a steady diet of viagra and thorizine.  Heck, the first 30 min was devoted to "who's banging who" and to "how strange we are".  I could go on but this isn't the Hot and Spicy forum and I don't want to get into trouble.


  • Guest
« Reply #126 on: December 09, 2003, 07:27:39 am »
I watched the first episode last night and overall I like it, but a few things stuck out in my mind:

1) The ton and a half of references to the original series bothered me because if this was supposed to be a "reimagining" why bother referencing the original at all? In my opinion, it cluttered things up with irrelevent information.

2) There were too many of those far and away moving shots of the fighters. To me, it did more to overemphasize that these were simply models than "actual" fighters moving through Space. I think they could have been selective with their use.

3) The Baby Scene. That did nothing to advance the plot or advance the idea that Number 6 was evil. I had to turn away from the screen for a few seconds.

4) The Uniforms. The uniforms, while very stylish, kept reminding me a little too much of Babylon 5.

5) The premise of being Low-Tech. The Cylons of this fictional universe were well known to be capable of infiltrating advanced electronic systems. Why didn't the lessons of their Cylon War carry over into the post war world?

Like I said above, I did like the new BSG, but I think they were trying to have it both ways. They wanted to be "original" yet wanted to rope in the fans of the original series but in the process came up quite a bit short.

So far, I give the new BSG a C+, which is subject to change.



  • Guest
« Reply #127 on: December 09, 2003, 08:10:52 am »
I caught it, thanks to Dave Ferrel and others bringing it to my attention with the boycott attempt (ditto the Reagan movie)  

It was entertaining, I guess. The whole "who's banging whom" thing was kinda dopey, but the spaceships were cool and the cylon chick was hot. I'll probably pass on the rest of the series.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #128 on: December 09, 2003, 08:11:45 am »

I thought it was a fantastic show.  I enjoyed it completely.  

I understand that there are purists, waxing poetic about the old show.  I understand they won't like this.  But I am not one of them and so --unhindered by bias --I was able to enjoy myself.  

I agree with the comments about the  "baby scene".  There were much easier, and less offensive, ways of showing that #6 was an amoral entity.  That was a bad scene in an otherwise wonderful show and one that I wish would have been left out because it disturbed me both at it's inherant repugnance as well as it's uselessness as an over-the-top plot device.  

I didn't mind the references to the old show, in fact, for me it sort of added to it and made me smile when I saw thing like a drawing of the old Cylon Centurion.

I was very skeptical about the "reality show" style in the special effects when I heard about it, but once I saw them I was really impressed.  It worked, and although it didn't look as 'real' as the producers were trying to say, nonetheless I still thought it was good.   The battle music was very well done.

The acting was pretty good, and in particular that of Adama.  I did not care for Apollo, that performance was pretty flat.  And the new Starbuck tries too hard.  I thought that the new President's performance was superb and utterly believable.

(Side note: I loved when the PR guy gets Apollo up to meet her, hoping he will usurp her authority.  Then Apollo watches her barking orders and getting the job done and just tells the guy "Looks like the lady is in charge...")

It was well written, well paced and for the most part well acted.  

And now, I must blaspheme:  It was a better show than the original, in nearly every way.  Period.  (Personally, I liked the original Apollo actor better than the new one, but that's about the only thing I can think of that I liked better from the original show).  

Man, I hope this becomes a new series.  

Oh, and as a Kzinti at heart, I love the excellent use of drones in the show!

My humble US$0.02,



  • Guest
« Reply #129 on: December 09, 2003, 08:17:57 am »
Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles



  • Guest
« Reply #130 on: December 09, 2003, 08:23:55 am »

I agree with the comments about the "baby scene". There were much easier, and less offensive, ways of showing that #6 was an amoral entity. That was a bad scene in an otherwise wonderful show and one that I wish would have been left out because it disturbed me both at it's inherant repugnance as well as it's uselessness as an over-the-top plot device.

Actually, I thought it might be deeper than that. Number 6 mentioned that the baby would not have to cry for much longer meaning that nuclear armageddon was near.  So, she might have considered it a mercy killing in her own twisted way.

It was interesting to see Simon Fraser University on screen for that shot anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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« Reply #131 on: December 09, 2003, 08:33:06 am »
I wasn't gonna watch it, but with the late night broadcast my resolve weakened.

Overall I liked it. For a pilot espisode it was well done. Some fine performances by some talented actors. Great production values.

My only major nit was the homage to Alien--all those gaping mouths, hissing, and darting tongues. Personally, I don't need the anime-type close-up of a kiss.

I too found the baby scene quite disturbing--but I appluad the story tellers for that scene. It was effective while at the same time introducing an element of internal conflict for the bad guy.

Over all this episode stood on its own...and well, I think it left in the dust the original that spawned it. (Sorry Dave, but I think you should take a look.)



  • Guest
« Reply #132 on: December 09, 2003, 08:45:19 am »
Wel, from the tone of the responses so far I can see that the level of requirements for good storytelling have gone WAY downhill for most people.  Must be all of that fine "reality TV".  I've seen better drama at a pizza joint.  I guess we see why sci fi is a dying art.  If what was shown last night was considered good to great then I shudder to think what the new definition of "bad" is.  


  • Guest
« Reply #133 on: December 09, 2003, 08:51:04 am »
I took the baby killing as a mercy thing too. Besides, it was one ugly baby.  


  • Guest
« Reply #134 on: December 09, 2003, 09:01:51 am »

I took the baby killing as a mercy thing too. Besides, it was one ugly baby.  

Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please take the time to read our TOS at http://forums.taldren.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=185672&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 09:23:46 am by Toasty0 »


  • Guest
« Reply #135 on: December 09, 2003, 09:13:34 am »
Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    


  • Guest
« Reply #136 on: December 09, 2003, 09:40:37 am »

Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    

Not when it comes to the death of babies.  TV or not.  Especially senseless death.  The statement you made kinda flashed me back to the stories you hear about mothers leaving their newborns in toilets and dumpsters.  That kind of pure selfishness is wrong on so many levels......  


  • Guest
« Reply #137 on: December 09, 2003, 09:44:03 am »


5) The premise of being Low-Tech. The Cylons of this fictional universe were well known to be capable of infiltrating advanced electronic systems. Why didn't the lessons of their Cylon War carry over into the post war world?


I replied in the thread in the Hot & Spicy forum but I'll reply to this. It would seem logical to stay away from high tech if you knew your enemy could use it against you. But remember it's been 40 years since any cylons at all have been seen so they may have come to the conclusion that the cylons don't exist anymore except for Adama who was adament about keeping the Galactica low tech.


  • Guest
« Reply #138 on: December 09, 2003, 10:04:51 am »
I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
« Reply #139 on: December 09, 2003, 10:13:45 am »

Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.




  • Guest
« Reply #140 on: December 09, 2003, 10:15:14 am »
How long did Kevin Mitnik run around the Ubnited States with the access he gained.

Captain Quirk simply called up the access codes to the Reliant when he disabled Khan's controls.

How much money did it cost to correct the blaster and slammer viruses damage?

So the Cylons gained complete access to the database $_it happens sometimes.

Only thing I didn't really like character wise last night was the starbuck character. It just didn't work for me. Other than that I enjoyed the 2 hours I spent watching the show. Not bad for a Monday night.  


  • Guest
« Reply #141 on: December 09, 2003, 10:22:34 am »
I am not sure what to make of BSG yet.  I found it kind of slow moving; that is what sticks out most in my mind, other than two things:  I didn't like Baltar and Captain Apollo was not the heroic doer he was in the TV series.

I tend to be super critical, however.  I taped it, watched it again, and liked it better the second time, and will tape and watch the second episode twice more.

Why did they make it?  Is there even a chance to turn it into a series.

Oh, I did not like Starbuck, but I hope she will turn into more of a star tonight.



  • Guest
« Reply #142 on: December 09, 2003, 10:31:15 am »

I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Nope not testy at all, was just making an observation. You do bring up some very good points, maybe the writers as usual don't think things through as much


  • Guest
« Reply #143 on: December 09, 2003, 11:04:20 am »


I was talking about specific precautions such as firewalls, rotating security passcodes, things that would be more than obvious to the Colonials yet there was no evidence of this in the episode. Yes, Baltar and Number 6 made references to unencumbered access to the Defense Mainframe, but unless the Colonial military was incredibly incompetent, the breaches in security would have been found and compensated for.

Your post seems a little testy there, Al, is everything okay? Remember this isn't Hot and Spicy, but Cool and Refreshing.



Nope not testy at all, was just making an observation. You do bring up some very good points, maybe the writers as usual don't think things through as much  

My take on the security issue is that the Cylons aren't hacking into the Colonial systems but just have the upper hand in the electronic battle.  6 had access to databases, specs, deployments. That would give a hell of an advantage as to where, what, and how to attack for the most shock effect. I caught reference to a fleet chatter message early in the assault which indicates 1/4 of the fleet is destroyed but fighting back. If the Cyclons had hacked control of the fleet wouldn't they have caused more damage simply by commanding ships to self-destruct or crash into planets? The scene where the two Cylon ships take out a whole squadron implies not a computer takeover but a quick ECM hammering that left the squadron no time to react and reset. The follow-on scene were the pursued Cyclon flips and tries to mess with Starbucks Viper would indicate that. A modern jet fighter hammering a P-51 with ECM wouldn't do much either.  


  • Guest
« Reply #144 on: December 09, 2003, 12:09:18 pm »
Okay, nevermind...  
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 03:12:27 pm by IntgrSpin »


  • Guest
« Reply #145 on: December 09, 2003, 12:14:24 pm »
Boys, let's bahave ourselves.



  • Guest
« Reply #146 on: December 09, 2003, 12:48:05 pm »
I thought the show was great sci-fi.  Those who are so closed minded owe it to themselves to at least take a look at the pilot and then judge it.  I see it as a new show retelling an old story.  It's better than the original despite it's few downsides.

The sex scene was a bit much for a prime time show but I think it was showing how Baltar falls from grace.  He's weak like most men when it comes to a sexy woman.  She's obviously cultivating him for later otherwise she would have had what she needed and killed him or just let him die on the planet.  His getting on SHARON's ship was arranged.  I think we will see him get pretty evil later on if the show takes off as a series.

The reason the people developed technology despite the ban on it long ago was many felt the ban was outdated and hindering progress.  Many problems needed to be solved and could be done through technology.   The Cylons hadn't been around for 40 years.  You know how corporations and governments work.  If there is no threat then they can not justify something that is either costly or a hindrance to progress.  In the name of progress and money we need to move on.  That's what we were seeing in Baltar's TV interview.  

Baltar completes a navigational program with 6's help. It's the CNP that the Cylons use to shut down the Vipers, Battlestars, and defenses.  It's installed in the entire fleet's ships.  Since there are probably not many who understand the artificial intelligence of his programming no one probably ever questioned it.  This is what the Cylons use to shut down all the fleet.  Galactica did not use this new navigational software.  It's systems were still antiquated. Adama apparently remembered the threat technology could be and refused to ever let his ship be updated.  Probably the main reason it was being retired.   6 was also allowed by Baltar to poke around the defense mainframe thus learning all the fleet defenses, deployments, orders etc.

I'll definitely be watching again tonight.  There are already rumors that the execs have given a go for a series.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


  • Guest
« Reply #147 on: December 09, 2003, 12:59:53 pm »
BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.


  • Guest
« Reply #148 on: December 09, 2003, 01:04:02 pm »
You just move the little strip of fabric... err, I've already been warned to behave    


  • Guest
« Reply #149 on: December 09, 2003, 01:13:56 pm »

BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.


  • Guest
« Reply #150 on: December 09, 2003, 01:21:22 pm »
was i the only viewer who heard warning bells going off as the new "reimagining" of the Cylon menace started to unfold?

ahem...Earthsiege? Starsiege anyone?

if you had read the rather extensive backstory that Dynamix studios tried to create for those games, you'd see rather significant similarities.

machines that were originally used to help mankind but then rebelled, attempting to destroy their creators.

a long running war between man and machines.

fear of technology and the intentional "dumbing down" of certain technologies.

pilotless enemy craft.

hmmm......i'm going to dig out my Starsiege reference stuff again, but i assure those of you not familiar with it that the storylines are eerily similar.  


  • Guest
« Reply #151 on: December 09, 2003, 01:25:50 pm »


BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.  

In hot pants??  


  • Guest
« Reply #152 on: December 09, 2003, 01:26:39 pm »

 BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Baltar removed her undies.  The was just wearing the skirt.  


  • Guest
« Reply #153 on: December 09, 2003, 01:29:04 pm »
Aliens wear panties?


  • Guest
« Reply #154 on: December 09, 2003, 01:38:07 pm »
Yes, sexy leather ones, apparently.    Actually, you gotta remember, that while aliens to us, these people are still humans, and Six is modeled after a human, so I'd say that she probably wears panties.  


  • Guest
« Reply #155 on: December 09, 2003, 01:47:26 pm »

Baltar completes a navigational program with 6's help. It's the CNP that the Cylons use to shut down the Vipers, Battlestars, and defenses.  It's installed in the entire fleet's ships.  Since there are probably not many who understand the artificial intelligence of his programming no one probably ever questioned it.  This is what the Cylons use to shut down all the fleet.  Galactica did not use this new navigational software.  It's systems were still antiquated. Adama apparently remembered the threat technology could be and refused to ever let his ship be updated.  Probably the main reason it was being retired.   6 was also allowed by Baltar to poke around the defense mainframe thus learning all the fleet defenses, deployments, orders etc.

i was just thinking along these lines. i distinctly remember hearing 6 say that she rewrote half of Baltar's algorithms. i assumed that she also put some of her own stuff in there that they used to disable the newest fighters. It also seemed that 6 would have been able to get all the information she needed about the fleet and such considering she had almost unlimited access while heleping Baltar.


  • Guest
« Reply #156 on: December 09, 2003, 05:48:08 pm »


BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Someday you'll learn that there are easy ways of getting around that.  

OMG!!  I fell out of my chair laughing at this.  


  • Guest
« Reply #157 on: December 09, 2003, 08:53:03 pm »
It'll be funny if the only BSG thread that doesn't get locked or moved is the one that degenerates into how to get around a pair of panties.    


  • Guest
« Reply #158 on: December 09, 2003, 10:08:26 pm »


Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.



Sorry, I did not realize that Battlestar Galactica was part of the SFB Universe. Oh wait, it's NOT



  • Guest
« Reply #159 on: December 09, 2003, 10:15:30 pm »



Those weren't drones, Scott. They were missiles


Ah, forget Taldren revisionist history.  They were named KZINTI and not MIRAK and they fired DRONES and not MISSLES.



Sorry, I did not realize that Battlestar Galactica was part of the SFB Universe. Oh wait, it's NOT


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)


  • Guest
« Reply #160 on: December 09, 2003, 10:16:35 pm »
You see... You use your teeth and....  


  • Guest
« Reply #161 on: December 09, 2003, 10:18:39 pm »
I just finished watching the second episode of BSG and in short, I am definitely developing a liking for this series. I'd give a more detailed critique of it, but I don't want to spoil it for those who may not yet have viewed it.



  • Guest
« Reply #162 on: December 10, 2003, 07:20:45 am »
For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.


  • Guest
« Reply #163 on: December 10, 2003, 11:30:32 am »

Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.  Then my wonderful Aunt threw them all out.  Half the book were in mint condition too.  I even had the Azanti (SP) Lightening module.  


  • Guest
« Reply #164 on: December 10, 2003, 12:11:37 pm »
Traveller was republished a few years ago.


  • Guest
« Reply #165 on: December 10, 2003, 12:38:48 pm »
Man I still have a Few traveller books lying around here. I might have to get back into It.

I just looked at me Bookshelf , and Saw Kafer Dawn. heh memories.



  • Guest
« Reply #166 on: December 10, 2003, 02:34:04 pm »

BTW if anybody saw a sex scene I'd like to know when. Unless Blondie was wearing crotchless undies I don't see how it could have happened.  

Ah...you have much to learn, Grasshopper.



  • Guest
« Reply #167 on: December 10, 2003, 03:04:30 pm »

I know the answer..."Simulated TV Sex"!


  • Guest
« Reply #168 on: December 10, 2003, 03:07:15 pm »
Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???


  • Guest
« Reply #169 on: December 10, 2003, 03:38:07 pm »

Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???  

Your powers of perception fail you, young Grasshopper.

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


  • Guest
« Reply #170 on: December 10, 2003, 03:49:00 pm »

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.


  • Guest
« Reply #171 on: December 10, 2003, 03:53:29 pm »


...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.  

I was thinking "The Itchy and Scratchy Show".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by 762 »


  • Guest
« Reply #172 on: December 10, 2003, 04:09:18 pm »


...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.


Well there better be or your talking "Crying Game" here.  

Erm...not talking about that array of holes.  We're talking about clothing here, Kroma.  Get with the program...



  • Guest
« Reply #173 on: December 10, 2003, 06:09:37 pm »


Dude, THIS is what she was wearing:


Now I have just one question: hole or no hole???  

Your powers of perception fail you, young Grasshopper.

...and there need not be a hole, though one were certainly simplify things a tad.

Hole nothing! At my age if I saw that staring at me from across the room I'd be "done and snoring" before she even made to the bed!    


  • Guest
« Reply #174 on: December 11, 2003, 12:31:19 pm »
Thank you for your honesty, Antman...    


  • Guest
« Reply #175 on: December 11, 2003, 01:20:44 pm »


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.  Then my wonderful Aunt threw them all out.  Half the book were in mint condition too.  I even had the Azanti (SP) Lightening module.    

I still have all the original Traveller and MegaTraveller books, all the alien modules, the Striker combat rules and even a few rare or rarely see rules (Snapshot, Azanti High Lighting module, lots of JTAS and other assorted stuff). I ran a campaign for 7 years that had between 6 and 24 players durring HS and college (must be why it seemed to take a lot longer in college to get anything done) that ended just around the time that they came out with the poorly thought out "dark future" plot line.

Having said all that BSG made me think (and I've posted this elsewhere) more of the OSS vs propritary software arguement ... at least in the first episode. I'm hoping that maybe they will flesh this out more in future episodes (if any). As for the Starsiege angle I wouldn't know, closest I got to that game was Tribes and Tribes2 (both great games btw ... IMHO) and they didn't expound on the back story as much. Of course you could also look at Dune as a similar story line. The Balshad (sp?) Jihad was all about overthrowing the machines that had gotten out of control.

Over all I've enjoyed what I've seen ... this is not the BSG I remember but as a new, "updated", "retelling" of it it's not too bad. Some parts are annoying (sex change of Starbuck) but none detrack from the over all story that greatly. The special effects and cinamgraphic style used for the space combats more than make up for that. All in all a good ride.



  • Guest
« Reply #176 on: December 11, 2003, 03:16:26 pm »
 I've been looking for ages trying to find out if and when its going to be shown here in Australia, however I've had little success, can anyone help me out a bit please, otherwise I guess I'll just have to miss out on this show.


  • Guest
« Reply #177 on: December 13, 2003, 01:16:37 am »
Well, If anyone was watching, when blondie and balter were making out I believe the underwear was the second thing to go, so the issue about how to get around the underwear was a mute subject.  Otherwise other than trying to hard to make them more earthlike in language and clothing I felt the story was well told.  


  • Guest
« Reply #178 on: December 14, 2003, 06:07:44 pm »

Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.    

I remember Traveller... !!!!! I even converted the USS Iowa (yeah the old BB) to Traveller standards alla "StarBlazers" and yeah I know that ship was based on the Yamato.....



  • Guest
« Reply #179 on: December 14, 2003, 06:16:30 pm »


Hmmm, I'd have thought someone who calls himself "starwolf" would have a sense of humor. Okey-dokey.    

Not when it comes to the death of babies.  TV or not.  Especially senseless death.  The statement you made kinda flashed me back to the stories you hear about mothers leaving their newborns in toilets and dumpsters.  That kind of pure selfishness is wrong on so many levels......    

For the Love God man... It was two seperate observations of the show....

1) He believed that 6 did a mercy killing of the child considering the child was about to get Nuked...

2) He belived the child was ugly....

In this case 1 + 2 do NOT = 3) The interpetation that he agree that the baby SHOULD BE killed...

And as the proud father of 5 (1 Girl and 4 Boys .. ages 18 to 4) I understood what he meant and I didn't take offence to it.

Nuff Said.....


Now I pay great homage to the great Taldren Gods so that I may not be smited down with thier god like powers!

Edit - OH I almost forgot... since when are observations a violation of the TOS? (btw I read the TOS link you gave) I am not trying to flame or cause hate and discontent.. just pointing some things out.. (goes back to his bowing)  
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 06:26:17 pm by RockoWillis »


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« Reply #180 on: December 14, 2003, 06:20:04 pm »
I would love to see the Galactica go up against a Borg Cube!!! Hey lets make a mod of the Galactica and throw it into the game like the Scimitar!  



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« Reply #181 on: December 14, 2003, 06:22:43 pm »

For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.  

What.... all 2 of them..... I heard there was supposed to be 6 parts.. hence the name Mini-Series... they should have just called a Two-Part Movie... I think that is what it is actually.


IKV Nemesis D7L

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« Reply #182 on: December 14, 2003, 06:43:47 pm »


Actually to me it's starting to feel more like the Traveller universe. (RPG Sci-Fi game by GDW)  

I didn't think anyone else even remembered Traveller.  Used to have the COMPLETE set including the Striker miniature rules set.    


I remember Traveller... !!!!! I even converted the USS Iowa (yeah the old BB) to Traveller standards alla "StarBlazers" and yeah I know that ship was based on the Yamato.....


Traveller has been released under the d20 rules system.  


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« Reply #183 on: December 15, 2003, 11:23:29 am »

Well, If anyone was watching, when blondie and balter were making out I believe the underwear was the second thing to go, so the issue about how to get around the underwear was a mute subject.  Otherwise other than trying to hard to make them more earthlike in language and clothing I felt the story was well told.  

Which is why I told 76t00l that his powers of perception were failing him...

It was a moot point to begin with...heheh...



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« Reply #184 on: December 15, 2003, 12:27:50 pm »
Hmm, I thought I only saw the bra come off.  

Maybe the glowing spine was distracting me! Yesh, that's it!!  


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« Reply #185 on: December 15, 2003, 02:42:20 pm »


For any that have missed or will miss the episodes they are replaying all of them Sunday.  

What.... all 2 of them..... I heard there was supposed to be 6 parts.. hence the name Mini-Series... they should have just called a Two-Part Movie... I think that is what it is actually.


When I posted that I thought it was 3 2 hour movies because it was on Mon, Tues and Wed. Wed turned out to be re-runs.

